Should the FDA be able to regulate tobacco?


  • Romeo A. Blackmar - 15 years ago

    Maybe with the FDA able to regulate tobacco products we won't have the hundreds of chemicals inserted into tobacco that is currently being done. Also, the advertising of products to children could be better controlled by the government. I know that the tobacco companies promised to not advertise to kids, but let's face it, they have to continue to get kids to smoke because they are the future market for tobacco products. As long as tobacco companies continue to entice children with gimmicks and subliminal advertising we are going to continue to have the health problems generated by smoking.

  • Romeo A. Blackmar - 15 years ago

    Maybe with the FDA able to regulate tobacco products we won't have the hundreds of chemicals inserted into tobacco that is currently being done. Also, the advertising of products to children could be better controlled by the government. I know that the tobacco companies promised to not advertise to kids, but let's face it, they have to continue to get kids to smoke because they are the future market for tobacco products. As long as tobacco companies continue to entice children with gimmicks and subliminal advertising we are going to continue to have the health problems generated by smoking.

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