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Blackberry or iPhone? You decide.

Total Votes: 31,710

  • Liz - 12 years ago

    I love my BB Curve. I've used it for 3 years and it suits my needs perfectly. I have no desire to sit around playing games even if I'm sitting in an airport waiting for a plane. I like functional and easy use and not time-consuming tinkering to figure out how to use phones, apps, etc.. I like that the BB is very durable, fits right into an easy to access protective sleeve that saves battery life and I like the security of the RIM network. I am putting my faith in RIM that they will find a way to recover from their recent losses so that I don't have to give up my BB. I also like that BB comes from Canada and not out of some Chinese sweatshop. BB is the most ethical choice that anyone can make if ethics is important to you.

  • Ambeeer - 12 years ago

    My personal opinion is all phones are going to freeze up on you now and then, there's better phones then i-phones and blackberrys every one is just more drawn to them because that's what the celebrities have and that's what the big name brands are. My opinion is, try a phone that more suits you. I was offered a blackberry and an i-phone but a phone that is more suited to my personailty is the nokia E5, it has amazing apps, great quality for when your on the phone, 5.o mega pixle camera readable letters and to top it off it even has a map app which includes my position find places share my location favorites drive walk weather events lonely planet michelin and more including in the more they even have a traffic app to tell you what traffic will be like. Everyone goes for the top namebrand stuff.. when if you actually look at it they suck the most. Nokia's my way not a blackberry or i-phone. The nokia is still considered a knock off blackberry though.

  • Debz - 13 years ago

    well ever since my blackberry decided to crash on me on a night out last night resulting in me not being able to find any of my friends im not all for the iphone. so many complaints about the blackberry..i think ive actually disowned mine!

  • john - 13 years ago

    i've used the blackberry for 3 years, and im really happy with it. It pays the bills! nobody mentioned the IQ factor regarding BB/iP. ive noticed that most people who use iphones don't read very well. wear ed hardy stuff, and have way too much ink. How about the "upgrade my IQ" app for the iPhone? BTW, any chick with a pink blackberry is all right by me.

  • Blaker19 - 13 years ago

    Had a Blackberry Storm for two years and now, time for a change...iPhone4. Only concern about the Blackberry Storm, it freeze's up...alot and appears has less featurs then the iPhone4.

    Wish me luck!

  • joe - 13 years ago

    I still havent decided Iphone or Blackberry . Im still researching who has the best GPS and that will realy help me make up my mind.

  • Stacy - 14 years ago

    I totally agree, and it's killing me, lol I want an iPhone, but I need the CrackBerry!

  • Chris - 14 years ago

    Well, I guess the best thing is that you have a blackberry for chattiong or text and also have a ipod touch for playing or listening music. The truth is that i have a iphone, i use it in listening music, chatting, sending text and playing games, however the eletricity of phone is absolutely not enough for me. And sometimes when im listening the music, someone call me which distract my music and really make me annoyed. So I'm actually gonna quit my iphone, and to get a new blackberry and ipod touch or classic which just for me to use in music and games, just seperate ur needs in two stuff which would be more convenient and not gonna waste too much electricity when u need. And I'm kinda agree one comment above, I hate every teen use them with their stupid faces and attitudes.

  • Laurie - 14 years ago


  • Claire - 14 years ago

    I did want an iphone...until I looked around and noticed every teen on the planet with them.
    Blackberry is still the phone for me :)

  • MW - 14 years ago

    humm, iPhone will enter the business market, and will win, blackberry is the next PALM

  • harry - 14 years ago

    omg who wants a stupit crap blackberry when you can get the best phone in the world, the only reason buisnesses and people got blackberrys because theyre cheaper...

  • Becca - 14 years ago

    i have the iphone already, but i think i want the blackberry this time round.

  • amy - 14 years ago

    blackberry's are easier to type on, I can type fast and fewer mistakes... iPhone's are probably more fun, but I have the iPod touch for that. So I guess I have the best of both worlds. I'll stick with my blackberry.

  • enzo - 14 years ago

    i think the blackberry is for the business people .and the i phone is for people who just chill out xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo for the i phone

  • nick joe nis - 14 years ago

    blackberry could be better than iphone in gaming bcause you can play games that are on websites like miniclip with the arrow keys and space bar.

  • anothergeek - 14 years ago

    who is Chuck Norris anyway?

  • alternate geek. - 15 years ago

    oh... maybe the geeks don't.

  • Meghan Blaney - 15 years ago

    EVERYBODY cares what Chuck Norris thinks!

  • Creative Goose Dot Com - 15 years ago

    Who gives a leap what Chuck Norris thinks??

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