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Should kid musicians be allowed to play at venues that serve alcohol?

Total Votes: 821

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    cookie, who are YOU to say the "atmosphere" is wrong for the kids?

  • Carrie Bell - 15 years ago

    I am the mom of the Bell boys of BarRoom Heroes, hello is anyone listening, Bar/GRILLE, they are in the resteraunt side with patition shut seperating from the bar with friends/family/co-workers/teachers and neighbors, WEEKNIGHT, no one there but US...they donate venue, we buy food, $ goes into an establishment that wouldnt normally being making any, which then goes back into the town, enough of the ALOCOHOL issue, if we were in Eruope wouldnt even be an issue.

    Bottom line they had the legal right to be there and there civil rights were violted, you have your opinion and I have mine, that is why it is American, attourney was spoken with and they had the LEGAL right to be there so yes the big bad officer man had no right, why is ok to break the civil rights of minors, they wouldnt be given the same slack if they had done something wrong would they

    Please, plese get it thru you thick heads this is a civil rights issue, they were in the resteraunt behind a wall in another room, supervised, no child with out adult and lots of food, the first night the cook quite was so overwhelmed with food order, not the freakin bartender but the cook, we dont want them to be famous we want the to play for friends and fam, not looking for a ride anywhere, I guess have the support now of the DKM"s is the bitter sweet ending, shout and and thank you to Ken Casey and DKM's for making my boys dreams come true tonight, a little support goes a long way...
    They are down but not out, show us the way to a venue with no alcohol and food, after the money on all we are doing who has it to rent a hall and have it catered...get a grip and show some support for the youth who are keeping out of trouble...I have so many choice words going thru my mind but I do have class and our kids do to!

  • cookie - 15 years ago

    I would not have a probelm with kids playing where there is alchol but at a public bar. who knows what eles is going on I think that atmosphere is not proper for kids there ages. weddings function halls family gatherings, block parties and school yes there are different crowds that those places then at a public bar. even if they have parents there. It is not about the kids drinking and is what the kids are exposed to

  • Joe V - 15 years ago

    When are we going to wake up and lets kids be kids. Everyone has to be an adult by the age of 10!. These kids sho'ld play for kids at schools or house parties etc. When they are adults then they can go to Bars and put up with all the drunks ans half dressed females and groupies. These parents are trying to be their friends rather then their parents.

  • Robocook - 15 years ago

    These kids are great. Just as long as a responsible non-drinking chaperon is there with them, they should be allowed to play wherever they wish.

  • Tracy - 15 years ago

    These parents are not just dumping them off to play, they are there with them. At least this kids are not going around town vandelizing the area, stealing and doing other stupid things kids do when they are bored. They play in a band and they are doing something they love and keeping themselves out of trouble. They are young entrepreneur's. So they see some drunk people, big deal, what do you tell the kids growing up in Roxbury who see drive by shootings or gang beatings or worse become errand boys for the drug dealers, because they have nothing better to do with their time. "No you can't play in a bar because it is a bad enviroment"??? Sorry to have to tell you this people, but these days our own streets could be a bad enviroment.

    You should applaud the parents for taking an active role and over seeing what their kids are doing in their spare time and should applaud the children for learning at such a young age to fight for what you want in this life. So maybe when these kids do reach an age where they have to go out and work, they won't be stuck in the 9 to 5 rut, so many of us find ourselves in, wishing that maybe had we actually done something more productive as a child, we wouldn't be where we are today.

    So in closing, alcohol is served at almost every venue these days, whether it be a bar, movie theater, plane, a wedding, Disney World or Six flags, which I might add are kid friendly places. It is not a matter of where it is served it is a matter of how it is handled by the owner's of the establishment and the parents of the children and if we have responsible parties on both accounts, then their shouldn't be a problem as to these kids playing in a bar. It is only for the fact that the establishment is called a "bar", in that we see it as a problem.

    You cannot wrap your kids in a bubble, though you wish you could. They are going to be exposed to many different things, some good, some bad, which in turn teaches them how to handle things later in life. So maybe if as a parent you are their guiding them through the elements, it won't be so much of a shock later on and they will know how to handle themselves better in certain situations.

    “Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.” Roger Lewin quote

  • Hilary - 15 years ago

    I think that is crazy, yes alcohol is served everywhere! Do we ban our kids from going to restaurants and functions?? They are only playing music and trying to entertain YOU! Let them play!!!!

  • Steven - 15 years ago

    These kids are being supervised by their parents! I think it's great for these kids. There following there dreams, heaven forbids. I think it's a win-win for these kids and local business. If it was such a big deal maybe the Weymouth police officer should have gone in to watch. I've seen them play and they are good. Keep ROCKIN boys!

  • Carrie - 15 years ago

    who has the $ to rent a hall, were would the food come from? I agree with Stephanie, get off you high horse, come down and see them before you judge, see if you can go to this link and look at this face and tell me you wouldnt support them:

    H:\My Documents\Pop goes the traditional music lesson - The Boston Globe.htm

    did you ever have a dream, not just a hobby a dream...til you walk in these kids shoes and dream their dream MYOB, come down and see them before you judge them...this whol alcohol thing is out of control, means no alcohol at weddings, baseball etc...

  • Stephanie - 15 years ago

    Angie, are you in your right mind??? I've been to a show of theirs at Basta's, and there are tons of parents/family there as well as kids, and there is no way that the kids are even thinking about trying to get a drink from the bar. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those parents, and to say where's their morals, you seriously need to get off your high horse! If you were there parents, where to you suggest they play, b/c there are so many places around that they can play right????

  • Angie - 15 years ago

    What about the parents of these kids? Do they not have any principles or morals and where are they in the mix? If they can guarantee that the band members stay away from the bar at breaks and will not let the kids drink, make them responsible if they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Carrie - 15 years ago

    There is alcohol served everywhere, weddings, cookouts, Red Sox, etc. were should they play, unless a hall is donated and then were would the food come from, looks like a weeknight were a business is donating a free venue and then in return is being given business on a normally slow night which in turn is revenue back into the community, they played in resteraunt not bar, partition up seperating bar from dining area, where would they play?you wanna crush a dream, they are off the streets and making themselvs productive

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    Can you imagine if THE BEATLES were not allowed to play in a bar until they were 21..?

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Should kids that eat be allowed to eat at restaurants that serve alcohol?

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