If you were BB11 Jeff, would you use the Power and Overthrow Chima's Nominations during the Live Show? Pick the answers that apply to you, then click Vote.


  • abwildrose - 15 years ago

    I dont think it was the lies that Ronnie was telling, that is part of the game, but it was his mannerisms and attitude. Especially the crying and whining, he said this about me, and she said that about me.... for me anyways, that was what got me ticked off with Ronnie. He was actually pretty bad for dishing it out but not being able to take it.

  • dippybit - 15 years ago

    I want Jeff to use the power as they call it ,Jessie should never have been allowed to come back in if they wanted a former house guest have a allstars show or let America pick someone it makes no sense America wanted him out last year why bring someone America does not like back in ,as for Ronnie he is whathe is and it does notmake a difference he played all sides and lost ,as for the trio of Chima Jessie and Natalie ,they really are nothing just sticking together and getting lucky,as any of them are ,Jeff should use it ,take russell down and put up Natalie and Jessie we would love to see that alot of chatters on live feeeds are praying that way anyway so I guess if you want to make things right by having annoying Jessie gone ,hopes he uses it ,and I just love how Chima can play iggy card and get away with it ,no different what she did recently than what she did when she was on block ,she is a typical know it all.

  • barbara - 15 years ago

    ronap, i was wondering the same thing, but then figured that she's saying when jessie was in power that jordan and jeff where whinning, but i don't think that they were even doing it as bad as jessie and nat. and chima. jordan and jeff have pretty much kept to themselves pretty much the whole game. i didn't want jessie to come back on from day one. i hated him last season. he is way too into himself and he's not even good looking. but how are they gonna complain that jordan and jeff aren't playing the game? laying low and staying cool is their game. and then i recall jessie saying one time that he was going outside to break up the scheming that was going on, um hello. that is all jessie natalie and chima ever do is scheme. but i'm not hating on anyone for scheming, one, that's part of the game, two, what else is there to do in a house with no games but chess (boring) no tv, no computer. you've got to keep yourself entertained and scheming is one way to not be so bored. i so hope that jessie goes home tomorrow night. and one more thing about being a hypocrite, how is natalie going to get mad about russell for lying, um has she not been lying the whole time about her real age? i hope that jeff wins it all!!!!!!

  • ronap - 15 years ago

    Brandi - When were Jeff & Jordan in power?????

  • Brandi - 15 years ago

    But have you seen him go at Jeff like he did everyone else? And then he was there kissin butt not too long after what he did. That is why Jeff should not forget what Russell has done to him. Russell gets to me so bad in this game. His game play is like Ronnies and no one else sees that. I see nothing wrong with Chima and her game this week. She is HOH, there for she can do what she wants. I do like how she is not letting anyone else run her show. Unfortionally for her, it does not matter what she wants this week. But Jordan and Jeff are going to wish they got him out this week. Because if you sit there with the guy and let him say to your face "I will back stab both of you" and keep them, then you deserve to go down.

  • tammy - 15 years ago

    i agree with all of the yes's and none of the no's in your poll

  • someone - 15 years ago

    actually russell attacked jeff an hes taller and has muscles, so saying russell only attacks women ad smaller guys is false, i completly agree that jessie and natalite need to go up!!

  • Darlene - 15 years ago

    Well I can tell you that I am not at all impressed by Chima this week. I hope her butt goes home next week and that Natalie is nasty.... ewwww.. Jessie did not learn from the first bb I can see that. They all need to go in my opinion...

  • Brandi - 15 years ago

    But April, they have all gotten mad at each other for doing the things they do them selves. Russell got mad at Ronnie for playing "both sides", when infact he did the same for a very long time in the game. He still does to a degree. Jordan and Jeff whined when they were in power, but when Jessie and Natalie did it the Russell week, it was just awful in the eyes of the side Russle was on (ie Jordan, Jeff, Lydiot ect.). There is too much double standard with everyone in that house. Sure jessie, Nat and Chima act like asses, but they all do. That is what I don't understand about peoples thinking in this game. Everyone hated Ronnie for playing both sides the first week and lying and such, but Russell does it also and he has attacked personally, but it is alright that he does it. Why? Because he is a better looking man? It is funny that he can only attack people who are women and guys who are much smaller than him.

  • april - 15 years ago

    I wish Jeff could knock 3 people OUT. "Whiny Baby Jessie," "Pit Bull and unattractive Natalie" and of course "Chi Chi Chi Chia." That crew makes me SICK. Who do they think they are. Mad at everybody else for doing exactly what they are doing themselves. Sad, and Chima needs to be thrown out for threatening violence.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    I thought i'd get surprised by the poll answer but really I didn't, People are to predictable.

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