Given the option to vote for fan favorite right now, which BB11 HG would you award the $25,000 prize?


  • Michael - 15 years ago

    Let's make some polls that we don't already know who the majority of the votes will be! I can't think of anything off the top of my head (haven't put any thought into it), but I knew this one was going to be Jeff or Jordan before voting. Maybe something like, "given an entire alliance is in the jury house, who would be mostly likely to go against their alliance members with a surprise vote to win the game"

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Like I said in other post only Natalie and Jordan would spend it on their dad and mom respectively they both have good relationships with them so vote wisely Jeff has a trip that he can do nice things with but i think him and other choices would blow it foolishly.

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