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Who would you like to see Michele nominate for eviction? Please select 2, then click vote.

Total Votes: 6,783

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    I don't condone Chima's action but aside from that how bad does it make Jeff and Michelle look when both of them can get out the strongest players in the house but they decide to do the opposite. Jeff won't beat Russell and Michelle won't beat any of the boys in a physical comp she came in 3rd to Jeff and Russell. The object of game is to get out the tough players but I guess Michelle don't want to win 500 and neither does Jeff. Jordan is getting carried she hasn't even come close to winning a single thing only reason she got the movie is because other players did all the work. It's funny to see people coast in this game and people not making smart movies.

  • MsSwampy - 15 years ago

    I really think that the remarks that Chima has been making about Russel being a Terroist, and the mid eastern people was and is uncalled for. But last night when she said he is the Twin Towers. I could not believe that she was not called into the D.R. Room right then and there and riprimanded. I don't care how mad you get. that was uncalled for. and many, many people have been and still are being affected by the acts of that day. Then she called Jorden white trash and Jeff her Pimp. I think she really needs to go. I wonder what her white girl friend thought of that remark. I think that Chima is showing who she actually is. If I was her familly or friend I would hang my head low. She made a remark about Braden being racist. She needs to look in the mirror, she will she a racist looking right back at her. Uuuuhhhhhhhggggg!!!!!!

  • Sparklin - 15 years ago

    I think more people should complain to CBS about Chima...her behaviour is horrid. They are allowing her to run rampant while reeling in the others. Disgusting! Lydia can cry herself all the way back to Jessie as far as I'm concerned. She was quite happy when Jeff was taking her off the block, if she is mad at anyone it should be the VOTERS not him. He gave them an option to get rid of someone she dislikes (Natalie). I guess she just loved his abusive, cruel, nasty demeanor...and yet she doesn't like it in Russell, although at least he isn't physical. The bruise Jessie gave her should have automatically sent him packing and the same goes with Chimas 'terrorist' remarks. Unbelievable. If CBS is thinking this is making good tv, I don't think it is...I think it's just allowing a spoiled, bitchy brat free rein!

  • RoseGarden - 15 years ago

    Enough already, CBS is losing control of these women (Chima and Nat). Somebody please remind them that this is a game they signed up to play. This is not Burger King. Did they really think they could have it their way? They have lied, cheated, stole, name-called and threatened other hg's and they think they have a right to be PO'd. Get a grip girls. Chima should be delighted that Jeff did for her what she was not able to do - MAN down. She wants an all girl alliance and listen to her pizz and cry about Ronnie and Jess - 2 MEN. She should be delighted someone is doing her job for her. As for Nat - so far she seems to think she is in a spectator sport. She is not even a team player, much less the coach. What the hell does she have to cry about? She has not contributed one iota to her "team". So far she is just sitting there watching the chess pieces fall to the floor - and then cries about it. Get over it!

  • Karen - 15 years ago

    Chima needs to go!!! She is so hateful. Why would production give in and give her and the other brats gifts or bribes to convince them to sttay??? Thats just appaling to me. It's so unfair, after all, Jeff got a penalty for taking a lousy sip of gaterade and Chima gets rewarded for abusive behavior, theterroris remarks are uncalled for and she needs to be seriously repremanded for that. I hope the Lebanease community will be up in arms and go after her full force. On a last note, how smart are the houseguests, all of them to think that Natalie could possibly be 18 yrs old???? The contracts they sign clearly state you have to be 21 or over, also do they really think that BB would allow underage drinking on national TV??? Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

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