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Do you run anti-virus software on your Mac? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 116

  • jpc101 - 15 years ago

    I voted no. I do have ClamXav installed but I don't 'run' it unless I want to scan something. And then it's only generally things I might get from flaky windows users...

    But of course, I've got AVG on my XP bootcamp install!!!

  • Combat Carl - 15 years ago

    I run Norton Antivirus for Mac, but only because I get it through the Department of Defense for free.

  • btn - 15 years ago

    I would recommend Sophos for home Macs if you guys sold a version for consumers. Other AV software are resource hogs on OS X (read: major battery drainage) like their PC counterparts.

  • Mark Dalrymple - 15 years ago

    Well, on my work Mac, I do (because The Company demands it). On the home systems, I don't.

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