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Are you following any of the Idols on Twitter? (Poll Closed)

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  • Storm - 6 years ago

    All is forgiven. After all is said and done, .. love is all there is, and all there is to know. ~~~

    I love you M., and that's forever. You're in my bloodstream too ~~~ I miss you.

  • imfao - 11 years ago

    I believe you tlc and SHE IS a pathological liar! She is calling you a snoop when she was and probably still is snooping on site's that Ellery and M. were posting on to one another. She was following M. everywhere when he didn't want anything to do with her. He had all these YOUNG beautiful girls in his life so what made her think that he wanted an OLD hag. He never did love her, even though she thought he did, but just felt sorry for her because she is a lunatic. You should be happy that you aren't friends with her anymore because what she did to you wasn't a cherished friendship whatsoever. She used you just to cover up all her lies.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    M. I got an email from Twitter telling me that you are requesting to follow me and I went to accept it but it doesn't show anything. Can you try it again.... thanx.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Oh please... That is such a lie that I found you both posting... That is such bull. Stop trying to cover yourself from all the years of lies already. And yes I have changed just not for you cause you really get under my skin. I don't want to talk to you so leave me alone!!!

  • Storm - 11 years ago

    You seem to be forgetting how your spying on M and myself all started. YOU went snooping and found us! Are you going to deny that? I probably still have the email where you informed me that you had found us. That put me in a bad situation and I highly regret not letting him know we were now being spied upon. Horrible decision on my part. I didn't wish to hurt you or him. I haven't lied to him about you, your allegations are wayyy off the mark. Your motive here remains the same I see, so no, you haven't changed. You still wish to inject damage and hurt. I'm sorry for the hard feelings. It is not my wish to hurt you and it never was. I'm going to leave it at that and not comment any further. Healing needs to begin here, not more hurt and false accusations. Peace out, .. I wish you well.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    I forgot to answer you about why I'm so bitter with you since you are so forgetful. I'm more then bitter with you is because you unfollowed me on Twitter on purpose just so M. wouldn't know that you and I were friends and when I tweeted you there you yelled at me asking me if I trying to get you in trouble with M. just in case he seen the tweet I posted to you. You were trying so hard to hide me from M. is where I became totally annoyed with you. I will never forgive for the above reasons and I meant back then when I told you that I didn't like being your friend.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    QS... I just can't see where you loved and cherished our friendship when you said lies about me to M. while we were still friends and I found out after I ended it with you. Is that what friendship is all about to you is being a pathological liar. Why would you lie to M. about letting me know where you and him posted and telling him that I found it on my own? It's so not true and you know that. I'm hoping that M. will tell me about all the other things you said about me so I can see how much you really cherished our friendship. I won't deny that I said some nasty stuff about M. to you because you did the same thing but this was over a year ago when he was saying things about me as well. I apologized to him now and apologizing for back then too. You and I were friends, at least I thought, so I was sticking up for you and telling you that he didn't love you the way you loved him and it was time for you to move on. Anyway, I don't care what email's you saved because that is a long time ago and I'm not the same person that I use to be and that is being a spiteful bitch as you have still never changed and are still a pathological liar. Whatever you did AGAIN to split you and M. apart I sure hope he doesn't fall for your lies again.

  • Storm - 11 years ago

    To M, .. I don't do hate, so I really didn't want to come to this place, but you didn't even give me a chance to prove I told you the truth about Luca and Jon. I still have Luca's email address, you want it? He can confirm everything I said about him, especially about his wanting to paint me and about the abrupt end to the skype set up because I told him I wouldn't feel comfortable getting nude. I also have emails saved of two of his paintings he sent me. I have an email of a newspaper article write up about him from a San Francisco paper about his art showing in a gallery there. The article says he studied art in France and Russia and it gave him praise about his eroticism use in his art. We met on the date site, same w/ Jon. Luca contacted me first and said it was my eyes that caught his attention as well as the structure of my whole face. ASK him! He and I talked over the phone a number of times, and he told me his mother ( who lives further north in CA ) raises, trains, and breeds Arabian horses for a living. He comes from wealth, and is worldly like you. ASK him! We were starting to get close and one of our phone conversations was in the process of becoming a bit sexual and intimate when he got a knock at the door that ended our conversation. ASK him! He had just gotten back from visiting his mother whom he is very close to. By the way, I have saved two pics of her that he sent me. I can forward ALL of that to you. Luca is young and drop dead VERY handsome and was going to Stanford. I gave you his last name and you likely have the resources to check and verify, so please do! I reiterate, he is not the Luca you find on Face Book. I've tried to find him there and on twitter but had no luck. I keep telling you, I told you the straight up truth, if that even matters to you. You don't like to be wrong about things, but you're wrong this time. Some plans I talked about on twitter were altered or changed a bit as the events unfolded, but I tweeted what the early plans were. I won't respond here anymore in case you have questions. I don't need or want an audience to what should have been kept between us. Those tweets weren't about you and didn't concern you, so I really didn't have to explain a dime of it you, but I patiently did because you matter to me. i still don't understand why something that happened nearly a year ago and is now buried in the past, became so important to you. I am constantly meeting guys on that date site, they come and go. There is only one I communicate daily with at this point, his name is David and he lives in Las Cruces, NM. He's intelligent and we have good conversations about Tesla, Einstein, astronomy, paranormal stuff, etc.. He's good people.

    To TLC, .. I'm sorry you feel so bitter about me. I tried to wish you and your family well and end things on a positive note. I loved and cherished our friendship, but I kept being torn and caught in the middle between loyalties to you and my loyalties to him. Something had to give, and I chose him. It broke up the first time because I couldn't take the negative things you said about him, and you know that's true. I still have saved many of our emails. I missed you and wanted to try a second time at friendship, but then I really got stuck in the middle trying to divide my loyalty to both of you and it just wasn't working. I'm sorry, .. I chose him over you. You even accused me of lying to you when I told you that he and I were no longer talking on Rickey's, .. I still have that email. Look, let's take the higher road here and wish each other well. I hold no bitterness towards you. Hate is a dark place that I refuse to go to. Trying to destroy each other is not what we were put on this planet to do, so let's not choose that path. I wish you well ...

