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Who is the most powerful woman in the G.O.P.?

Total Votes: 21,695

  • John in MN - 15 years ago

    I love how the Left always wants to tell the Conservatives how to run their own campaigns and who they should put on the ticket. if they are soooo convinced that Sarah Palin is a complete idiot and will destroy the GOP why in heavens name don't they just sit back and let it happen? After all they wish every Conservative and their ideas to be banished from public view and discourse. They are obviously scared spitless of the galvanizing ability that Palin has. When the Left chose our last candidate (McCain) a lot of Conservatives stayed home. IMHO the only reason he fared as well as he did was because of Sarah Palin.

  • barb w-t-f - 15 years ago

    Hmmmmm so many times I wonder... are all the people who read VF just plain without "common sense?" My answer is yes!

    Too many have lost their values and thus when they see someone with values, though imperfect, they demean and are downright mean about it!
    How many have called Sarah Palin dumb when in they probably cannot even spell integrity? How many of you are elitist (comparable to racist)? All of you who have an unreasoning spirit and absolutely no "common sense."

    I am sick to see some of the vile things that are being said about Sarah Palin when the ones who are saying it want this country, a Republic, to turn into a third world oligarchy! They voted for the FRAUD who is more narcissistic than Sarah Palin would ever think to be. The one who has made the health care plan about HIM, not about the people, and hasn't even read the damn thing!

    Here are some facts about the healthcare bill:
    Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!

    Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benes u get

    Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!

    Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose UR HC Benefits 4 you. U have no choice!

    PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided 2 ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise

    Pg 58HC Bill - Govt will have real-time access 2 individs finances & a National ID Healthcard will b issued!

    Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Govt will have direct access 2 ur banks accts 4 elect. funds transfer
    PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan 4 retirees and their families in Unions & community orgs (ACORN).

    Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Govt is creating an HC Exchange 2 bring priv HC plans under Govt control.

    PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Govt mandates ALL benefit pkgs 4 priv. HC plans in the Exchange

    PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration ur Healthcare!

    PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill - Govt mandates linguistic approp svcs. Example - Translation 4 illegal aliens

    Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps 2 sign up indiv. for Govt HC plan

    PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs of Ben Levels 4 Plans. #AARP members - U Health care WILL b rationed

    -PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Indiv. will b automat.enrolled in Medicaid. No choice
    pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monop

    pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt will tell YOU what u can make.

    Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into pub opt plan. NO CHOICE

    Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay 4 HC 4 part time employees AND their families.

    Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Emplyr w payroll 400k & above who does not prov. pub opt.. pays 8% tax on all payroll

    pg 150 Lines 9-13 Biz w payroll btw 251k & 400k who doesnt prov. pub. opt pays 2-6% tax on all payroll

    Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesnt have acceptable HC accrdng 2 Govt will be taxed 2.5% of inc

    Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from indiv. taxes. (Americans will pay)

    Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access 2 ALL Americans finan/pers recs

    PG 203 Line 14-15 HC - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that
    Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Govt will reduce physician svcs 4 Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected

    Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesnt matter what specialty u have, you'll all be paid the same

    PG 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of Dr's time, prof judg, etc. Literally value of humans.

    PG 265 Sec 1131Govt mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries

    PG 272 SEC. 1145. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!

  • Rebecca Johnson - 15 years ago

    It is really hilarious reading some of the "pro-Sarah Palin" comments. Rick, from New Jersey claims that somehow Al Qaeda has come out in support of President Obama. He is making this up. People like him are the ones who also believe that Obama is a Muslim and was not born in the U.S.A. Well, we just ended eight years of a President who supposedly loved God, family and country, and he pretty much wrecked our economy ($trillion) on invading a country that did not attack us), ruined our reputation around the world, even with countries that had supported us after 9/11. Our so-called "war on terror" created more terrorism. Things are worse than ever in Afghanastan, Pakistan, and in the middle east in general. Of course, Dick Cheney and crew dismantled the Constitution all the while claiming that they kept us "safe" for 8 years. Well, 9/11 happened on the Bush watch. He spent about a third of his time in office on vacation, including in August of 2001 when an FBI agent put a memo on his desk warning of a possible attack by suspicious people who had recently completed pilot training in places like Florida (oh, yes, another Bush in control there at the time as well). The memo was ignored because Mr. Bush was busy clearing bush on his ranch. Now our economy is in shambles over so many of his policies. I don't even know why Mr. Obama wanted the job to try and clean up this mess. Oh, and another thing. Sure, Bill Clinton couldn't keep his pants zipped, but he never went around preaching on the sanctity of marriage and faithfulness like some of the current crop of Republican hypocrites. And, the bottom line is Mr. Clinton left Mr. Bush with a huge surplus which was then squandered. I am hoping for the best in an aweful environment which President Obama has inherited. But, I am so thrilled to finally have a smart, thoughtful, pragmatic, eloquent President of the United States after the last horrific 8 years. Sarah Palin, no matter how much the extreme right loves her - just does not have an ounce of what it takes to run a town, city, state or country and that includes intelligence, inquisitiveness, and common sense. I hope she runs in 2012. It'll be a sideshow.

