Would you pay higher taxes to refurbish Legion Field?

1 Comment

  • Bob Monty - 15 years ago

    Someone (moi) has a great plan that has been largely ignored by the Kay Administration. The only possible reason it hasn't been explored is that they didn't think of it first. Ever notice that about thickheaded pols who would rather torpedo an idea than share the spotlight with an original thinker?

    For example: go to the town Website and look for the link to the Weymouth WWII Memorial link. If it weren't for the honesty of the Eagle Scout involved, the originator - the person who compiled an almost 3600-name database over the course of a summer copying the names from the memorial wall at the Amphitheater - would never be known.

    It's not that the originator needs recognition; he and many others know who did the real work. It's that the ''leaders'' of this town are a bunch of spiteful, self-serving and myopic mental midgets.

    I'm being kind here - don't make me tell you how I really feel.

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