    To M, .. You know how to reach me if you want to talk or have questions. I won't respond here. If not, I love you, always will ...

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    M- okay and yes I know what you mean about her. It's loveswan1.

  • M - 11 years ago

    TLC, It's me. But, I did not notice that you followed me. What is your handle? i thought it was something like Swansong1. Please do follow me. I only blcoked you as I was...ahem...encouraged by someone to do so...if you know what I mean.


  • TLC - 11 years ago

    I'm following you. I read your post over and over again and it does sound like you.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    M... The reason I blocked you on Twitter was because I noticed you blocked me. I was going to send you a private message and couldn't.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    M... I' am hoping this is you talking to me because right now I'm having a hard time believing that it might be. After trusting QS and thinking that she was a true friend to me and then finding out from others that she was telling lies about me to you I just don't trust anyone anymore. After a bad start with each other I feel very bad about it and always wanted you to forgive me but you didn't so again I'm not sure if this is really you. For all I know it could be QS pretending to be you and I'm just very careful now when it comes to trusting someone. I'm really hoping that it's you and I would love to forget about the past between the two of us and start over ( if this is you M ). I would love to follow you on twitter and I will unblock you then I'll know for sure this is you once you follow me there. Hugs.... :)

  • m - 11 years ago


    I believe you! I was the fool to believe her perpetual and consistent lies! I hope you read this, and if so, follow my twitter and I will follow you back. We can talk more about this. And yes, she said plenty about you. She also told me that you found the conversations and swears she did not direct you at all. Add to that the fact that she posted all of those lying tweets pretending to have a bf who was gorgeous, rich, painting her nude, blah blah blah. and I gave her days to come clean and admit she was lying and making it up (I knew it was all fabricated), but she kept up the deception. Does she think everyone is stupid? Does eh believe a 60 year old women looks like she is in her 30's?

    Anyway, no more feeling sorry for her. She cannot be trusted after given hundreds of chances.... I can't pity her anymore....

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    A message to M... I was wondering if she came clean with you about all the lying she did to you? Did she ever tell you that she told me where you two were posting so I can go there and read it? It's true she did and I read everything. She is one nasty old bag the way she talked and I felt sorry for poor Tony, she really belittled him. It's so sick to me how she met him for the first time and went to a hotel room and got laid by him... ewwwww. She is such a whore and a bad mother. I feel so sorry also for her son having a mother like her if you can even call her that. Oh yea and to think she wanted to have a threesome with you and J.... hahaha... too funny and gross. Just imagine her naked...hahaha. If you need to know more about her lies I will answer your questions. It's also not true about not being able to trust me because she trusted me to let me know what you two were posting to one another. Don't be a fool again and start trusting her... She is a back stabber!!!!!!

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    OMG... Someone told me that Michael is friends with QS again!!!! I don't understand how he can stand her.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Bad typo's again... sorry... she will use you!!!!!

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    No matter... I'm just going to stay away from all these forums as I have been since there are so many untrustful people out there and I don't want any part of them what so ever. There is plenty more to say about the lying BITCH but it's not going to get me anywhere. All I will say is that I'm so glad that she is out of my life for good and if there is anyone that is friends with her well I feel sorry for you because you will use you....

  • Former poster - 11 years ago

    I have no idea where it is. I read so many sites. I go on Entertainment Weekly a lot. It was a long time ago and it could be on any chat site that I used. I don't come to that often. I used to post here regularly 3 years ago.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Former- Can you copy and paste the link where you read all that about me that she posted? It must be somewhere here in Rickeys, right?

  • Former poster - 11 years ago

    TLC, I'd guess that she was caught because Michael found out that terrible things were being written under your name or address that she made you copy and paste. He probably confronted her and she lied to him placing the blame on you and then began to sabotage you and mislead him. She wrote awful things about you that I read, saying you were a traitor and you betrayed her friendship and couldn't be trusted. It's all part of her obsession that she can't control. She's a lonely women who hasn't had affection in over a decade. She can't accept that she is an aging senior who isn't hot. Not matter how beautiful you are n your sixties (and she's not), Hot, single rich men aren't interested in welfare grannies. I can only judge by the picture with the bear paw fat hand covering her face, but she is old and chubby and very plain. She has a lot of wrinkles around her mouth. She should go to church and learn to accept herself and live an honest life. She is not smart, not young, not kind, not sexy and not beautiful. I hope Jesus can help her accept who she is and offer her some peace.

    she was so awful to sweet and innocent Ellery that the poor child was beside herself in tears. This is a pretty young girl who had a relationship with Michael and QS was so desperate to defame her that she concocted a story that Ellery practically raped Michael! Michael has said that he was very willing, and you can't force a man to be aroused!

    I let Michael know how she copied and pasted insults about him for you to post so he'll know you are innocent.

    I think Michael is dating that pretty rental agent Meghan again. I read that on a HP chat forums about a month ago. He said that his girlfriend was looking for an apartment for his brother and his health aid and that she worked for a real estate company as a broker agent. He's also dating a man but I'm not sure who. I hope he realizes what a dumb fool he has been!

    Her twitter is hilarious! She has a cartoon avatar so people won't know what she really looks like! lolz! She pretends she has a rich boyfriend and keeps tweeting fantasies and lies. I think it's funny that she thinks there is a chance in hell we believe her. He sent her a bouquet of flowers and wrote how beautiful she was, then he swept her away on a romantic weekend, then she visited him in the mountains. Then he took her out to an expensive restaurant for diinner. Then as an artist, he wanted to pose her nude. What artist who specializes in nudes wants to sketch or paint a 200 pound old lady? Who would buy that? Such lies. She needs to pray to our Lord for forgiveness.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    I don't understand why she would say that about me when I didn't do anything to her or anyone else except do what she asked me to do and got caught for doing it. What a dumb ass I was!!!! It's the other way around that you can't trust her and she lies to none stop. I kept telling her to stop lying so much to Michael and to tell the truth but she didn't listen to me and did it her own way until he finally realized what a big fake she is. I guess she lied to Michael about me because she was afriad that I would contact him and tell him what kind of a person she really is. He hates me to this day but that is his choice and I can't do nothing about it. I don't hate him but I just thought why in the hell is he giving that old bag so many chances. She said a lot of nasty things to me about him so I can't see why he doesn't say anything nasty about her. It's not hard to say it...LOL. What did she do to Michael again that he isn't talking to her? I hope he does stay away from her cause she is a back stabber.

