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Which racing sim will be the best? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 516,796

  • william - 13 years ago

    All the fan boys, retards, and dickheads that voted for forza forgot when forza 1 and 2 came out they where both out after gt4 so really gt5 wins hands down

  • tablet laptop - 14 years ago

    Which racing sim will be best

  • Trevor - 14 years ago

    I have both an Xbox and a PS3 and I have to say I prefer the GT series, they have been around longer and they have a more realistic physics engine than Forza. GT's problem is they spend too much time on making the game and the people who have had a soft spot for them get bored and only the hard core enthusiasts are left. But, other than that the graphics of GT are far more superior than Forza's. Forza has a better customization tool than GT by far but that doesn't really add to the gameplay. Forza beats the long waiting times of GT by rushing at the end to achieve a deadline. the outcome of this method is inconsistency of graphics and glitches that are hard to patch because they derive deep down in the games programing. I noticed some cars looked so well done that i felt like i could reach out and touch them but some looked like they were done on paint in Forza. You can also go to Youtube and witness many semi-humorous glitches that can't be patched but, are annoying while you are actually doing a race such as the bouncing car or on impact you fly 150ft in the air. Forza has damage but GT has announced they too would have damage which will not be done half-assed like Forza which has Need for Speed style damage where it is limited to small damage even in the biggest impacts and the effect it has on driving is very inaccurate and general. Therefore I believe GT will be a far better game.

  • Me - 14 years ago

    This is hardly a fair poll. Firstly GT isn't even out yet and secondly more people have Xboxs and will be biased.

  • jono - 14 years ago

    i love forza 3 and hate grandturismo it sucks alot andrew and i do not suck cheesey bells

  • jono - 14 years ago

    i love forza 3 and hate grandturismo it sucks alot andrew

  • jono - 14 years ago

    i like chesey bells

  • nathan - 14 years ago

    who ever likes grandtruismo 5 sucks (there mums hairy dick)

  • nathan - 14 years ago

    who ever likes grandtruismo 5 sucks

  • nathan - 14 years ago

    forza rules bitches suck it

  • :-[ - 14 years ago
    read this ( its jeremy clarkson, host of top gears review of gt4, remember he drives cars and he is not a video gamer) this is proof of gt greatness and to think, some forza guys say forza has better physics

  • moderater - 14 years ago

    I think this argumant is getting kinda silly. people r comparing forza to gt when basically forza came out of nowhere from microsoft and was made to kill gt (im not saying it can), where as now that gt sees the threat to its throne as the ultimate driving sim that forza COULD have. and all these people (the guys who like forza) r proof of forza possible threat. and the gt guys said they r at a point where they could release it but they still busy improving it. this probably means they are TRYING to make it better we are ALL unsure if it will be better except for some stubborn forza fans. another thing if theyre taking so long im pretty sure gt5 is going 2 b heaps better than gt5 prologue so i dont know why some guys r comparing forza 3 and GT5:P

    And as 4 my opinion i like gt but i dont have an xbox so i cant really say much.
    but i did play forza 3 at some shop (for a short time) and its pretty good. i really like its rewind feature thingy. it allows u 2 travel back in time whil ur racing 2 just b4 a mistake or collision so it can b avioded. but im not really moved and i coulndt notice anything much different from gt4. and im really appalled at turn 10's attempt to rig this poll and im sure forza fans who think its ok to rig it would be appalled if polyphony did the same thing (not that theyd need 2)

    P.S i ur just reading this and wondering how i got 2 play forza please read the when typed this

  • GtHD - 15 years ago

    forza cars looks toys and gran turismo cars looks real.. that is my mind

  • kyle - 15 years ago

    forza 3 will dominate gt5. I am NOT saying GT5 is going to be crap, but lets face it, forza 3 will have the best graphics we have ever seen in racing sims, complete customization on any one of your 400 different ars and MODIFICATION, something i dont think GT5 will have ( maybe they will, not sure..) and also, when i say 400 cars, GTA fanboys are probably ganna flip because of the huge number of cars in GT5, but the truth that you people cant see it that GT5 has like 10 of the same car over and over, its pathetic! sure, u can have the 94 civic, but wait, om the 93? 92?90? holy fuck ! thats so stupid, instead of putting 10 off the same car in one game, why dont they just put good cars in? or why dont you just go play forza?

