Should salvia be illegal?


  • taga - 15 years ago

    alcohol should be illegal not salvia god made salvia man made alcohol should be peoples choice in god we trust not in man we trust

  • Thomas J. Hillgardner - 15 years ago

    No plant should be illegal. Even the authors of the Bible book known as Genesis knew this much. It apparently took sinners to make plants illegal. But just because plants should not be illegal, that doesn't mean that everything that a man or woman can do with a plant necessarily should be legal. But that's an entirely different conversation.

    All drug prohibitions that governments have tried to impose throughout all of recorded time have been abject failures. Every one of them! Why should our experience be different now? Are we going to learn from history or doom ourselves to repeat our mistakes? You chose.

  • Cosmo - 15 years ago

    This one is a no brainer. If you do not wish to grow or smoke or sell Salvia, than just don't. Leave your neighbors to make their own choice. That is freedom.

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