Who would you like to see win the upcoming Big Brother 11 HoH?


  • cherryObebe - 15 years ago

    I chose Natalie, but Chima would be great too, hoping that Jeff can use the Coup d'Etat and send Jessie packing! Weeeeee!

  • Alyson - 15 years ago

    Tim- Natalie and Jessie are outright liars. Now that they're down to smaller numbers and she's completely under Jessie's spell she will do whatever it takes, even if it means lying to people's faces from now on. The ONLY way for Natalie or Jessie to go home is to use the power Jeff got. There is ZERO question Jeff would put up Jessie and Natalie next to each other. NO QUESTION. There's no other way to get one of them out right now. And he'll still be able to play for hoh and be safe the next week. Russell kept his word because of the circumstances. Jessie and Natalie have gone back on theirs every chance they get and they will find a reason to put Jeff & Jordan up- or somebody else from their side. Even if they don't put J & J up they can knock out one of their side and then J & J are down in numbers again. It's a win/win for Jeff not to get hoh. If Chima gets it then he can put up Jessie & Natalie as replacements. It's freaking genius.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Natalie already told Jeff and Jordan she wouldn't put them up so if she wins and keeps her word then Jeff probably wouldn't use it on Jessie because Natalie would have kept her word then the target would be on Jeff because he won't win a comp that's not endurance and fixed.

  • Jennifer - 15 years ago

    I agree. I want someone to be forced to show their cards, so everyone else can really see where they lie...and then, Jeff can still hold the power by utilizing the CDT right before eviction's and put up Jessie and Natalie. Then, Jeff can head outside and win HoH! :) Therefore, I voted for Chima to win. I don't see Kev or Lydia winning against the other HGs and I don't want Nat or Jess to be safe from eviction.

  • GoJanie - 15 years ago

    I'm hoping that jeff doesn't win the hoh this week i want Chima to win then Jeff can use his wizard power without wasting it....I think it would be funny if he and jordan sat on the block all week, then on eviction night he uses the power to put natalie and jesse up in their place!

  • Alyson - 15 years ago

    I would LOVE for Jessie, Natalie or Chima to win this so that Jeff can overthrow them. Nor only could he still play in next week's HOH, but the look on any one of their faces would be PRICELESS!!! I seriously hope he convincingly throws it and that Jordan doesn't get lucky and Michelle falls short. I would absolutely HATE to see Jeff not use this thing. It's absolute brilliance : )


  • NelliJ - 15 years ago

    Same here! I don't want Jeff to win only so he can overthrow Chima, Nat or Jessie!

  • marciamaria - 15 years ago

    It would be great to see Nat. or Chima win HOH and on eviction night Jeff will stand and over-turn the nomintaions and Jessie can be gone!!! MUahahaha!!! Even better Jeff will have the oppertunity to still win HOH the next week.

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