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Should police target crosswalk safety more aggressively?

Total Votes: 309

  • anne - 15 years ago

    I totally agree that walkers have a resposibility to watch for cars. Too often I see people cross the street with out even looking. That is insane. I also think that pedestrians should pay attention to the lights. If your in a cross walk with a green light, it should be that the driver has the right of way. They are watching the light.

  • Joe Villa - 15 years ago

    As usual the Patriot Ledger does half a story. Why is it always the driver's fault. The law says you must stop if the pedestrian is on your side of the road or within ten feet of your side. So you do not have to stop for every idiot that just walks out into the street. These people are stupid enough to believe they can challenge a giant chunk of metal with their puny little body. I'll bet that if you looked it up you would find most crossing accidents are pedestrian error. I am not saying that operators have complete right of way but it is a "two way street" and everyone should be vigilent .

  • tb - 15 years ago

    yes they should target people who step in front of vehicles, instead of waiting for a safe chance to cross, along with enforcing laws relative to drivers. common sense is rare these days it seems.

  • M - 15 years ago

    On the other hand, police should enforce jaywalking laws which have gone by the wayside. People tend to cross wherever is convenient, some not even looking, just assuming they'll be seen in time for cars to stop.

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