  • Angie - 15 years ago

    I will not subscribe to Vanity Fair anymore. I'm done. This article, poorly written is really too much. Clearly this Todd Pudum person is totally jealous of
    Gov. Palin. He wants to be just half the women she is.
    As for Vanity Fair your taste has become too liberal for me. so no renewal!

  • Rick from NJ - 15 years ago

    Mary (friend from Canada)...... with respect, You apparently didn't and still don't watch much media coverage of American politics. We do agree on one point....I'm proud to say your not an American as well. Sarah Palin was put in the cross hairs of the main stream media the minute she was put on the GOP ticket. She took the heat and then some. Her every move and sentence was picked apart looking for flaws. No one gave her a break because she was a woman. And yes Obama did get the kid glove treatment. Obama got a free pass from ABC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, New York times, etc. He could do no wrong. Stories that would have been plastered all over the headlines if it were a GOP candidate were hardly mentioned if at all. So I'm not sure what you were watching??? As for "parading her pregnant teen around " , as you put it, ........ that is so far from the truth it isn't funny. Her daughter took it upon herself to stand up and get her message out to other teens. A courageous and selfless act for a young teen if you ask me. Must be something she learned from mom. I'm not saying Sarah Palin is the next savior of the GOP. But she certainly doesn't deserve the inaccurate comments that come from people such as you. What I do say is, She certainly has a lot of dems scared to the point of them having to watch and bash every move she makes. For someone who is harmless they must really believe she is a threat. That in itself is enough to make me take notice of what and who Sarah Palin is.

  • Mary (friend from Canada) - 15 years ago

    Rick in New Jersey and others... with respect, Ms. Palin put her own kids in the spotlight. She chose to parade her pregnant teen around as the spokesperson for an abstinence campaign. If she can't take the heat, she should get outta the kitchen...which she pretty much has done now by resigning. Clearly, she's a quitter.

    Also, I don't regularly read VF but I will be now. The haters here saying they've canceled their subscriptions and won't buy the magazine has decided me. I'm going out to buy a copy right now. I'm always staggered that some Republicans don't understand how freedom of expression and freedom of speech are CORNERSTONES to democracy. The people who would withhold $$ from VF because of a clearly researched article about a woman on the public stage...... Again, scary. People, it's hard to imagine VF publishing a story like this that was not 100% fact-checked and then some. In journalism, especially for un-named sources that would mean three or more who are not connected. That is, Tweedledum and Tweedledee would not meet the burden of verifiability.

    Women especially who believe Palin should've been treated gently because she's a woman - GIVE ME A BREAK! Did anyone do that for Obama? Palin got to say that Obama "palled with terrorists" on top of any other number of allegations..... Did anyone hear Obama complaining? No, because he understands it's called POLITICS. Palin just doesn't have what it takes. She's a celebrity - that's all. Not a politician.

    What, she's a woman, a mother, has a kid with Down Syndrome so we should let her do what she wants? Yikes!

    How many ways can y'all spell dictatorship?

    Again, for all who think she's viable in ANY national role as a politician in the US...I'll pray for you.

  • Mary (friend from Canada) - 15 years ago

    Wow.... Sarah Palin makes me proud not to be American. I pray for your people if she'll be the type of politician that'll be the sole alternative to voting Mr. Obama in for a second term. It's BAD for democracy. There should be AT LEAST the illusion of a second option. Bravo to the writer of the article! I rather agree with Matt Damon (video on youtube). It's terrifying to realize just how close it came to being President Palin. It was terrifying not for US residents/citizens alone, but for people world-wide. I don't follow GOP politics well enough to comment on the other women except Condelezza Rice. Will she step up? I don't like her, and she too appears to be an adept liar (remember her and Powell with the vial of salt and WMD in Iraq?) but...again, I must say, she's intelligent. Clearly the GOP has a few things to do before 2012. President Obama would have to SERIOUSLY messup to not get in next time around.... He may get bogged down cleaning up the double-Bush legacy. Or perhaps Michelle's aspirations will form a mushroom cloud and she'll try to take over his office, or become 'Melda Obama (clothes, and shoes), or we'll discover that the President has been having an affair with Palin.... I don't know. But that Republican party sure has some work to do. It's staggering (as the writer of the VF article points out) that McCaiin actually CHOSE Palin after meeting with her for JUST two hours!!!!!! (That alone would make me SERIOUSLY question voting for the Republican ticket even if I hated the Crats. People who's marriages are arranged spend more time checking out their partners than McCain et al did checking her out...... What was that about? Also, a narcissistic delusional disorder of some kind? Or just sheer arrogance that he could choose whomever he liked? Wow....Good luck United States! You'll need it.