    I remember that pretty blonde that he was dating and I also thought she was pretty but QS kept saying how homely she looked. I told her... NO WAY... but she was just too jealous to admit that she was actually very pretty. I told QS if I didn't know the truth of how old she is that I would be thinking that I was talking to a teenager because the way she down graded everyone woman that Michael was with. She really needs to start acting her age.

    On Twitter I have her blocked so she can't read anything there plus they have private messaging in there where only we can see it and no one else can. I have a FB account if you want to get together in there. You can type longer messages in FB then you can in Twitter. I have her blocked there too. I don't want no part of her ever again!!!!!

  • Former poster - 11 years ago

    TLC, I haven't had time to open my twitter account yet. It looks easy. I'm afraid that crazy granny will find it and troll like she did with Michael so I'm a little reluctant. She was following him around, trolling where he posts and now you told me she lied by having you copy and paste her hateful posts and passing them off as your own? What a jerk! I sent Michael a message telling him that. Honestly is big with him. If he doesn't hate her enough already, that truth will make him really hate her. lol!! He's a good guy because after everything she has done to him, he still doesn't say anything abut her, but I know first hand that he hates her.

    It got even worse after learning she is such a liar and so jealous of all the women who chase after Michael. He was dating this beautiful, stunning former model who worked as a rental agent in NY. QS was so jealous she kept saying that this thin, beautiful blond twenty something women was homely. She was drop dead gorgeous and QS is plain, wrinkled, cheap looking and weighs 200 pounds! And she is so old! Once Michael saw her face and obese body he would have run to the nearest bar to get that image out of his mind! Do you notice she never puts up pictures anywhere? Only cartoons. Except for that ugly one with her fat baseball mit, wrinkled hand trying to cover her wrinkled face on her facebook page. She looks 60 but acts like she looks 16. I died laughing that she really thinks she looks in her thirties! Even people who have facelifts who are in their fifties and sixties dont look late thirties! She looks really old and not at all pretty.

    She said some awful things about you and how you started trouble and couldn't be trusted.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Sorry for the typo... I still get into a rage when I think about her!

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Hi Former poster- I didn't think I was going to hear back from you but I'm sure glad to see you are back. I really hope you do open a twitter account because QS still comes in here to nosey around. I rather not let her know what you and I are talking about as she gets edgie when she couldn't find out where Ellery or Sarah posted. Yes I do remember Ellery and she was very nice and QS was so jealous of her. That is who I got caught posting back to Ellery by QS asking me to highlight what she wanted to say to Ellery and I just pasted it on there. BIG MISTAKE!!!!
    You are kidding me that she says she has a bf and wanted to paint a naked picture of her...hahaha... too funny. She thinks she is still beautiful but I lied to her telling her that she was. She is a bit woman close to 200 pds. and she also thinks that she looks like she is in her 30's when she really doesn't. I'll go to my twitter account now and see if you sent me a message there. Hope to here from you again soon!!! :)

  • Former Poster - 11 years ago

    TLC, I don't have twitter, but maybe I'll open one. I searched yours and found it! So it might be easier to leave a message there. You'll get a chuckle out of this---I also searched Quiet Storm's twitter and she has all these fake tweets about a pretend boyfriend who is taking her off to exotic places, painting her nude, and is so in love with her! What an over active imagination! I almost pee'd my pants laughing. She probably thinks Mike is reading and that he'll be jealous. HE HATES her! We all know a plain looking, 65 year old freeloading granny doesn't have those options. We know she lies so it begins to all make sense. I wonder if she is so desperate that she tweets these lies to see if we will read! LOLZ! THAT is funny.

    Remember that sweet girl, Ellery who Michael dated? QS was so angry and jealous toward her. That was PSYCHO-SCARY!

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Former poster - Do you have Twitter? We can talk privately in there because I know that QS still comes in here and checks. If so I'm loveswan1.

  • TLC - 11 years ago

    Former poster - Oh please tell what she said to M. about me!!!! I knew once I stopped talking to her that she would tell lies to him about me and I always had that feeling that she was doing that even though she acted like she was my friend and cared. How do you know all this stuff about her personal life since I know they are all true? She has told me about it all so I know that you are telling the truth. But honestly please tell me what she said about me to M.

  • Former poster - 11 years ago

    TLC, Don't be fooled by her lies She is cruel and crazy. She's a disgusting person. She thinks she is a heartless unselfish person but she is a selfish old bitch who cares about nobody but her own old fat ass. I think she has mental health issues too. M is a stupid man because he trustsed and is naive and she betrayed him many times. He thinks she is a loser but he was feeling bad for her. She is not a friend, she's not your friend-- she is a wolf in sheeps clothing. She said terrible lies to M about you too. She only cares for Quiet Storm. Her son hates her too and he is a drunk. It's all her fault that he is a loser too.

    Im not surprised to read that she used you for her evil vengance on M. He forgets about her and doesn't want to ever be in touch with her. Once a lying tramp, always a lying tramp.

  • TLC - 12 years ago

    Ramses,Someone that I used to know,Smart Woman- You hit the nail on the head when it comes to QS. I haven't spoken to her and I don't intend to. She used me by writing stuff that were nasty and then asked me to copy and paste it so M. wouldn't know it was her. I was so stupid to trust her or do that because they thought it was me saying all those things when it was her. And I always told her to stop lying to M. so much but she kept on doing it until she got stuck and came to me for help by making up more lies. I will never ever be friends with her again and yes she will be 60 yrs. old in Jan. of 2013 and is a grandmother and she lied to M. about working when she wasn't and was collecting food stamps and probably still is.

  • Ramses - 12 years ago

    She's no good. Loose bitter women never are.

