Should the state judge all heart conditions and high blood pressure among police and firefighters to be automatically the result of pressure on their jobs?


  • health care worker - 15 years ago

    This law seems to encourage public employees to not take care of their cardiac issues. High blood pressure is rarely uncontrollable; it can be managed with exercise, diet, weight control, and when needed, medication. The same is true for heart disease. Although I applaud the good work these men and women do, this law should be changed to allow more oversite by medical doctors. I also like the idea of fitness tests for promotions which would encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors to prevent disability.

  • bopo - 15 years ago

    I've yet to see any hard working conscientious person that doesn't face great amounts of job related stress.Anyone disabled from the 'job they were hired to perform' ,who goes out, should get their salary covered ,but not for sitting home on their ass.They should be given a new choice of jobs to learn and be required to do something as opposed to nothing.Same goes for all the bleeds on the SSI breast.If after 5 years of opportunity and training,they can't reasonably produce, they should be cut off .The ship is now too top heavy to support by the few who carry it.It's a Ponzi,run by government,which can't run ANYTHING proficiently.

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