  • dramaz - 15 years ago

    wtf? y use comparing gt5 with forza 2 serzly who cares about forza 2 compare forza 3

  • fjk - 15 years ago

    @graffiti...., you are the fanboy, on gt you can drift, switch off the traction controll and anti lock brakes and wholah. and i wouldnt like to customise the car except the engine slightly like adding better tyres or sumfing. and i think all those stupid customisations just look STUPID!!!!!! get nfs if you want that, becuase its better than forzas. so why get forza? well if you want to customise you can get nfs. also does forza have nascar or wrc or f1 cars? nope.
    i had an xbox(which happened to brake, "ELITE" , E74 error) and i had forza which, well id rather play gt3 which i did while i sent it to micro.

  • ha!3 - 15 years ago

    yh agree with ha! it was too nfs which i also mentioned. its too childish and seems like an inbetweener, not knowing what it really is. gt is more hardcore professional recing. id rather play gt3 than forza 2. and yes i have played F2 but with just a controller.

  • gran forismo - 15 years ago

    GT5 trailer revealed that there will be damage, OFFICIAL NASCAR and WRC. the detailed environment looked amazing and so realistic. also with the addition of the top gear track which im guessing will cause alot of competition should be fun, and the london track also looks polished to perfection. also there will be more cars(over 600 in GT5) and over 90 tracks which im guessing is similar to forza. also a track editor in gt5 will also be included.

    The FORZA 3 trailer didnt look like much of an improvement to forza 2 and just looked stupid and aimed a teenagers with the cheesy slow motion effects. I dont think it revealed much. I disliked Forza 2 becuase of the way it just was. I think you need the force feedack wheel to appreciate it however the game just seemed not for me. I hated alot of it. I liked the online auctions but i dislike the body customisation, is it trying to be Need for speed? the drifting just looked stupid in the trailer and i have to say that even NFS SHIFT looked better.

    Well the war has not started so you cannot say which is best, just which trailer looked best. I personally love GT and i recon gt5 will be the better game. even if the sales are lower.

    both these games are exclusives and expect there to be alot of defensive talk even if the game is rubbish becuase people who only own a PS3 can only get GT and people who only own an xbox 360 can get F3. Xbox 360 has more owners so expect polls to be slightly more xbox360.

  • sasa - 15 years ago

    i have a question for all of you!!!have u ever driven the M5,ferrari 599,f430,evo IX,X OR ANY SUPER CAR????BECOUSE IF YOU DO YOU WILL KNOW THAT THE GT5 IS The Greatest game ever!!!!and for the record wait first the releast of the games and then talk about them!!!im a race driver and i was driving most of the gars in the games and i know!forza is ok game but only with g25!gt5 is fan even with controlers but with g25 its like forza 1 and 2 together!sorry for my bad english

  • ha!2 - 15 years ago

    I completely agree with ha! One reason why GT doesn't want people customize the exterior is because people will make the cars look like the fast and the furious piece of sh*t. Plus, the customization in forza 1 and 2 was so lame, you can't even change the color for the brand-name stickers.
    Graffiti, I'm glad you mentioned that you are a xbot drifter, because that just shows how much you know nothing about RACING. Drifting is the poorest example of automotive racing.
    By the way, Forza has the worst cars to choose from. Each brand has crap cars, and the cars that people actually like, looks like sh*t. The only cars that looked any good were the ferrari's. And why did Forza add JGTC cars and Le Mans cars when no one in the Forza community cares about them (or even know what they are?).
    Furthermore, I couldn't feel the difference between many of the cars in Forza. Unlike GT4, I couldn't say "oh, this car feels heavy (M3) compared to this car (elise)" or "this car understeers so much (Fwd) compared to this car (Rwd)." In forza, I was like, "ummmmm, they're trying to make this car understeer, but it just feels stupid." And then, all the supercars felt like I was driving an arcade game--too easy.
    Oh, and there isn't a replay for two player races. WTF with that??!?! Plus, when you do two-player races, the cars look like cr@p. The taillights looked ridiculous. I'm sorry, but I like to play with friends at my house, and when you dumb down the 2 player races, that just kills it for me. GT has always gotten that right, part 1, 2, 3 and 4. Forza should have taken better notes when they played GT 1,2,3,and 4 (or did they not have any friends to play the 2-player split screen with?).
    Gran Turismo FTMFW.