  • Someone that I used to know - 12 years ago

    Money can't buy class and in QS's case, she's a welfare grandmother so doesn't have the money to buy class unless they take food stamps. Ha! I think she's 70 not in her 60s. She is a crazy lunatic liar who thinks she is a sex Goddess and looks like a beat up tired old woman. Stupid M who thinks he is the smartest thing is really dumb to fall for her shit! I bet he threw a party to finally throw the trash out where she belongs, kicked to the curb with all the other trash! ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

  • Smart Woman - 12 years ago

    A message to M...NOW are you convinced she is an untrustworthy liar, deceiver and selfish b*tch? I read where she backstabbed you again and tried to cause problems in your relationships by her threats to expose stuff. Im sure it was more made up stuff to hurt you. You think your smart but your not smart enough to learn! She is a betrayer and I hope you know now what kind of person she is. Never trust that wicked woman. She should chase after 60 year olds like her not after 30 year olds.

  • TLC - 12 years ago

    A message to Michael... You aren't as smart as you think you are for trusting her. If you only knew what kind of a person she really is.

  • TLC - 12 years ago

    tlc - 1 year ago

    Me me me!!!!! Absotively me!

    ck - 1 year ago

    Does anyone want to get laid

    I'm positively sure this was QS that put that down. I was friends with her but not anymore. She has done lots of damage. I'm still so pissed at her.

  • Ramses - 12 years ago

    Ramses - 4 months ago

    That was entertaining to read. I liked when M finally sets her straight about hearing from someone that she is stalking him, and she never responds. That shut her up fast! She stops her attacks of him as a a liar, delusional, over the edge and twisted because she must know it's true of herself! When he finally tells her that he was contacted by some third party saying she was trying to get pictures of him, she stops defending herself. Who's delusional QuietStorm? She doesn't have the balls to come back and apologize for her attacks or admit that she cyber stalked! Why does he talk to her when she is such a bitch to him? Telling everyone on Rickey's that he is upset because she wouldn't be his lover? lol, that's in poor taste. M is right, she is a commoner and doesn't know better.

  • :) - 12 years ago


  • - - 12 years ago













































  • . - 12 years ago








  • Prime cut - 13 years ago

    You are all so pathetic! I'm not supporting the way Storm acted under the Nicole S. post, but Mike didn't appear to contradict that there was something going on in the past. It's more than her wild imagination. She massacred him over there, which gave him no reason to keep the conversation going, and he would have rejected her specific claims if they were false. She behaved badly but that doesn't mean that they didn't have a past together. I think they dated somewhere long ago. She might be the one he calls Bea. She might live in his city. They could be old friends. I assume they are past lovers from everything she says and he doesn't deny it. Let sleeping dogs lie. He doesn't need the stress with his condition. This is what I read yesterday from the Idol live site.

    [][][][][][][][][][]December 11, 2011 9:09
    reply to Sacher08

    Stop asking me as I really don't want to talk about it. It got out of hand. It always gets out of hand with her. She pushes and pushes. Those who deny their actions are the ones who cause the most damage. Because of her still deep feelings for me, I am the one she hates. It is my fault she still loves me and yes, she will deny it, but it's pretty obvious. She doesn't even know how much damage she causes! How can I expect anything from her? A stranger contacts to me to confirm this! Good lord... I am not going to hurt her anymore than she has hurt herself. She is clueless! I won't embarrass her so everyone can forget about what happened and who's right. Life is too short and I don't know where I'll be a year from now. The twists and turns life takes can be overwhelming. I want to focus on the good in people. Not just say it...but live it. Something she is not able to do. I want to have fun. Dragging someone down who is already at their lowest holds no interest for me. But I won't take her shit and let her get away with her lies and trickery. I will call her out on that. Agreed. I can forgive and I can move on. She says she can forgive, but she cannot. Some people don't realize the trail of pain they leave and the damage they do to their own lives. I am sad, if anything. I don't want to make my point by hurting her. So lay off her and cut the shit. I don't want you commenting to her or making her feel more combative and angry. Ic an handle myself and even if she is wrong, it still seems like a gang-up, and I don't like it.You are trying to defend me, but by hurting her you only really hurt yourself. Right? Why punish people? It is not my way. I am not worried about her doing anything to hurt me...she is benign and harmless. J knows everything so I am not worried. I am not vengeful and I don't need revenge. I always hoped that I could teach her enlighten her into her own self. I failed. Not her fault....

  • Ramses - 13 years ago

    That was entertaining to read. I liked when M finally sets her straight about hearing from someone that she is stalking him, and she never responds. That shut her up fast! She stops her attacks of him as a a liar, delusional, over the edge and twisted because she must know it's true of herself! When he finally tells her that he was contacted by some third party saying she was trying to get pictures of him, she stops defending herself. Who's delusional QuietStorm? She doesn't have the balls to come back and apologize for her attacks or admit that she cyber stalked! Why does he talk to her when she is such a bitch to him? Telling everyone on Rickey's that he is upset because she wouldn't be his lover? lol, that's in poor taste. M is right, she is a commoner and doesn't know better.

    Ellery as the nanny? What is M thinking? He's such a big ol' softy.

  • The bitch is back! - 13 years ago

    Read the delusions on Rickey's front page. Someone is beginning to hallucinate again, visually and auditorily. She thinks that he told her he wanted to be lovers and this is the only reason he is arguing with her. She thinks he doesn't really hate Josh and is only angry at her because she wouldn't be his lover, he he he he he he he he he he!!! We are all laughing about it on another message board. It gets better, she posts damaging messages about XFactor rapper Chris because she is now likely imaging a sex fantasy about meat locker Josh who at 30, is the same age as her son. One wonders if her son is this homely too. Read for yourselves, we couldn't make this stuff up better if we tried. Each time he says something to counter her angry tirades, she blurts these preposterous claims of unrequited love, claiming that her refusal to be his lover is the only reason he is challenging her hate posts. She also makes inappropriate public stunning revelations of love to him. She is a real nut job! It's confusing that he never returns her expressions of love or confirms they are true. He ignores the crazy imagined lovers posts. He basically has denied it by not confirming it! He must be completely embarrassed by her unclassy and deranged conduct. She is living in a fantasy world where handsome, gay, rich men in their 30s chase after 60 year old burnt out bitches. It's all in her head. What an imagination she has! he he he he he he he. Read for yourselves.

    She even accuses innocent Ellery of posting messages to her until he confirms Ellery is living abroad. What a paranoid bully she is to accuse Ellery! I wonder how she is handling the news of Ellery moving to London and becoming his nanny once he moves there after his surgery. That will cause another crazy outburst on Rickeys. he he he he he!!