  • Rick in New Jersey - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin is an honest, forthcoming breath of fresh air. She stands behind her convictions and her family. Any good parent would not stand by and let anyone levy attacks on their children. Why should we expect her to be any different. I'll tell you what, come after my kids and your going to get it with everything I have at my disposal. If any of you would not do the same, I question your right to be a parent and I feel for your children who obviously have cowards as parents! Sarah Palin has made her way in this world by working hard. She has been where most Americans are. Working day in and day out for her paycheck. No silver spoon here. She understands where most Americans are coming from. Let's see, what powerful democratic people do we have to lead us? Michele Obama? She stood up and said she was ashamed to be an American until her husband tossed his hat in the ring. Or Barrack, I bow to foreign Kings, Obama? Imagine that! Our President bowing down! Give me a break! Or Ted Kennedy? To my knowledge Sarah has not left anyone drowning in the Chappaquiddick river or any other river for that matter. Or Bill Clinton? During his watch our military was allowed to become weak by him refusing proper funding. The man couldn't even keep his zipper up for Gods sake! Shouldn't it tell you something when Al Qaeda stands up in support of Obama and his cronies? I do not know what the future hold for Sarah Palin. However, I do support her loyalty to God, Family and Country! Three basic principals that make a good foundation for success. That makes her pretty powerful in my book!

  • jonique in va - 15 years ago

    sarah is a dumb woman. she struts her children all over the place, then complains when people talk about her. she does not know american history or government. worse, she does not want to learn, she has quit alaska. good for alaska. someone taught her to amekup and fix her hair. did you see her when she ran for ms. alaska? beautiful balck lady beat her out of the crown. give her a few years, the alaska sun will bake her. beauty is only skin deep.

  • Ed in Oregon - 15 years ago

    There are NO powerful women in Republican politics. Just look at virtually any gathering of Republican leaders. Who do you see? A bunch of white, middle-age or older men -- all good ol' boys haranguing against everything President Obama proposes to fix the messes their former top dog -- W -- and they themselves got us and the world into. I hear no female voice even speaking to the issues, let alone pointing to the hypocrisy rampant in the GOP.

  • Catherine Mahoney - 15 years ago

    Sarah, you are the epitomy of ignorance, how government runs, had to go to four or five colleges before she got her "degree". I find that hilarious, since she, like Dubya before her, cannot even put together a declarative sentance. Yes, you appeal to the religious right-wing with your stance on abortion. What about abstinence, Sarah? Apparently, you didn't pass along that little tidbit to your daughters? Yes, please produce Trigg's birth certificate. The whole country would be shocked. No good mother would be leaking amniotic fluid, give a speech, jump on an airplane, just so the infant could be born in Alaska? What were you thinking? OOps, I forgot, you have to have a brain to think? What frightens most of us was that if the 72 year old cancer-survivor McCain was elected, you would have been president! Now, that is the scariest thing ever, even more than Dubya (dumb as a box of rocks) was elected. Thank God, the American people came to their senses.

  • Barb Wheeler - 15 years ago

    Palin and Huckabee--the only way out of this economic anc political quagmire!!

  • Mary Alice French - 15 years ago

    I didn't renew my subscription to Vanity Fair this year, and I will not be purchasing any of your trash magazines in the future. It's sad to think your magazine is so desperate for money that it is has to print lies, unfounded gossip and slanderous comments about an American woman who many hold in high regard. I've been astounded as the media's response to Sarah Palin since she was first introduced to the American public. She gave an absolutely dynamic speech at the Republican National Convention that everyone talked about for days. She presents herself as an attractive, intelligent, confident knowledgeable and honest woman. She doesn't hide behind teleprompters, or audiences and media that are stacked in her favor. She faces her critics and supporters eye to eye.

    If she wore her hem up to her butt, or as much make-up at Tammy Faye Baker, or wore low cut blouses, I could understand why some make disparagingly comments about her appearance. As far as I'm concerned, David Letterman's apology didn't go far enough. He should have apologized for calling her a slutty stewardess too. But more to the point, why would anyone say that about someone without cause or reason? Oh yeah, it's good for ratings.

