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How will GM emerge from bankruptcy protection?


  • Mikal - 15 years ago

    Enough of the free tax payers dollars... In my eyes, GM is a failed business. Businesses fail everyday, why are they not all given bail-outs?
    And, isn't it ironic that GM could easily stand for Government Money?

  • Gene Rayburn - 15 years ago

    No strike clause for the future? Is your business still operating well in the 19th Century? The last I heard "captains of industry" were wiped out by labour laws.

    Maybe you'd like some labourers to help build your pyramid

  • Mars - 15 years ago

    Come on now!!! When will all these bailouts stop!!! They will go under anyhow--there go our tax dollars--wasted!!! the only way I would sign a deal like that is-- with a "no strike" clause for the future"--haven't heard that in there--but as long as the unions can do wha t they want-- we'll neve get ahead!

  • Todd Hagar - 15 years ago

    GM as we know it is in a Black Hole. The money sucking effect of this black hole will consume all that stands in it's wake. Government money - gone. Investors - gone. Pensions - gone. Employee's left at the fence watching the wrecking ball - gone. They're 10 years too late. Free trade was the spark of the mass implosion. GM has set itself up for this to happen. Now with their offshore wealth and foreign investment - GM will soon be an imported product into this country. We'd better start learning Chinese and Russian now. Keep ahead of the curve.

  • Kevin Lafayette - 15 years ago

    I really do not understand how closing dealerships helps people into GMs and Chryslers long term. If they close the Chevy dealer closest to you, does that not make it that much easier to get into a Ford or Honda?

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