  • Concerned - 13 years ago

    This is a SERIOUS question, no fooling. Does anyone here know what is going on with Michael? Please respond if you do. I thank you.

  • Rodney - 13 years ago

    Can't we all just get along?

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Hi Elphaba and Ellery- Thank you for agreeing with me Elphaba because it's so true what I spelled out. I don't know anything why M. isn't sticking up for QS but what Ellery said he has the love of his life now and a beautiful baby and he is probably thinking how childish all this is if he is reading in here and I don't blame him for thinking that.
    I'm happy to hear all that Ellery that you are over M. now and is starting your life again with your ex bf. I really hope things workout for you and yes you did the right thing of letting him go while you still loved M. But like I said above everyone needs to move on and let M. live his new life with his new baby and the wonderful woman he has found for himself. I'm glad to hear that he is in a good realationship and I hope it all works out for him.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    TLC, I know your sentiments are from the heart with intents of being helpful and that is appreciated. I am over Michael whom I did love and I won't lie as to deny my heart. He is a good man, the best I have the pleasure of meeting in my 26 years on this planet. We had a relationship that Quiet likes to cheapen and sling in the mud with her lowly ways and gutter mind. I did not force him to have relations with me because TLC, does that make sense to you now I ask? How can a woman force a man to have sex? He has to be in proper arousal form. He was very pleasured by it both times and happy and into it if you get that meaning; a woman knows when a man is feeling sexual and intimate pleasures. Am I right TLC? It is because of her green jealousy of me because I was sexual and intimate with him and she was not. So she became cruel and monsterous to me and did her best to deliver pain and hurt to my heart. She is very evil and pretends to care about others but is out for herself and others feelings are not to exist with her in her world.She has been very cruel to Michael too and he said he has had enough and does not want any association with her hateful aura.

    TLC, I had a very serious boyfriend and I broke up with him because I had a conflict of feelings for Michael. I did not feel it was good of me to stay with him when I had feelings of love and ecstasy for another man. Iw as trying to be fair to him.Three weeks past from now, my old boyfriend called me and we met and we are made up. He knows everything about my feelings for Michael and Michael's devoting heart to Elizabeth; and he wants to start up with dating again and try to lead back to what we had before we had broken up. I am being smart to take it slow to be sure. Michael gave me that advice and so did my best friend, Sydney, who lives in the state of Vermont. I want everyone who reads here to know that I was true and honest and very much battered and assaulted with hate bombs by Quiet, because of her jealousy of my love for Michael and my lovemaking with him and our mutual affection. I am over him and am very happy in my heart that he is now on his way to true happiness. He told me he has been looking to be with one love, a soul mate for about two years but he was in personal denying of it. He was sick of being a singleton and wanted to be with a partner. J and he did not work because his emotions are attached to females. M is calm now and is looking forward to have someone who loves him and cares for him and does good things for him. Elizabeth is the type for him. I can only be happy that he has someone who can make him feel so loved. Their baby is beautiful, a most gorgeous little being. He looks just like his father. It is a remarkable miracle!

  • Elphaba - 13 years ago

    Truer words have never been spoken, TLC! Storm must move on and forget about her delusions of being with a younger rich man, and Ellery needs to find a man her own age who will appreciate her and treat her as his one and only love. You don't need a guy who will take only sex from you like Michael has. That's not love, honey!

    Why isn't Michael defending Storm? I thought they were in love and he was begging to have her visit? Why doesn't he come here and defend his true love against all of these attacks? He must then agree with us, or he read her ugly assaults and hateful posts and got scared! She treated him like shit sauce too.

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Why are you two still fighting over a man that is a father now and loves another woman??? I don't get it!!! Ellery and QS but you both use to be friends and now look at you both fighting over a man that neither one of you will ever have in your life. Start realizing that and move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea so start swimming and looking for another.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    Quiet, You are very wrong about what I write again. I only write blogs under Ellery and no fake names do I utilize like you have done and so many others after you. My last blog was yesterday that I addressed to the both of you and Elphaba about trashing Michael. Your assumings are wrong and you are the big proved to be fool again. I don't know who these other fools are who hate you too but it was not my postings! A lot seem to dislike you for your tyrant behaviours. You are a cruel unhappy tyrant bully who preys on the innocent. You are so terrible to my good friend and previous lover Michael who is all goodness and purity of soul and deserves only love in his life. He told me that he is happy to rid himself of your disease. You are equipped to call all others dark souls, hateful, ugly and black. You said to me and to all others here these drastic insultings and I read you said it to Michael at a time too. It is you who is the dark evil black hating soul. YOU are the devil to me. I have the feelings of hate for you and wish you misery that you have brought to this world be reflected back upon your deathly and decrepit soul. I was going to present you with a biblical quote from the new testament to help you deal with your cruelties and anger, but I think you will only laugh at it as a taunt because you must be atheistic with how you behave toward your fellow man with so much hostility and vanity. I cannot pray for you because if your soul be saved, it will one day pollute all the heavens. You belong in hell with Satan himself!

    God forgive me for my words.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    Too cowardly to even sign your real name but I know who you are. You have to hide from the Light like a cockroach hides in the dark because you are truly a very dark, hateful and jealous soul. I feel sorry for you. Your accusations are only wishful thinking coming from a black heart filled with jealousy, ugliness, and rage and it is going to eat you alive. Again, I feel pity for you. You are your own worst enemy. Peace out, girlfriend. :)

  • Desperado - 13 years ago

    If you have a steady, wonderful, sweet very handsome guy, then why do you aggressively chase after another man's lover and behave with such desperation? You are lying again. It is an imaginary friend or some deadbeat who can't find anyone better than you. You try too hard Storm to make everyone think that you are desirable. Elphaba is right, you are a dumb broad who needs to be put out to pasture. Mooooooooooooooo