    I have come to the conclusion that her critics are not accustomed to seeing a strong politician who can fulfill their campaign promises and tell the truth at the same time. A politician who has a proven record of exposing corruption and of solving problems. A politician who has proven she can make positive "changes".

    No. Governor Sarah Palin did not graduate from Harvard, Yale or Princeton, but knowledge and experience can be earned in countless ways. She didn't come from a wealthy family, but it is obvious to me and her other supporters, she possesses the true values which American is based.

    We are sick and tired of the lies, corruption and greed we see represented in our state and federal politicians by what they say, by the bills they pass or do not pass, and the laws they fail to uphold.

    I hope with all my heart Governor Sarah Palin does run for President in 2012 or 2016. I would gladly and wholeheartedly support her nomination.

  • Virginia F - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin? She stepped way out of her league and fell flat on her face. Kinda feel sorry for her.

    Don't worry about cancellations, VF. I have renewed my subscription for another 5 years! Just keep on keepin on!

  • Big Easy - 15 years ago

    I thought the following from the VF article to be the most interesting part: "More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard. Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—“a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy”—and thought it fit her perfectly. When Trig was born, Palin wrote an e-mail letter to friends and relatives, describing the belated news of her pregnancy and detailing Trig’s condition; she wrote the e-mail not in her own name but in God’s, and signed it “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father.”
    Palin draws a lot of negative attention to herself. Palin is like the kid who's always acting up in class and getting caught. They get defensive and lash out at the teacher, "What did I do wrong? Why are you always picking on me? It's not fair. Pick on someone else. I'm going to tell my parents, and they'll sue you and make sure you get fired."

  • Linda - 15 years ago

    Based on the poll to date, popularity does not equate to intelligence, preparedness, or capacity to govern; rather, popularity equates to ten-second sound-bites and meaningless credentials (perhaps meaningless credentials is a paradox of sorts). If this is where the GOP sees its female strengths, I don't see myself supporting the party. There are many capable woman (some mentioned in this poll) who have earned 'the title' of leader. The front-runners of this poll have not.

  • Anita G - 15 years ago

    To those who say that Democrats are elitists, Ivy-League educated and afraid of the likes of Sarah Palin: you just don't get it ad are so off the mark it is truly scary. Most of us are NOT Ivy League educated -- but we are educated even if we have educated ourselves, and we do appreciate education and intelligence. I am not afraid of Sarah Palin, but rather of the pitchfork-holding, mob of idiots who support half-wits like her. As one commentor here said -- "pay attention to what she's saying -- not how she's saying it." I ca'y do that, because what she is saying MAKES NO SENSE. It is senseless drabble. At the very LEAST, we need people who can think clearly enough to craft an idea into an articulate sentence to lead this country.

  • Francine - 15 years ago

    I hope Sarah Palin runs in 2012. She is entertaining and has no chance of winning. She is so destructive she might even bring the Republican Party down with her.

  • Sto Kin - 15 years ago

    Not all great things last forever, not all empires are meant for all eternity as history abundantly demonstrates. At their peak heydays, who would have been able to predict the end of Roman Empire in 100 BC or the British Empire during Victoria's reign or, say, Third Reich in 1938? And I firmly believe that only and only the United States itself, via its very own shortcomings and internal conflicts, and not one of its rival countries is capable of bringing about its demise and terminating the global supremacy it enjoys today. I am thrilled to see when morons with huge ambitions like Sarah Palin have popular following in America. More power to them. I hope to see more of them eclipsing the reason, decency and common sense of the electorate of USA in coming elections. Is there a built-in filter in the political system against it? No! By way of an example to show that checks and balances, on which Americans rely so much, are rendered useless: yesterday a couple of poisonous envelopes in Washington were enough to herd senators into voting for the Homeland Security Act. Tomorrow, another couple of inventive threats will goad the entire American public into accepting more undemocratic measures. Just last year it was old and ill McCain's Palin a heartbeat away, if only her media goofs could be avoided. Tomorrow (especially after waking up to the fact that Obama is weak) some other clueless puppet with the right smile, delivering the right lines at the right moments, at the hands of a campaign wizard (in coalition with party bosses and big money who would conclude, instead of following a sensible leader capable of unearthing all of America's dirt under the rug, that a malleable, impressionable candidate at their full service is a great idea). And the day after tomorrow, voila!, a fanatically patriotic religious zealot that knows how to push the right buttons in every individual voter (sheep, that is) thanks to, by that time, a better evolutionary stage of "metrics" that will be able to permeate and measure and by feedback shape the opinion of the voter; more refined, more personalized and more subtle communications practice including pr; better and more novel uses of technologies such as the web, etc.. That day is nearer than ever.

