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Should parents who accidentally leave a child to die in a hot car be prosecuted?

Total Votes: 227

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    Compassion wrote

    "In a case such as this when no illegal activity is involved, there is no reason for a deterrent, these parents will not repeat this and others will think twice because of the death of a child, not because there is a law."

    If that was the case then it wouldn't happen, we read about this far too often. And you can be held accountable for negligent behavior

  • joy jordan - 15 years ago

    I am a foster parent who sees parents do terrible things to their children and MOST of the time no punishment is ever given.
    Why punish a good parent that unintentionally makes a misstake.They already feel their pain.

  • Compassion - 15 years ago

    Why not just "off with their heads"? Not really! Prosecution and /or imprisonment serves a dual purpose: punishment and deterrent. These parents will have to live with the guilt of their actions for the rest of their life. That truly is punishment enough. In a case such as this when no illegal activity is involved, there is no reason for a deterrent, these parents will not repeat this and others will think twice because of the death of a child, not because there is a law.

    The problem with this law and others of a similar basis is that it makes a legislator feel good, satisfies a small but vocal bloodthirsty group when enacted, but in reality forgets that humans are "human". "To err is human, to forgive is Divine". Prosecutors have enough on their plate going after the real bad guys!

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