With BB11 Jessie as Jeff's intended target for the Coup d'Etat Power, would you like Jessie to have the opportunity to Play in the Power of Veto Comp?


  • Morgan - 15 years ago

    I agree Echo33!! I want him to take them both down and put up Jessie and Natalie!! He would make more allies that way and he would separate the evil!

  • Louise - 15 years ago

    The HoH and the Veto winner are both safe from the Coup d'Etat - so if Jessie were to win the Veto, Jeff couldn't put him up.

  • Echo33 - 15 years ago

    Jeff should take Russell & Lydia off right before the votes and put up Jessie & Natalie.

  • Cindy - 15 years ago

    How will it matter? The power won't used until right before the vote. The veto ceremony happens way before that. Am I missing something?

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