  • Deborah Coon - 15 years ago

    There's alot that can be said positive or neg about Gov. Palin. We Alaskans can at least hold our heads up that our governor isn't stepping out because of a Sex Scandal or corrupt politics as every other state in this Union has. She did what she has intended to do in cleaning up our politics and politicans, she gave back to the people of Alaska money that could have well been turned over to our greedy legislators, she helped reduce some of our high costs of living by removing the gas tax, which is still removed I believe,she removed politics as usual in Juneau , and she took the interest of the people of Alaska making the oil companies pay their proper share in oil revenue. She managed to finally get some real response in a gas line that no other governor before her was able to acomplish/ no bribing here) She has started a buzz (like the shot heard around the world) and we can or can not chose to see where it'll go from here. Have any of these other most powerfull woman ever been as disected as Our governor has been? I and any one who ever played basketball understand exactly what she is saying. The pass has been made and she's now heading for the hoop. If you people down below find this to be rambling then you obviosely are so out of touch with down to earth lanuage.Listen to what she's saying Not how its said.

  • vincent eacona - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air compared to the occupant of the white house. she is godsent and thorn to the side of the evil critic's of her. they spew their vicious diatribes of hate of which they are composed of. she will be a great president if we support her in her quest for the office.

  • ann bier - 15 years ago

    That woman is crazy. If you don't think so take a gander at the resignation speech.

  • Bob Fleming - 15 years ago

    If this poll is accurate the Republican Party is close to extinction.

  • Smith - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin should be on the most dangerous list. She is the last thing America needs: a dumb, self-serving, vicious women. She cries about how mean the media is to her yet she was so the worst kind of evil during the campaign some of the things she said were not only untrue but just awful. She is horrible and everyone seems to forget that as she continues to claim her love for America she was also "paling" around with a group that wanted her beloved state of Alaska to succeed from America.
    I hope she does run in 2012, at least it adds humor to the process.

  • Margaret Hodges - 15 years ago

    It's obvious that Vanity Fair and its coterie of Obamamaniacs are out to slash and burn anybody they fear. Sarah Palin is the real thing, and that scares you to death. Otherwise, why bother to destroy her? America needs Palin more than Alaska. Go for it, Sarah.

  • James - 15 years ago

    What a snobby, elitist, integrity lacking so called journalism. "unidentified sources"? Give me a break! This type of drivel is what makes Goveror Sarah Palin more and more popular with everyday middle to upper class Americans. She's one of us and there are many. She stands for all things American unlike this snotty little elitist piece of trash. No wonder why you're going out of business soon?

    I voted for Sarah Palin in 2008 and will certainly support her and do all I can to help her get elected. As time goes by and we continue to see the change we could believe in is not changing anything at all - Sarah Palin looks more and more appealing to the average American voter because she knows what it's like. And we know what the elite media is like: out of touch, inside the beltway, ivy league educated, bought and sold trash. Keep going - I'm starting to think you may really be FOR Sarah Palin after all?

  • Roz - 15 years ago

    Palin is a nut, why waste good money.

  • sandra - 15 years ago

    Go Palin. They take time to write so much about you. Uuumm that must mean you have stuck on someone's mind. Not a bad thing. What means nothing is usually forgotten. Impressive long long comments. Impressive. Go Palin, The more (comments) the merrier. Go Palin, You are a powerful woman..Go for it. GO FOR IT. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you will do it well!!!

  • anna - 15 years ago

    shes the most powerfulWOMAN of theGOP...because shes the most honest and stands against mainstream women with her stand against abortion..she does what she believes..shs the face of the strong faith that the GOP has been so afraid of for fear of losing flash.. you lost anyway..get back to the principles of the GOP before you lose any more..shes a working mom with real life problems she doesnt hide like the S.C. governor...she lives the truth and thats what mainstream media and liberals are so afraid of..shes not afraid of persecution..and she takes a lot more critizism than even Obama gets...which he deserves...but enough with attacking her family..have we all forgotten how much Michelle Obama hated this country until her husband got that thesis of hers yet?Go Todd Palin for being independent..did we forget that Barbara Bush was pro-chice?

  • FbksAkSkierI am a - 15 years ago

    I am a 39-year resident of Alaska and registered "Undeclared" voter -- as are the largest percetage of Alaskan voters. My assessment of Sarah Palin is: (a) she is less intelligent and much less worldly than George W. Bush; and (b) she was, without question, the least qualified national candidate in my lifetime, which extends back to the days of Eiesenhower/Nixon vs. Stevenson/Kefauver.

