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Should President Barack Obama, without pre-conditions, in his first year in office, meet with HIM Yao Sui, China's current succession Emperor and head of state?

Total Votes: 4
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  • 1. American people need to be more aware of what is going on in their nation as well as in the world. Having a reluctance to deal with truth and with God's standards of righteousness will doom their nation. Perhaps, Americans do not care about God or about true justice.

    2. No matter what any man says about Barack Obama. No matter what they say of him, he still has an obligation to meet with people as the 44th US President. Major crisis are solved by a meeting of the minds or through negotiation. In the video, Obama chides the Bush administration for not meeting with the US's worst enemies. Yet Obama refuses to meet with me, the man who could single-handedly end the Iraq War.

    3. If 10 US soldiers die, will Obama meet with me? If 100 US soldiers die, will Obama meet with me? If 1,000 US soldiers die, will President Obama now meet with me? What does it take for this fraud to fulfill his sworn oath and defend our nation and end this illegal war? Would Obama meet with me, when 10,000 troops have died? Obama is not legally our US President and he would rather see 100,000 troops die, rather than to admit to his legal place of birth and dual citizenships. (

    With the right negotiator in place it is possible to immediately end the Iraq War. Don't let Washington fool you. And the Press should/should have published the full truth of this Iraq War. The truth has not as of yet been published, though it is well known in Congress and in the Pentagon (including among US military Generals). If God should die and our nation via the above-mentioned agencies had a change of heart, a true repentant heart could bring about a solution, a permanent solution, as measured by God's standard, which will be satisfactory to all and this war could end tomorrow if our nation wanted it.

    Should you be blind or should you insist that your nation's news media organizations (over 800 of them) publish the real truth behind this illegal and heinous/murderous war?

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