  • hee hee he he he he - 13 years ago


    You own no art or investments and you are not wealthy or college degree educated. Stop your lies! We have known you long enough on this poll to spot your bugs in your stories. You think everyone is jealous of you, but you are really jealous of everyone else, including Michael. He won't have you and he cut off communication with you. You will pretend this was your choice again, but none of us believes you! You are "0". You are a stupid, ignorant lying slut.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    Did your brain implode from all the energy it took your two little brain cells rubbing together to come up with the cobwebs thing! You'll know if your butt caved in! haha My goodness, you are made up of so much hate and jealousy and are such a dark ugly person as your true colors are showing. You vomit up venom just like a poisonous viper. I'd hate to live in your little dark world and be you. Let's see, .. I am not unemployed. I am not on welfare. I am not yet in my 6o's. I did go to college and I'm educated and I am well off owning my own home, my car, furnishings, art and investments outright. I once owned a sound and lighting company with as high a name celebrity clients as you can get, I was a model for Max Factor, lived a jet set life and hung with celebrities. Have you? No, I didn't think so, not even close, huh! I have a steady, wonderful, sweet, VERY handsome guy who loves me and calls daily to tell me so, and I have a couple of other guys who are interested in me. Life is good. Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful ! I am not chasing Michael but he knows I will always be there for him and I love him deeply, .. always will. So what's your problem besides immense jealousy? Ohhhh I almost forgot! THAT is your problem! Why don't cha try getting a life and being a nicer person and minding your own business. I'm flattered you want to give me all your attention and time, but sorry to say I have better things to do than to waste my time on you. Bye, ... try not to cry. ;)

  • Run for the hills Michael! - 13 years ago

    Find an unattached man your own age not so out of your economic and educational league. One who doesn't already have a lover! Begin your search at the local nursing home!

    Run Michael run! Take Jeff with you! He might be next!

  • Elphaba - 13 years ago

    The foul odor is coming from the cobwebs in your crotch! he he he he!!!!

    Low IQ? You are the unemployed welfare queen in her 60's who thinks she is an intellectual. You are one dumb broad! You are a lazy, free loading simpleton of a whore..... he he he hehehehehehehehe!!!!!

  • Looney is on the loose again! - 13 years ago

    Run for the hills Michael!

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    I would love to stick around and entertain you, but there is a very foul odor coming from you and I prefer more intelligent conversation, so I'm outta here. Try not to let your jealousy eat you alive. It's like a cancer you know. Toodles! :)

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    My my! So testy! You are just full of rainbows and butterflies aren't you! Your true colors are showing as well as your lack of knowledge and your low IQ. Your accusations don't stick because they don't fit. You must be looking in the mirror and seeing yourself. Interesting .... :)

  • Oedipus - 13 years ago

    Paranoid nut! I remember you accuse everyone of phantom posts. You double posted here and on other blogs. Everyone knows! Stop bullying Ellery and everyone else involved with Michael. You call her a whore when you are the proven whore! Run fast Michael! She IS the trailer park trash and psychotic stalker you feared! We ALL read about it you geriatric slut! Just ask TLC, ck and justme! He he he he he......

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    LOL Have a nice day Oedipus, .. errrr I mean Ellery. ;)

  • Oedipus - 13 years ago

    I'm not Ellery you moron. Only someone who has the habit of double posting under different names would accuse others of doing the same. Pig. Whore.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    LOL I love you too Oedipus, errrr I mean a/k/a Ellery. I believe you are the pot calling the kettle black. I love how you talk to yourself! ;)

  • Oedipus - 13 years ago

    Because Storm Lies. She posted as other names in the past. She is a pig. She thinks everyone is stupid when she is the stupid one. Some things are easily seen and investigated. Ellery you would be smart to stay away from this messed up woman and her problems!

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    You have the wrong area of me so you are full of crap
    Sorry Ellerly but whoever is irritatiing me is really pissing me off.

    I didn't write that.. who is pretending to be ME? I hate these forums or chat sites because any0ne can use your name... grrrrrrrr.

    I found out about M. being a father is through Nice guys where Frank and Sarah or chatting so don't blame QuietStorm. I don't talk to her anymore so why do you keep thining it's her postintg this instead of me, TLC? She has done nothing wrong so why do y0u think it's her postig to you? If this keeps up I will NOT post back!!!!

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    You have the wrong area of me so yor are full of crap
    Sorry Ellerly but whoever is irritatiing me is really pissing me off.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    There is no shame in having an ill parent Ellery. He is very proud of his mom. Quit trying to incite more damage than you have already done. You just don't get it do you! He wanted me in his bed, not you! I was invited, you were not. I could have gone to him at anytime and he would have welcomed me with open arms. I have scruples and morals that you do not. Michael isn't hung up on and doesn't judge someone in a shallow manner like you do about age. Age is just a number Ellery and I am not ancient or old yet and I have the maturity he enjoys and you do not. You are only digging your own grave deeper. Quit while you are ahead. I have not been in contact with TLC and I did not tell her about his baby. You will have to ask her how she found out. I'm sure he is proud as can be about his son so once again you try to inflame. As for your drunken whorish behavior of the past, you spread the news first yourself and it is all over the boards by your own doing by telling the wrong people who spread it even more. You can put the blame on yourself for that one. There is nothing to betray because nothing happened on your last visit of any importance. Nothing scandalous at all. Wise up and quit while you are ahead. I will not be back to respond to your childish outbursts anymore. Michael will thank me for that. You can now box with your own shadow which is thy own enemy.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    For Quiet and Elphaba, I will not come back to this spot anymore only to read you betraying and trashing my good friend. I apologize to TLC if she is really not Quiet too. I will tell you to stay away from Quiet because she is not nice and has been rude and terrible to M saying cruel things to hurt him and betray him and make fun of his sexual orientations. This is to be my last blog here. Quiet I think you are mean to the skeleton and a trashy lowly class tramp lady. I forwarded your blog to M's e-mail.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    The poor grandmother is still in her delusions and jealous. You must know Michael does not want anyone to know about his mother or her infirmed condition but you spell it out here for all eyes. How much shame you have! I very doubt that he told you he was going to see her today. I don't think M wants everyone to know about his baby's birth and you expansion on that. How does TLC know about the birth if she does not come here? Where could TLC find out about the birth Quiet? Quiet needs to learn to KEEP QUIET! M will be very upset when he learns about this and your betrayals. Will you blame me or M this time for your betrayals of him? Will you learn to take blame or keep to act of the teenager again and blame someone else for your big ugly mouth? I will forward these posts to his e-mail since that is how M and I communicate. Do YOU have his e-mail? He told me he never gave it to you and that was a smart move because you act like a stalker who has delivered threats.