  • ha! - 15 years ago

    dear graffiti....... Gran Turismo is not for kids. We dont need to add awful vinyls , neons, stupid mags or rice spolers. LoL the FM3 trailer with the skater/rockstar sponsor/mexican badboy was pathetic. Gran Turismo is NOT nfs underground. We care more about technical adjustments than the way the car "looks"....because thats what racing is about. We are not GT fanboys....we are RACING FANS. You drift? With what? The pad of that cheap x360 wheel? LOL you cant even use the DFGT/G25.

  • TWM_GRAFFITI_forza_driftan_FTW - 15 years ago

    im always getting forza over GT, they honestly cant be judged in the same category, you cant customize anything on gt (cosmetically) and that right there wins it for me, i want a car that looks as good as it runs, and for you GT fanboys, dont be jealous that we have a (drifting) community that is tighter then anything you'll have hahahah

  • zack - 15 years ago

    wow nice try you forza players out there but i have to say that gt5 looks way better to me im deff getting gt5 its had the market for years and years to come its funny gt5p looks better than forza 3 lol

  • haha - 15 years ago

    considering what? Random voters? One forum? LOL cry some know jackshit about the internet

  • haha - 15 years ago

    wooo we got a lil 360 fanboy!

  • SonyTard Antagonizer - 15 years ago

    BTW, According to this page, FM3 won :-O

  • SonyTard Antagonizer - 15 years ago

    Considering that all of the votes for FM3 came from one site, and only from Forza fans, we can be proud of the results...It took random voters from every Sonytard site on the net to keep up with us. Suck it and go dream about wall riding and corner cutting in your chav chariot Escudo, posers ;)

  • anonymous - 15 years ago

    Wow! The makers of Forza tried to cheat by bribing users to vote for them by giving them a free gift and yet they still lost!

  • e - 15 years ago

    because the poll is still going on somewhere else, here (it's the link you see above the first comment of this page)

  • e - 15 years ago

    Editor's note: After numerous complaints of cheating and in-game content being offered as payment for votes, I've decided to close the poll. Way to ruin the fun for the rest of us, guys.


  • THE CELL - 15 years ago

    why are the votes still going up if the poll is closed ?, every time i come back it gets higher, wtf is going on,

  • BRIBERY IS BAD - 15 years ago

    to theo and all those that voted for forza for a car. Its pretty sad that Forza had to offer a car as a bribe to get people to vote for that game. GT is way better and the numbers show it, and no bribe was given to vote for GT. Even with forzas bribe, they are way behind. GT is best!

  • Theo - 15 years ago

    Turn10 offers a free car if you vote for Forza3.

  • Matt - 15 years ago

    In case you didn't know, i was joking :P

    GT is miles better then Forza, i want to see if anybody would fall for it lol

    We all know GT is the KING !!

  • Rickd - 15 years ago

    Turn 10 is pathetic. They took a fall now just after the proud and offensive statements.

  • Matt - 15 years ago

    OMG peope still think GT5 is realistic? It is nothing but a pretty face. Forza beats it down in every major category other than graphics (and apart from some features like WRC which will be half arsed anyway) and then pc sims beat forza down in every category except graphics as things like rfactor have mods for better sound, HDR plugins etc.

    Forza is pulling the graphics lead back a fair bit with FM3, so Forza is the best console all rounder, but for pure realism pc sims can't be beaten.

  • [B]T10 Arrogance? [/B] - 15 years ago

    T10 Arrogance?

