Who are you voting for on cbs.com/bigbrother to win the Special Power to overthrow the HoH's nominees and replace them on the spot, known as the Coup d'Etat


  • flv to dvd converter - 14 years ago

    that is it.

  • pdf to tiff - 15 years ago

    Though he didn't look as good on his interviews before entering the house) people will be drawn to you (give you a chance) over a so called average or below average looking person.

  • Technology - 15 years ago

    Even if jeff was not in a showmance, he'd still be liked, he is a nice guy, and not an -a-hole like freakin Jessie and hypocritical like Gnat

  • Floxxy - 15 years ago

    I was saddened that Jeff got voted off last episode. Is there anyway he can be brought back as a surprise to the house? It is boring without him, he makes the game more interesting especially with Jordan present. It would be fun to see him back and give Natalie the shock of her life; she and her cohort are traitors after Jeff took them off the block, they stabbed him on the back, they do not deserve to win.

  • Leonard - 15 years ago

    Even if jeff was not in a showmance, he'd still be liked, he is a nice guy, and not an -a-hole like freakin Jessie and hypocritical like Gnat

  • Elaine - 15 years ago

    Love the fact that Jeff is leading. He's a good guy and would use the power wisely. Way to go everyone who has voted for him.

  • Rhon - 15 years ago

    I think Ronnie has to go I would love to see Jef win the game. He was an out cast from the very beginning and has stayed true to his friends. Russell also has stayed true to his word either one should win

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    I think only reason Jeff will win not because people have nothing better to do then vote a billion times which is 1 of reasons but I think it's the Jeff and Jordan showmance as a competitior Jeff isn't that good but people love a good showmance (look at Jessica and Eric with America's vote for example). So Jeff will win Vote because he's in a showmance not because of what he's doing game wise. He got lucky to win his only POV cause Casey and Natalie decided to drop out of it. He only stayed up so long in last comp because Michelle's pants got stuck and BB didn't let Natalie use the bag outfit. Jessie probably would have lasted longer then Jeff. So congrats Jeff on winning vote for doing absolutely nothing in the game lol.

  • Gambler777 - 15 years ago

    I have a feeling the reason Jeff is leading the vote on here (and probably in the official vote) is like a lot of society if you are good looking (above average like Jeff.Though he didn't look as good on his interviews before entering the house) people will be drawn to you (give you a chance) over a so called average or below average looking person.
    Not so in all cases. Looks only go so far. For instance if Jessie had Jeff's looks he would still be screwed because of his extremely obnoxious personality and being so in love with himself.
    Myself I think there are more interesting people I would like to see win America's Choice. Someone unpreidictable and not such a cookie cutter image.
    As for BB11 I think this season blows so far compared to BB10. (Though the ending sucked with Dan winning.) Still a ways to go in BB11 so it could get better though I am not holding my breath. If it contiues on the road it looks to be heading it could get pretty boring fast.

  • jennifer - 15 years ago

    I am voting for jeff, jordan and michelle. Those are reallt the only 3 I would like to see have it. Preferably jeff, because I am not sure jordan has the smarts to really do any good with it and michelle doesn't have any deals with anyone. Needless to say, any of these 3 would work for me.

  • sharon - 15 years ago

    give jeff your vote for he will cover jordan. i want to know what's with the excessive commercials? fomerly had ti-vo so didn't pay as much attention. hard $ times=no tivo and total ad time seems to have doubled. truly aggraviting! fix it cbs,or i'll find something better to do with the hour that only nets about 20 min. actual program time.

    po'ed in FL

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    You mean to tell me that Natalie's voice is more "annoying" then Michele's wanna small laugh or Chima's laugh? It's not the person's fault the way they talk that's like making fun of Casey because he has a different accent then Jeff. I said before I don't mind if Jessie leaves the house I just hope Natalie gets to stick around atleast past other ladies in the house because she brings more to the table then just sitting by and doing nothing and yes you will say Michelle won POV but we will see how this one played out because I doubt she wins the POV if Jessie or Casey don't get the money and party respetively.

  • Toka - 15 years ago

    Tim, it's not the 3 60 minute eps that make us dislike Jesse. If you're an avid live feed watcher you'd see that Jesse brings no entertainment value to the feeds at all. All he does is eat, work out, and sleep, and he doesn't even work out that often. His whining over being on slop is ridiculous, and reminds us of him last season. He hasn't changed, he still has a huge love of himself, and natalie easily has the most annoying voice since Sharon on season 9 with "BEEEEBIES!!"

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Actually I only voted for Natalie 1 time. Good people? It's funny how Jessie, Natalie etc get portrayed badly and they become the "bad" people. If people understud their personality they would know them better but they are only portrayed what 3 60 minute shows edit for you to see and just because people come off bad on live feeds don't make them bad. Jeff hasn't always come off good on the Live Feeds but yet people still suck up to him just because people enjoy a good showmance on Big Brother. I hope Jeff gets the power accidentally hints to Jordan he has it and then as quick as he gets it he will lose it and be screwed. He needs the power because he won't win any HOH's he got lucky in the POV because Natalie choose to drop out it or else she could have won it.

  • Lin - 15 years ago

    Revenge! Finally the good people in the house will get a chance. Jeff should of won HOH. It was so obvious that he had Russell beaten badly. Thanks for the votes fellow watchers with class.

  • Sarah - 15 years ago

    For one, it's hysterical that they zoomed in on Jessie when they announced that America would pick the person with the power. Jessie knows that America doesn't like him.

    It's also hysterical that Ronnie thinks he has a shot, he thinks his wife will campaign and get him the votes.

    The only people I trust to be against Jessie are Jeff, Michelle, and Kevin. Everyone else is suspect. The problem with this power, is that you can't use it the first week unless you are on the block. You could, but that would be stupid, because you could save it in case you are on the block the second week.

    That would be great to use it the second week, to take yourself off and put someone on - if you make sure not to win HOH the second week, allowing yourself to still be eligible to play for HOH the week after the 2 weeks of power are over.

    Russell said that back-dooring someone wouldn't be possible next week - why not? If there will be 9 people next week, and 6 are playing, doesn't that leave 3 people not in the POV game?

  • Toka - 15 years ago

    The reason why we should be voting for Michelle:

    First off, right now just about everyone is liking Jeff, they all want him on his side. So long as Jeff or Jordan aren't on the block the Coup D'Etat will not be used. And it's only for 2 weeks, so it's likely they won't be on the block.

    Michelle has gotten a bum rap from the house, but she is a little crazy. Always let the crazy bitch have the power, it makes the show far more interesting. Plus with the likelyhood of her going up as a pawn at some point, it's more likely that the power will be used.

    Michelle wants only one thing in this game, some allies. This is a free pass to get her some, and Jeff and Jordan would be prime candidates to ally with her.

    So that's my 2 cents.. vote Michelle, to make the game interesting.

  • Kirche - 15 years ago

    lol Tim voted for Nat 3 times. Poor Natalie.

  • Ben - 15 years ago

    So Tim, you are one of the WHOLE three votes Natalie has so far? LOL

  • shannon - 15 years ago

    I just want to say thank you for posting this poll - I was dying to know who was in the lead and it is very evident!

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    134 votes for 1 person...can we get a life lol? Im just sayin. But hey im cool if he wants Jessie out but as a Natalie fan let her stay.

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