  • Wayne - 15 years ago

    I must apologize for getting one of my facts wrong. George Bush (no. 1) did not put the military on welfare, but by the end of his second term, George Bush (no, 2) did.

  • wayne - 15 years ago

    It is pretty obvious that most of the bloggers here are mainstream media and website readers that are from the "liberal world of change". I am a registered Independent American and proud of it. I am also a traditionalist. I served in two branches of the military and retired from one of them. I fought in the most unpopular war this country has ever had.
    In my life I have seen 13 presidents in office and never really cared about the running of the government until Jimmy Carter got the job. He and his progressive ideas caused me to take pause and look at how this country was being run.
    I voted for Reagan. As a senior enlisted man in the military man at that time, I was on welfare. He took us off those lines with a pay increase. He was a conservative and believed in a strong military. ALL presidents after him put the military on welfare again. Obama will do the same to get it his way. To increase government, he will cut the Military spending and benefits.
    Sarah Palin would not have done these things. She is a straight arrow and from what I have seen and read she has not lied to anyone. If you think she is not qualified to run the US, then none of you have ever looked at the expansive size of Alaska. It is over one third third the size of the "Lower 48".
    Even in most of the worst locations there, folks live there and she is responsible for them. She sure has more credentials than a community organizer, and I am sure that she (if ever elected) won't still be on the campaign trail this far into the task of the oval office. She also won't be trying to look like a "pitch person" for her agendas.
    As I see it, Sarah Palin is a traditionalist. She believes in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. She also believes in the country's money having "In God We Trust" on it. She wouldn't be apologizing to the world for being a bit arrogant because there isn't a country in the world that hasn't asked for and gotten our hard earned tax dollars.
    I also don't believe that she would not have allowed for the possibility of my great grandchildren would be paying off the current debt that the present administration has created.
    Though many of you don't believe it, she is a woman of character. Many have looked into allegations of her wrongdoing and could not find anything.
    The unhappy folks in the McCain camp are using her as the whipping post for their failure to get their job done. Those are the ones lying to the media. It's the old game of "If I couldn't get what I wanted, then I am gonna do my best to make sure you don't get what you want". Have any of you noticed that she hasn't run and hid? That's because she has nothing to hide.
    My money is on Sarah Palin. She is the most powerful WOMAN in the GOP. If she runs for President, she has my vote. I believe in her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bob Lobla - 15 years ago

    Michelle Malkin!

  • Cal Gal - 15 years ago

    Liz Cheney. She's the one who's on TV a lot and who is battling the left for the Repubs world view. Never doubt the power of a Cheney!

  • Bob Dobolina - 15 years ago

    This list shows what trouble the GOP is in. If these are the choices, I'd say the Republican Party can plan on sitting on the bench for a long, long time. Sarah Palin? Stupid and pathetic.

  • Charles Andross - 15 years ago

    Once again, GOP power is mistakenly being defined by the Puppets rather than the PuppetMasters that pull the strings. The Bush coalition is by far one of the most powerful as defined by the resources and influence via lobbyists they control. Furthering wealth was the real objective of the last administration - eight years of pillage. How well they succeeded!
    Obama bashing, Plalin bashing, ad nauseam are diversions from the reality of what is happening to America. Distraction is the key to the big con.

  • Martin Turofski - 15 years ago

    I'd vote for her just because she is cute...who cares about anything else.

  • Ione - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin is an idiot. She's also a two-faced liar when it suits her. She certainly is not any role model that I want to follow. If she wants to knowingly bring a Downs Syndrome child into this world, that is her business (she has choice!!!). But for her to try and tell the rest of us we cannot abort a pregnancy for any reason is unconscionable. Who appointed this bimbo God? Oh, I forgot, she appointed herself God.

  • Linda - 15 years ago

    I think Sarah Palin should run for president in 2012 with Rush Limbaugh as her vice presidential running mate. She will galvanize the party...the Democratic Party, that is.

  • Julia - 15 years ago

    I am a Republican, a conservative, and I did not, and do not think that Ms Palin is ready to be president. We need a person who knows how to lead, for one thing, not someone who is so convinced that they are always "right" that they are blind to other ideas.