    I don't believe anything you say that Michael feels for me. You are jealous because I have loved his body, kissed him, touched him, sat across a table from him and spent too many hours with him.
    He is a wonderful man and it is too bad that you choose to trash him and betray him with your envious hatred. I will like to know what M will think when he sees that you have betrayed him again by telling me things he told you about us, that you made up (and he will confirm these are lies). If it was true that M told you these things about me, I would believe he would want it to be in confidence. Do you understood of what that means? Do you hate him so much that you care more to hurt me and him to prove some crazy points? I will laugh at you as you blame me and M for your betrayals again. I am sorry that you never had a chance with M like I did. I am going to visit him in a few more weeks before he moves to say goodbye, go to the ceremony for the baby and to see his baby and meet Liz. It is too bad for your ego that you were not invited.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    LOL Thank you for the info Elphaba and I welcome the comparison between my IP and that of TLC because I have been falsely and wrongly accused by Ellery whose imagination has run quite wild. I want to be cleared of her false and rude accusations. Yes, this silly fight did not need to be and Michael will definitely do an eye roll and pay heed to who started it.

  • Elphaba - 13 years ago

    Ellery Desperado and Storm,

    When you search for an IP on a message blog there is a glitch and sometimes it is recorded as one single IP on the entire page originating from the blog domain server. Every post here could seem to have the same IP. You have to click on the post and download each to get the individual IP. he he he he, you can stop the cat fight!

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    Hi TLC, .. I bet this wasn't the welcome you expected. This place is toxic ! LOL I would ask you how have you been, but you will be better off not replying here anymore. Do you remember that other entertainment site we once bumped into each other on about a year ago? Think back hard and try to remember the entertainment person we were talking about. No need to reply here, try to find me over there and we'll catch up with each other.

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    WOW ! That little green eyed monster in you Ellery is really getting the better of you and making you do the very thing Michael asked you and I not to do, and that is to attack each other. He doesn't need this! If you don't think that conversation between him and I in French is real, .. ASK HIM! I saw your first post instigating this and attacking me, and I turned the other cheek and ignored it, but I have told Michael about it and asked him to address you about it. I don't like being accused of being somebody else, mainly TLC. I live in New Mexico, and she lives up north near Canada as I don't remember the state, but I do know it is way due north somewhere from me. Whatever IP you found cannot possibly be from my area in the southwest. Get a clue! I have an avatar that follows me anywhere I post and I have NEVER removed it since the day I put it on. I give you permission to ask Rickey personally about that. While you're at it, ask Rickey if my email matches up with TLC's email and location. I give you permission because he will tell you it does not. Ellery, you were here from the very beginning when Michael first told me on this poll that he loved me. Remember? He and I have held great affection and attraction through these months and years for each other. He has invited me many times including just prior to your last visit to come stay with him. ASK HIM! It's true! I have declined because I don't think it wise to get involved when he is emotionally involved with someone else. That certainly doesn't stop you from trying does it!? I would hardly call getting drunk, desperately stripping off your clothes and begging him to screw you, which he did not, as making you two lovers. He asked you to get dressed, you refused and desperately grabbed his crotch and gave him a blow job and not a very good one. He rebuffed you the next morning since you passed out at his apartment and tried to get something going again that morning. That is the reality Ellery! Deal with it! Being lovers is usually defined as intercourse which you have never had with him. I highly suspect you left your purse behind at his apartment on purpose so you would have the excuse to get him alone and start your whorish behavior. You accuse me of lying. What have I lied about? C'mon! Back up your claim! I know something you've just lied about. Your claim that you " stayed " with him this last time. UNTRUE GIRLFRIEND ! You sure wanted to didn't ya? You didn't get to come near his apartment because Liz and him feared a repeat of your past whorish behavior. He felt obligated to take you to dinner, then a walk, and then a quick nonsexual goodbye kiss. Big whoop! You must have been very sad that you were not able to talk him into more time with you. Look, he has told you to your face that he isn't attracted to you and he can't make himself feel something he doesn't. You're not his type. Deal with it and stop being so jealous of me and what he and I felt for each other. You're acting very immature and childish.

    Yes, I know he is on his way to pick up his mom in California and escort her back to NYC because of her recent strokes. He told me of his baby being born and of Liz in the ICU. I know she is better now. Your behavior on here did not need to be Ellery and it is the last thing he needs to deal with. I keep telling you that I am not your enemy. YOU are your own worst enemy because you are letting your jealousy of how he feels about me consume you. Get over yourself! Your fantasy of him and you is only in your head and it will never be. You were never lovers, .. sorry. He and I have been online lovers a number of times. Deal with it! He has never been happier now, so lets quit this petty fighting you once again started up. He will start a new life in London very soon with Daniel, Liz, and his new son and I for one wish him well and I have told him so. Do him a BIG favor and stop this attack on me.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    Whenever you go onto a site on the internet your IP address is automatically logged for a security purpose and tracked. If you think you blocked your address it is only a non ability for it to be tracked by computer for spamming. That is the funniest to have to hear for me! Go to college and learn some things!

    I don't know who you are but I know what your Ip address is for all the names signed into this blog spot. My very good and close friend Michael will have much of a distress to discover that his privacy for his child was invaded by you to spell out on this site about the birth. He for true intentions did not tell of this event on here and was very careful to only disclose it on a private site and on private e-mail. I will have him search the source of this betrayal. There is a crazy and obsessed spy. It must be the multi divorced homophobe who is jealous of me because of my youth and because I had the man she will never have. Her fantasy of having him is sick! Why does a handsome man with a beautiful girl friend want a senior citizen who is against gays and maybe also to be against jews?It will be easy to spot where the information about his baby came from and I e-mailed this entire thread to him. I know about the threats to Megan and to Michael by saying there is not to a telling what you would do. He can let his arch defender Jeffrey know who can sue you and take you to the dry cleaners. you crazy hateful jealous floosy.

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Wrong but I paid money for it and I know about blocking it... Sorry to disappoint you!

  • Elphaba - 13 years ago

    Not Ellery, but you can't block an IP address it is part of the public domain. Try again.

