Should Weymouth reduce its penalty for student athletes caught using drugs or alcohol?


  • Showboat - 15 years ago

    There should be a zero tolerance to any drug use for all student athletes. If the athletes are serious about playing for the school then they should be serious about there own health.

  • Realistic - 15 years ago

    Drugs and alcohol are a problem in most towns and cities across our country and the world. Some people want to make it appear that Weymouth is leading the way. That is simply not true.
    A big point to remember is that everything starts at home. There needs to be discipline at school but there should also be discipline in the home. Raising children - at the school-age - is a partnership between the parent(s)/guardians and the school, but mostly parents/guardians are largely responsible.

  • Kathleen - 15 years ago

    Weymouth has a terrific drug problem, and within a week of that headlining, they consider making it less of a consequence for students to use? Makes no sense. I understand the security officer at Weymouth High is half the problem at that school.

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