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Which Big Brother 11 HG would you most like to see as the next HoH?

Total Votes: 1,743

  • Jessica - 15 years ago

    and Kevin.

  • Jessica - 15 years ago

    Remember, Jeff can't win HOH if you want Russell,Jesse, Natalie gone, but he can if you want chima,lydia, or RONNIE(:)) gone. If you want the first three gone, you need Casey, Jordan/Laura , Michele(not ronnie or chima though :( ) My favorite people in the house, Jeff, Jordan, Casey, Laura, Michele. Other 5: F U!

  • ltcmek - 15 years ago

    Would really like Jeff, but then he couldn't put up Jesse or Nat, so have to go with Laura/Jordan (whoever stays). Want Jeff to be HOH as soon as clique rule is gone.

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