    Have you heard?
    Long ago, Sony brag about They make the best game ever.
    "Next-gen games comes when we say so" -Sony
    Epic producer reply "Bullshit"

    I got prove if you want,
    it's on EGM magazine.

  • XBOXcockSUCKER - 15 years ago

    Alright GT guys you win. I know xbox sucks and we try to take over the market but the truth is we are like windows, we always have problems. Microsoft and T10 is just not on the edge enough to compete with a company like POLYPHONY DIGITAL. Truth is Forza will probably be outsold by GT5 and Xbox's will probably be outsold when GT5 comes out. Oh well, just like the computers, we give you shit to begin with and leave you with shit in the end. Sony is such a great company, they even make entertainment items, microsoft... well everyone knows. Clearly the poll shows that we got our ass whooped by 2% which doesn't include the mature GT players who overlooked this like the bullshit it is. Oh yea, FUCK CNET.COM PUNK BITCHES, YOUR WEBSITE SUCKS, DOWNLOADS DONT WORK, YOU GUYS ARE KIND OF LIKE MICROSOFT YOU BUNCH DICK SUCKIN PANZEE INBRED BITCHES. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  • Emmanuel - 15 years ago

    WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. Turn10 arrogance at E3 conference and now the bribing shit. I'm not surprised GT5 got 52% and the poll is closed. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. No more no less.

  • a6m5 - 15 years ago

    Both are considered the best racing game for its own console. Who gives which game won the dumb poll. Having said that, being a Gran Turismo fanboy from the day one, I sure am glad it won. Just kidding(about it winning, not about being a fanboy).

    I have both PS3 and X360, but I have time to play just one racing game. I'm gonna stick with GT again, this round. Although I've never played any of the Forza games, I really don't think you can go wrong with that franchise, either.

  • Anonymous - 15 years ago

    What bribe?
    It's a free Car for Forza 2 player,
    People who dont play Forza wont get one. GT5 fans that is.
    Anyway, this poll is a joke,
    Yesterday I get to vote 30 times, not lying, I stop after there is some error.
    So yeah, I wonder how the number of votes changed suddenly.
    The bribe incident was post at all PS3 fans site, that attract all PS3 fanboys and owner to vote for GT5, nevertheless the situation, they dont own GT5:p but still go and vote, that's laughable.

    Fanboys, lets just see which is better.

  • Microshaft3fixMe - 15 years ago

    2,000+ DLC handed out for free and they still lose... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Forza just got owned. Bury your heads Microshafts. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! !HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Pathetic. Forza Arcade ricer just can't compete with the GT racing simulator.

  • OldSchool1987 - 15 years ago

    haha GT5 winnin! and even with that stupid bribe 2 sway sum idiots

  • THE CELL - 15 years ago

    cheisadichheah : lmao !!!! omg lmao true, this is the funniest sh!t in gaming history another swift move by Micro sh!t, omg lmao this is killing me of laughter, this is a GAMEINFORMER EXCLUSIVE : Turn 10 's swisft move gets them pwnd Forza community enjoy their new hotwheel . lmao omg what a joke lol.

  • VeceTTi - 15 years ago

    Unicorn $)))))
    giv,em two

  • Mark H - 15 years ago

    Turn 10 should be totaly ashamed and have lost a little credibility by this , Pathetic attempt at bribery, CNET gives FORZA 89% " what ? what do you mean we got caught ? and GT won?"

    Oh they didnt really mean it now, Soz guys back tracking don't work

    Epic Fail and well deserved.

  • chamber - 15 years ago

    I have no idea whats better since both are not being sold yet but i've been playing GT since high school so i would go with it. I am also turned of by the seeming arrogance of turn 10.

  • Gt4life - 15 years ago

    WOW the sad thing about this is,Turn 10 had to plaster this on they're front page while no one at the GT forums even knew there was a poll and yet it still won lol

    I guess turn 10 got lucky because if they had this on the front page at the GT forms, you could pretty much add 5 - 6 k more votes to GT.

