What's your take on Chima's early departure?


  • sheila - 15 years ago

    I think that Chima knew that she was next to leave the house which, inturn, she responded by acting like a complete moron and spoiled child. (while typing this I can just picture Chima being the girl/woman who would/will stomp her feet with her arms crossed and a sour puss look on her face, making tons of noise until somebody would/will acknowledge her). In turn, her poor behavior is what led to the decison by CBS to kick her out of the house. And now that I am thinking about it....didn't she, herself say that she was a princess early in on the show??

    I am glad she is gone, now it won't take nearly as long for me to get that cackling, err, her "laugh", out of my head!

  • Eric Payne - 15 years ago

    If she had quit, as Lydia said: "There's an exit upstairs, all you have to do is go through that door."

    Chyma didn't, even after acknowledging that "Yeah, there is an exit isn't there?"

    I think production had warned Chyma, prior to the microphone incident, that she was in danger of being tossed due to rule violations - the evidence I use to back that up was Natalie and Chyma studying the "Big Brother Rule Book" for so long in the house.

    Chyma was/is a child. As long as her "side" was in power, she was having fun playing the game (and violating rules along the way, as witnessed by the show Tuesday night and Chyma's, apparently, long standing policy of ignoring "Chyman, please come to the Diary Room." Her explicit threat to do something during the live show that would have the "FCC all over (CBS's) ass" just showed how childish she was... and even in a Diary Room session, shd said the equivalent of: "A week ago, we ran this house, now we're going to be gone, that's bullshit."

    My predictions: Lydia is next (unless she or Kevin with the POV). If "Team Jeff" wins the next HOH, it'll be Natalie and Kevin on the block (with Kevin being told he's going up just because someone has to), and unless one of them gets POV, it'll be Kevin gone. Assuming "Team Jeff" still getting along, and they win POV the next week, it'll be Natalie and Russell on the block... Russell will know Natalie going home, but Russell will.

    The final four (assuming Team Jeff maintains control both of house and of "Team Jeff"): Jeff, Jordan, Michelle and Natalie.

  • LOL@CHIMA!!! - 15 years ago

    LMAO... Chima is a liar and got completely exposed on national TV.

    We all saw her enter the diary room only to be told "Don't bother sitting down."



  • opop - 15 years ago


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