  • Bill - 15 years ago

    If Sara Palin got her sense of "where America came from and where it should be going" from God, then God is indeed capricious, cruel, and maybe even funnier than Dave Letterman.
    Palin is everybody's ex-wife, the center of the universe, who exposes her children in the most humiliating ways imaginable, and then complains if anyone takes note. She is utterly humorless, delicately over sensitive, and another perpetuator of Republican myth-making.
    Electing her a breath away from the Presidency and the nuclear trigger would have been the greatest security threat in our country's history.
    Sarah Palin could use a couple of thumps from her own Bible to knock some sense into her globally warmed air head
    Articles like this keep me subscribing to VF.

  • Susan - 15 years ago

    Of the candidates named the question should have been: "Who is the smartest woman in the G.O.P?"

    The answer should be Olympia Snowe.

    I agree with Mr_Puppy. He is very astute. Power is not a virtue.

  • Dr John Cheatham - 15 years ago

    Such drivel as this in your magazine is just another reason I no longer subscribe. Credibility is totally lost on "unidentified sources". Obviously, the DEMs/Left are scared to death of the power Palin has in dreawing the average , middle class American to her which was obvious during the campaign. As for the former McCain campaign back stabbers, they have to make some excuse for McCain's failure. He wouldn't have gotten as many votes as he did had he not had Palin on the ticket. Sour grapes do not make good wine. I hope Palin runs for Senate THEN for President.

  • FENOM - 15 years ago

    If Sarah is the best you can do, then God Help You! Her intellect is suspect. Her opinions are void of any substance and her grasp of issues is lacking. Her answer for any question is "Less Government, Less Taxes". This translate for me to mean, No regulations on companies so the rich can continues to get richer. She is just irritating.

  • Mary Ann Herrmann - 15 years ago

    Palin Power is very strong amongst conservatives. I was relieved that a real American finally came aboard on the political scene that has the God given sense where America came from and where it should be going. Gov. Palin is her own woman and won't be bought, sold, traded or bartered. She has my full support in the run for the White House in 12. She is America's one last hope and prayer to save this country and let it stand proud as it should be.

  • Mr_Puppy - 15 years ago

    The poll question is "Who is the most powerful woman in the GOP?" but the paragraph above asks "Which female will help pull the GOP out of its post-Bush blues?"

    Those are 2 very different questions. Currently, the 2 most powerful women in the GOP are Palin and Coulter, but neither of them are going to help turn the party around.

  • ew dick - 15 years ago

    I just dropped my subscrition to your magazine!

  • carmeena burana - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin? Puhleeze. What has she DONE? Attended 4 colleges before graduating; minor t.v. commentator; Mayor of Wasilla; Governor of Alaska.
    As Mayor of Wasilla, it is uncontroverted that a sports facility was built, under her guiding hand. Unfortunately, the entire land on which it sits was not legally acquired by the city, leaving Wasilla in the midst of a lawsuit. As Mayor, Ms. Palin fired and hired literally at will. (She has never been heard to say, "Let them eat cake!", in her defense.)
    Despite the cries for her to do so, she has never produced a birth certificate for Trigg, allegedly her fifth child. People surrounding her were stunned to hear of her pregnancy, so stunned that she e-mailed family and friends, explaining her pregnancy and recent delivery. And how is it that Ms. Palin was aware that she was about to deliver a child with Down's Syndrome, if she is as adamantly pro-Life as is claimed? Why would she undergo amniocentesis, or any other prenatal diagnostic test, if she is as staunch a supporter of that movement?
    I had an attorney colleague, young, expecting her first baby, who was offered amnio during the appropriate timeframe. She declined, knowing that as a staunch Catholic, she would not terminate the pregnancy under any conditions. (Unfortunately, her first child was born with massive birth defects and lived out his short but blessed life, surrounded by a loving family and friends.)
    So how is it that Ms. Palin carried this child (close to) term, was apprised of his medical status, was out of state, started labor, chose to fly home on a commercial flight--possibly endangering her child's life as well as her own--and there is one small-town doctor that professes to have been there, but there is no prior or subsequent proof of the blessed event? Why would a Mom trot out her pregnant, unmarried daughter, along with other siblings, to political events? A Mom is to be trusted by her daughter. A Down's Syndrome newborn should be protected by Mom.
    As a political science major undergrad and an attorney by trade, I recognize that Ms. Palin packs a powerful political punch. She is physically attractive, is good--usually--with sound bites, appeals to the religious right and is an amazing speaker with a Teleprompter.
    What most people who are enamored of her fail to recognize is that she is the ideological twin of George W. Bush. The man who has run every company (and in this case, country) that he ever headed, into the ground. That is the ultimate, albeit subconscious, draw of Ms. Palin. She appeals to people who adored Dubya, no matter that he got us into a bogus war, no matter that he caused thousands of young men and women to go to a foreign country to fight and they did not know who the enemy was or what that enemy looked like. No matter that "contractors" such as Halliburton & BlackWater took on no bid contracts; and high government officials lined their pockets with blood money. No matter that the terms of the Geneva Conventions were broken, with disgusting and intolerable acts being perpetrated on others.
    We can and should get "the bad guys", terrorism is not to be tolerated nor overlooked.Yet we present ourselves as a "civilized" country, run roughshod over the world and wonder what went wrong.
    Sarah Palin is certainly not attempting to govern Alaska in a discreet, solemn and responsible manner. She's got her eye on 2012--when she should be attempting to curry favor with her constituency in Alaska, for her run for Governor in 2010. That is next year, Ms. Palin. Better hop to it.
    Someone like Senator Snowe is a person who should be seriously considered as a frontrunner of the Republican Party. She has gravitas and credibility. She is not a flash-in-the-pan-Palin. This country deserves better than a "hottie" Governor (their words, not mine) to decide our childrens' and granchildrens' futures.