  • Cheisadickhead - 15 years ago

    I can't believe the Forza 3 dev's had to bribe users into voting for Forza 3. What a joke. What where you guys going to do? Put "The Definitive Racer of the generation, as voted by CNET readers" on the cover? Turn 10 and Microshaft should be ashamed and embarrassed for being the "The Definitive dickheads of this generation".

    How about you guys let your game do the talking instead of bribing your fans and bad mouthing the competition? You guys have very bad sportsmanship and shouldn't be in this business if you’re going to act as if you’ve just "Turned 10". I have literally seen dozens of articles of douchery of the biggest kind on Turn 10s behalf since E3, insecure much guys?

    Looks like you’re plan backfired on you guys last time I checked the poll was a 30% for GT5, now it’s 52% in GT5s favour.

  • PSN RubMyDucky - 15 years ago

    Poll closed due to Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza 3 for a chance to win a limited edition unicorn... and Gran Turismo 5 still won. PWN!

  • mrmt - 15 years ago

    Forza bribed and still lost, lmfao

  • THE CELL - 15 years ago

    EPIC WIN ! GT5

  • You - 15 years ago

    PS, i voted for GT, Forza sucks :P

  • Mobaile - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

    I am not going to buy this game new now. I will buy it used.

  • You - 15 years ago

    @ Anthnoy Like turn 10 give a flying fuck about your respect when you cant even spell your name right... ffs, retards anon is where your respect should be going... dumb fuck

  • ZBlacktt - 15 years ago

    Well, I have been a GT fan from the start. The way the game has evolved throughout the years. There is simply no need to stray. It has everything one could ever want in the ultimate driving experience. Aside from the two games here. I think the bribe issue that the developers of Forza have put out is just another indicator of how I will not buy their game. This is the Internet guys and word travels fast. Your votes are rigged by your own bribes to give player's " free gifts " to vote for your game. As if they cannot decide by themselves with their own minds? Everyone who hasn't seen their bribe thread can just search it on their own forum.

  • Che Team Forza - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • fo' shizzle ma nizzle - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • RomeRider14 - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • Gamegod2X - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • DarkLink66 - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • B3NCA - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE---- shamefull

  • ben - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----


  • Idree - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • oui - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • Senna - 15 years ago

    Forza = Racing Game. Gran Turismo = Driving Simulation. If you like crashing so much, go and play Burnout. More realistic because the cars got damaged? Go ahead and drive a wrecked car, good luck with that!.

  • Amir - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • james - 15 years ago

    I agree 100% with anthnoy

  • a bloke - 15 years ago

    Well after seeing footage, its gotta be GT5.

    Plus with the trash talking from turn 10, and how theyve rigged this poll....

    voting for GT5 doubly has to be done...

  • Anthnoy - 15 years ago

    I have played every GT and every Forza so far and i have to say GT is mile's better, there is no comparison.

    Also if its true that the guys over at the Forza forums were bribing their members, thats just sad and i think i just lost respect for Turn 10.

  • THE CELL - 15 years ago

    GT CAFE FTW, hope it comes to the US .

  • Sony4ever - 15 years ago

    gt, because forza is for fagots and xbots.

  • Black Chamber - 15 years ago

    Gran Turismo 5 will be the better game.

    Forza 3 only has 400 vehicles - Gran Turismo 5 will have 800+.

    There are more actual [and better rendered tracks] in Gran Turismo 5 and the attention to detail is far better in my opinion in the GT series - as are the graphics and physics.

    This really comes down to which one you like better, not which one is the better game.

    My vote is for Gran Turismo 5.

  • Dylan - 15 years ago

    "Riiight..." If people would only vote for the side that would win, how come Forza had quite a big lead, then people started voting for GT5? Surely at that time it was obvious Forza would win? And everyone who keeps copying and pasting that link, please stop. We get it already. 6 posts in a row that are all the same are quite useless.

