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Should teens caught drinking by police be arrested?

Total Votes: 543

  • Nick - 15 years ago

    We don't see a problem in Europe with this. The drinking age for the US should be a standard 18 yrs old. Thats as simple as it gets. Once kids are in college they mine as well be 21 because the drink just as much.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Lowering the drinking age, and Massachusetts will lose 15% of federal highway funding. Massachusetts will not lose that.

  • John - 15 years ago

    Mary Jane, Speeding is against the don't get arrested for that. Teens are going to drink no matter what, no "tactic" is going to bring a solution to the problem. It's a waste of time for police and courts to lock up teenagers for drinking when they could be chasing after more serious offenders. Schools need to educate teens on the danger of drinking but also about the consequences. Lower the drinking age to 18.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Arrested, no. PC'd yes.

  • Mary - 15 years ago

    For years the police have tried to be "gentle" and most of the time they just take away the booze. It is obvious that tactic hasn't worked. Teens drinking and driving is all over the news all the time - 'nuf sed!
    Consuming alcohol under the age of 21 is against the law.....people get arrested for breaking the, let the law officials abide by the law!!

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