  • carmeena burana - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin? Puhleeze. What has she DONE? Attended 4 colleges before graduating; minor t.v. commentator; Mayor of Wasilla; Governor of Alaska.
    As Mayor of Wasilla, it is uncontroverted that a sports facility was built, under her guiding hand. Unfortunately, the entire land on which it sits was not legally acquired by the city, leaving Wasilla in the midst of a lawsuit. As Mayor, Ms. Palin fired and hired literally at will. (She has never been heard to say, "Let them eat cake!", in her defense.)
    Despite the cries for her to do so, she has never produced a birth certificate for Trigg, allegedly her fifth child. People surrounding her were stunned to hear of her pregnancy, so stunned that she e-mailed family and friends, explaining her pregnancy and recent delivery. And how is it that Ms. Palin was aware that she was about to deliver a child with Down's Syndrome, if she is as adamantly pro-Life as is claimed? Why would she undergo amniocentesis, or any other prenatal diagnostic test, if she is as staunch a supporter of that movement?
    I had an attorney colleague, young, expecting her first baby, who was offered amnio during the appropriate timeframe. She declined, knowing that as a staunch Catholic, she would not terminate the pregnancy under any conditions. (Unfortunately, her first child was born with massive birth defects and lived out his short but blessed life, surrounded by a loving family and friends.)
    So how is it that Ms. Palin carried this child (close to) term, was apprised of his medical status, was out of state, started labor, chose to fly home on a commercial flight--possibly endangering her child's life as well as her own--and there is one small-town doctor that professes to have been there, but there is no prior or subsequent proof of the blessed event? Why would a Mom trot out her pregnant, unmarried daughter, along with other siblings, to political events? A Mom is to be trusted by her daughter. A Down's Syndrome newborn should be protected by Mom.
    As a political science major undergrad and an attorney by trade, I recognize that Ms. Palin packs a powerful political punch. She is physically attractive, is good--usually--with sound bites, appeals to the religious right and is an amazing speaker with a Teleprompter.
    What most people who are enamored of her fail to recognize is that she is the ideological twin of George W. Bush. The man who has run every company (and in this case, country) that he ever headed, into the ground. That is the ultimate, albeit subconscious, draw of Ms. Palin. She appeals to people who adored Dubya, no matter that he got us into a bogus war, no matter that he caused thousands of young men and women to go to a foreign country to fight and they did not know who the enemy was or what that enemy looked like. No matter that "contractors" such as Halliburton & BlackWater took on no bid contracts; and high government officials lined their pockets with blood money. No matter that the terms of the Geneva Conventions were broken, with disgusting and intolerable acts being perpetrated on others.
    We can and should get "the bad guys", terrorism is not to be tolerated nor overlooked.Yet we present ourselves as a "civilized" country, run roughshod over the world and wonder what went wrong.
    Sarah Palin is certainly not attempting to govern Alaska in a discreet, solemn and responsible manner. She's got her eye on 2012--when she should be attempting to curry favor with her constituency in Alaska, for her run for Governor in 2010. That is next year, Ms. Palin. Better hop to it.
    Someone like Senator Snowe is a person who has should be seriously considered as a frontrunner of the Republican Party. She has gravitas and credibility. She is not a flash-in-the-pan-Palin. This country deserves better than a "hottie" Governor (their words, not mine) to decide our childrens' and granchildrens' futures.

  • Paul Rosen - 15 years ago

    Great poll. If we are all still breathing and above ground in '12, I can't wait for Palin to be on a ticket. Put Coulter in as VP. "Attack of the 50' Harridans".

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