DAILY POLL: Should the legislature cut funding for the Quinn Bill this year?


  • Kevin M - 15 years ago

    Hackadots is a genius !!!! The military and police are not exactly the same.... Every time thier are spending issues we want to cut the people who make our lives safer (cops and firemen)... Firefighter response times are down, In a fire who says two minutes in not a big deal... Pay the cops and firefighters the money they deserve, if it is such an easy gig, Sign up for the test yourself HACKA.... Pull over a driver and risk your life every time... My dad was a cop in NYC and I grew up hearing don't be a cop from him because he knew of all the hurdles issues, etc ... I saw we pay them more

  • Kevin M - 15 years ago

    Hackadots is a genius !!!! The military and police are not exactly the same.... Every time thier are spending issues we want to cut the people who make our lives safer (cops and firemen)... Firefighter response times are down, In a fire who says two minutes in not a big deal... Pay the cops and firefighters the money they deserve, if it is such an easy gig, Sign up for the test yourself HACKA.... Pull over a driver and risk your life every time... My dad was a cop in NYC and I grew up hearing don't be a cop from him because he knew of all the hurdles issues, etc ... I saw we pay them more

  • Brian Fleming - 15 years ago

    How many cuts are being made on Beacon Hill where constituents have paid for ($1000's in tuition), spent time (4-8 years night school), gave up pay raises and constitutional rights so that in the end they would have added income in order to spend more time with family? I would bet that there is only one group; police officers. I am well aware that we are pitted against the homeless, disabled etc. when talking about cuts, but rest assured, there are many other "hidden" monies on Beacon Hill that could be cut rather than take something away that was worked, paid and sacrificed for. I am sick and tired of the "cop bashing" that goes on with regularity in the media as well as on Beacon Hill. I thank God I am on the "downslide" of my years as a police officer. Anyone who is considering a career in law enforcement should seriously reconsider. It is simply not worth it!

  • HackaDots - 15 years ago

    I hope the public doesn't fall prey to the police scare tactics. Remember, for every guy that gets hired on a police department, there are 100 others who took the test and are waiting for that slot. Cops don't need college degrees. They need street smarts and discipline. I'll take a kid with a high school diploma and military experience any day over some guy with a masters from Anna Maria College. I work in the private sector and don't get an annual bonus for having a college drgree!

  • Tom Bolinder - 15 years ago

    If you want Mall Cops making life and Death decisions in your name, then by all means do away with Quinn. The liability is on the city or town. One law suit would pay for the Quinn Bill a thousand time over. Don't go back to the dark ages.

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