  • thestig - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • EmjayX - 15 years ago

    Forza bribed and still lost, lmfao

  • Riiight... - 15 years ago

    It's not Karma, it's the simple fact that 70% of all people are incapable of original thought. Anyone with a brain knew that Forza would never win. People today love celebutants, being on the side that 'wins', and anything having to do with Japan. I am actually PRAYING that GT5 releases soon so that all of the tards can leave the Forza community to go play bumper cars and wall ride with the rest of the creatively challenged dupes, it will only make things better for the rest of us. I also find it pretty funny that the people from the GT community that post about their 'espionage' on (all the while rubbing one out and thinking how cool they are) are some of the biggest douchebag trolls on I should put their posts on and enjoy watching them be shunned...but it's honestly not worth the time.

  • EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ---

  • mckg1 - 15 years ago

    Im sorry but i have to go with GT5 just for the way it looks & the physics engine has always been better in GT game the any other racing game and i know because i have compared the physics with forza and gt before and to be honest GT makes real cars and make the video games, do the math they have more experiance in making a racing simulater then the Forza team and have much more experience. My vote goes to GT because of all the GT team has to offer in their experience in simulaters, and remember they make cars aswell lol.

  • paulie - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • turn10 cheaters - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • you - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • fuck turn10 cheaters - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • steveo - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • a - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • THE CELL - 15 years ago

    ^^^^ lol true . Now thats what i call KARMA lol , GT5 winning fair and square with class and style.

  • Pie Syrup - 15 years ago

    How sad Forza are bribing people to vote for them yet Gran Turismo is pulling ahead.

  • rafeal - 15 years ago

    where's my free car?

  • deano - 15 years ago

    Looks like Turn 10's bribery has been their downfall, they're behind GT5 now =|

  • hillbilly sam - 15 years ago

    me to!

  • F**K - 15 years ago

    Free unicorn!

  • do this poll - 15 years ago

  • Charles - 15 years ago

    I received a free Unicorn from for voting on Forza 3!

    Apparently, they really care about being first in this seemingly irrelevant (both games aren't even out yet) vote.

    It's kind of funny, actually. I told the mod on forazamotorsport's forum that I voted for Forza 3, when I actually voted for Gran Turismo 5....needless to say, I still received the Unicorn, lol.

    It's so sad how they felt the need to skew the results of this vote. It makes me wonder if these results will be quoted later on, after the two games are released (e.g. a quote on the box like: "Voted on CNET as better than Gran Turismo 5"), in an attempt to claim superiority.

    If my theory is true, then the Forza team are truly very insecure about their game's chances against the competition (GT5). Resorting to viral marketing is, IMO, the lowest a company (gaming or otherwise) can go without involving the mafia;)

  • AO - 15 years ago

    UPDATE: Forza Developers are offering bribes for votes on this poll!

    Just comes to show how desperate Turn 10 is and displays a lack of confidence in their product. Because of this, I personally disqualified Forza and voted for GT5. If GT5 wins this poll, I'll be LMAO for a week!

  • retardedComments - 15 years ago

    "GT is nothing more then a car collectors game, its not a simulator and was never meant to be."

    It's a car collectors game because it features more cars with accurate physics that differ between the types of cars. That is why it is a simulator. Not some unrealistic arcade racer with superglue grip.

    Try driving a car on a race track sometime, handling requires skill.

  • BMWfan545 - 15 years ago

    I prefer GT but I voted for Forza to get the free car.

  • hurcules - 15 years ago

    i dont understand why everyone is in an uproar over a poll haha who cares if they notified there community of players about it .. its the players themselves that cast the vote ... ive played the gt series since 1 but after gt4 there was a massive gap and thats where i picked up forza there both equally look great games they really should have added a both to the selection of answers and i bet it would out weigh the separate ones

  • Alan - 15 years ago

    RIGGED POLL!!!>> From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • .s - 15 years ago From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far. How is this fair? ----COPY AND PASTE----

  • This Poll is rigged - 15 years ago
    From Turn 10 Community Manager urging people to vote for Forza for a chance to win a limited edition Unicorn. Resulted in 103 Pages of people voted on this in favor of Forza so far.

    How is this fair?

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