What do you use your RV oven for?


  • Sarah Shong - 15 years ago

    We ordered our MH with both a gas oven and a microwave/convection oven. We do a lot of boondocking so wanted the LP oven. For RV travel during warm months, the convection oven has been a godsend. I used to store my ovenware in the oven but got frustrated at having to empty the oven just to use it! So, I've moved my ovenware & the oven is good to go! Ditto storing M/W dishes in the M/W -- everything's been moved elsewhere so I can use the M/W whenever! The result is we have the best of both worlds.

  • Marcie and Jim - 15 years ago

    Our propane oven is mostly used for storage. However, we discovered that the inside of the rarely used 2 quart saucepan, lined with dish cloth to prevent rattling, made a wonderful nesting place for the mouse we chased all over last winter!

    I have learned how to do almost anything in my crock pot.

  • Ryanallie1 - 15 years ago

    Hi All.

    As far as we are concerned, no oven would be a deal breaker. We would take the old style Propane Oven over a Convection Oven any day. Trust me, I have a lot of years using Convection Ovens as well. We mostly do Dry-Camping/RV'ing anyways. So who wants to run a generator everytime you want to bake or heat something in a Convection Oven. I have many many years of cooking behind me. Almost any type of cooking, or foods I have even been a real Full Service Baker. Everything from scratch. My DW really enjoys the fact that I do all of the cooking. Since we do use our RV off and on all year long. I try to use the oven mostly in the cooler months. Besides, just about anything that I can cook in our RV oven, I can cook outside just as well. I'm set-up with just about everything I need to even bake outside. Its pretty rare for us to even eat out. Only as a last resort. Its way cheaper to eat our own food. The quality of our food is so much better than what you can buy out. We also like being able to control how much salt is used. Same thing for fat. The amount of fat and salt in almost everthing that you buy, sure isn'st very healthy for you. I also contol the amount of sugar that is used. Good Luck. Happy Camping. Dan & Jill

  • LE - 15 years ago

    No oven in my rv. Purposely asked they not include it, have storage shelf instead.

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