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Who would you like to see evicted this coming Thursday?

Total Votes: 4,893

  • Eric Payne - 15 years ago

    My predictions: Lydia is next (unless she or Kevin win the POV). If "Team Jeff" wins the next HOH, it'll be Natalie and Kevin on the block (with Kevin being told he's going up just because someone has to), and unless one of them gets POV, it'll be Kevin gone. Assuming "Team Jeff" still getting along, and they win HOH the next week, it'll be Natalie and Russell on the block... Russell will know Natalie going home, but Russell will, unless he gets POV.

    The final four (assuming Team Jeff maintains control of house, of POV and of "Team Jeff"): Jeff, Jordan, Michelle and Natalie.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Jordan had performed better? In getting lucky with 1 competition? Jordan has been carried this whole time she hasn't made 1 smart move (still hasn't with wanting natalie or lydia out instead of michelle or Russell) Natalie won 1st comp and she could have won coin comp that Jeff won but she said f it and got the season slop pass and she also came in 2nd in the HOH Chima won so Natalie has done a heck of alot better then Jordan has done.

  • Kim - 15 years ago

    Because Jordan has tried to be as real as possible through this whole game, whereas Natalie came into this game with a pure lie for the sake of lying. Under pressure Jordan has performed better where as I feel Natalie was a yappie dog who went and hid behind Jessie after every outburst.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Only 2 people would actually do something with money, Jordan and Natalie. Both for family reasons Jordan for her Mom and Natalie for her dad, Others I can see blowing it so why vote out a person that she is trying to win for her dad?

  • Karli Hyatt - 15 years ago

    Y vote Jeff out I love him!

  • Mel Bell - 15 years ago

    2 votes for Jeff?? Seriously???!!! LOL - RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

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