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Ellery- Who are you calling stupid woman? I'am not Quiet but TLC... honest! She did not comment to you it was me. I do not live where Quiet lives and I have my ip address blocked so there is no way you can check my real ip.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    You stupid woman! I know you are Quiet! Michael is in another state very far from his home flying right now to visit an ill relative. We know that you, Quiet, has a fantasy relations with Michael so she does not even know this! Because I am good friends and once a lover of his he shares this with me. Stop the pretending to be another person Michael already knows your lies and lets you get away with them. He feels badly and much sympathies at your pathetics and because he is good and pure lets you get away with your crazy lies. If quiet was ever involved with him and she was of an interest to her then she would be sure to know where he was at any time! It is not a difficult achievement to check an ISP which provides a static address it never changes. IP addresses are not hard to check on line if you have outlook you dumb person! I checked on this too and they are the same! It is very easy to check you uneducated dumb lowly class fallen woman! You are a sad torrid of a desperate senior citizen!

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    I have a feeling this is you M. since we had a arguments back then... I thought we made up!!!!

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Desperado why can't come out here and say who you are instead of hiding behind a stupid name? I don't live where Storm lives so that isn't my ip address. You probably don't know how to check it.

  • I know why! - 13 years ago


  • Desperado - 13 years ago

    TLC? Why do you and QuietStorm share the same IP address?

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Hi Ellery,
    I didn't think I would get any response back from anyone. I haven't heard back from ck since the last time we were here. Do you know where she is or have you heard back from her recently?
    I disagree with you about QuietStorm talking to herself. There were a few posts that M. said things to her in french and I don't think she speaks the language. He also wanted her to come and see him a few times but she denied him because of his other relationships that he was involved with. I heard that M. became a daddy so a big CONGRATS to you M. Would love to see a picture!
    How have you been Ellery and what is going on in your life? How often do you go and see M.? He must be a real hunk since everyone says he is. That is another picture I would love to Hope to hear from you again.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago


    That is just Quiet pretending she talks to M and he has nothing to do with her. Did you read her crazy imaginings about M and thoughts of a love between them? It is very crazy and full of delusions. I visited him in New York again and stayed with him and he never mentions her. She must blog as both Quiet and M and pretend to be having a fantasy affair with him. He has not been on this site in many months he has told me since we talk at other places. What is the news with you? Do you talk to CK still? If you want to do some Idol and X Factor chatting, I can give you many links where my friends chat about reality shows.

  • Ellery - 13 years ago

    Hi. I'm here!

  • TLC - 13 years ago

    Hello.... Anybody come in here lately? I see a few that are arguing... :( Who is Elphaba?

  • Storm - 13 years ago

    Awww babe, .. just visited over there. I'll find you at the new place.

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    LOL Yes, I used some help from Google on my French so God only knows what I said! Well, .. God and you that is, .. and any other French speaking people out there who happen upon this site. Is your friend still going to be reading over there? I may have to hold back on the intimate talk you and I do, .. although he may enjoy it! :) Okay, I'm back over there now.

  • Pierre - 13 years ago

    ^^don't think that is a good idea at this juncture.

    Go back to the last spot at that other ;) place. you remember the last place where my dear friend took over.

    I think I caught the gist of your inferior french and the message you were attempting to convey ...LOL.... Did you use a translation on-line service? They are not reliable as some phrases, words, substitutions are not applicable to the actual spoken language, and the on-line service might translate the meaning incorrectly. What you told me I think I garnered, but it was jumbled and rather silly-sounding. Tis okay...French is not easy and I grew up with the benefit of having it taught to me since grade one.

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    P.S. You could always call me long enough to tell me where to go. I promise I would not keep you talking longer than you want to, since I know you hate phones like you hate hernias ! haha

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    I have not taken German so we're outta luck there. I do know you said something about hands on a body, .. mine hopefully? And yes, I do dream about you. I was doing much yard work in my back yard yesterday and even before the sun was over the horizon this morning, .. and you were on my mind. Wanna know what I think about when I think of you? Let me just say it melts me inside and gives me a hot rush that penetrates my whole being and makes me wish I was with you right now. We need to find another place to talk. I don't trust this place at all. I think the woman who invaded your private email and I used to call a friend still reads here, ... the one you warned me about. I know she still hangs at Rickey's because she left a comment last week on one of Rickey's news headlines.

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    LOL Well, it has been many years since I took Francais. I hope I didn't inadvertently tell you anything offensive, ... like " Your mother wears army boots! " haha I know your surgery is this week, but when and how long will you be in the hospital? No real danger, right? I hope you get loopy on drugs and call me like last time. ;o) Doesn't Liz arrive this week as well? Do you have a place for her to stay yet? Is it not a good idea to go back to where we were? There are a couple of not so friendly eyes reading here .... this I know, so you don't want to indicate a new place on here. Be a bit wary lover boy .....

  • Is your German better? - 13 years ago

    Wollen sie meine hande auf ihrem korper? Haben sie traume von ------- mich?

  • Francois - 13 years ago

    Sejour avec l'anglais. Votre Francais est terrible! LOL!

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    Cette chanson est si belle et envoûtante. Je l'aime.

  • Your Secret Garden - 13 years ago

    Oui, j'ai toujours voulu ça. Cela n'a pas changé. Je souhaite que vous étiez là aujourd'hui.

  • Placebo - 13 years ago

    Souhaitez-vous toujours de faire l'amour pour moi? Pensez-rous de cette dans la nuit?

  • Sharon Tate - 13 years ago

    " And if I could, make a deal with God "

    C'mon, baby, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
    Let me steal this moment from you now.
    C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
    Let's exchange the experience, oh...'

    And if I only could,
    Make a deal with God,
    And get him to swap our places,
    Be running up that road,
    Be running up that hill,
    With no problems

    ' Try Not To Remember '. Je suis tellement désolé mon amour. Je t'aime.

  • Kate B. - 13 years ago

    "It doesn't hurt me
    Do you want to feel how it feels?
    Do you want to know, know that it doesn't hurt me? much hate for the ones we love"

  • Placebo - 13 years ago

    You don't wanna hurt me
    But see how deep the bullet lies

  • Kate Bush - 13 years ago

    Running Up That Hill

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