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Should people over 65 have to retake their driver's test?

Total Votes: 949

  • Carol Block - 15 years ago

    I believe that 65 is a bit young for general retesting. Driving record or medical condition should come into play. It is easy enough for insurance companies to tack on a surcharge for certain driving offenses. It should be easy enough to notify those drivers with multiple offenses when their licenses are up for renewal and require testing. Making the number of offenses the critera should be less problematic than deciding what age is appropriate. We all do age differently.

  • Dennis Tarrant - 15 years ago

    As I approach 63 in three weeks, I find it challenging to accept that I might be a risky driver soon, but my wife and mother-in-law have been saying that or 27 years.
    People on medications that restrict driving should be reported by doctors and pharmacists at ANY age.
    I'd vote for 70 and vision tests should be done more often. The only times I've taken written tests was, 1964 in Weymouth, 1978 in Illimois and 1994 in California; driving in 1964 in Weymouth. That doesnt seem right.

  • mr - 15 years ago

    I think 65 is too young, but definitely at 75

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    It is my opinion that anyone over 75 years old should be retested. Only those over 65 and are on medication that affects their mental state or reflexes should also be tested. Unfortunately this would require coordination between the medical field and the DMV.

  • MEK - 15 years ago

    I believe the elderly need to be tested at a certain age be it 65 or 70 I'm not sure.
    I also think that drivers taking certain medications for 'chronic' conditions no matter what age should be reported to the registry. There are too many people out there that can't function properly daily in a work environment..........never mind out there on the roads driving. The physicians, pharmacy's and law enforcement should get together and do something about these serious situations. I know for a fact that there are people driving under the influence of a prescribed medication and think they are immune to DUI charges because and I quote: 'my doctor prescribed me this medication and how am I supposed to take it and continue on with my life'.

  • JHL - 15 years ago

    Testing should be done after age 70, especially if they are on medication(s). Not before.

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