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Should billboards in British Columbia referring to beer as "colder than people in Toronto" be taken down?

Total Votes: 2,007

  • Don Noseworthy - 15 years ago

    I came to Toronto from Newfoundland in 1958 and have had to endure "Newfie Jokes" for 40 years. Whenever I have asked people to stop because of their attitude I have been told by Trontonions to "Lighten up" it's only a joke. Well here we go again, can't take it can you, Toronto? Lighten up.

  • Jennifer Lena - 15 years ago

    Hm. I visited Banff last month and endured the "gentle" people of BC & Alberta taking incredibly rude & obnoxious shots at T.O. All of them said "Oh but I've never been there". I'll share a secret with the entire country. Guess which part of Canada Toronto loves to hate (Habs rivalry aside)? I'll tell you. NOBODY! We actually love the rest of the country, but they all hate us. We're the poor little rich kid, people only want us for our tax dollars. If you took time to know us, we're really nice.

  • Torontonian - 15 years ago

    Personally, being from Toronto myself, I don't see myself or anyone I know/grew up with having an issue with this advert. It's humorous even for us 'stuck up Torontonians' cause we know how people from other areas of Canada think of us. I thought it was funny, keep the ad up. Everyone who complained (40 ppl apparently ? - well, plus online complaints on twitter) just lacks a sense of humor. Those few people should lighten up.... or was this just a clever move by Coors ;)

  • ironic - 15 years ago

    It is ironic that they interviewed the coors light people in there head office in TORONTO.... this is just a big publicity stunt, the people of Vanouver had nothing to do with this advertising campain.

  • Ger - 15 years ago

    Once again tonight, an announcer on the CBC news (Dianna Swain this time)
    referred to the Toronto area as "Central Canada".
    A little geography lesson; "central Canada" is just outside of Winnipeg!!!!
    No wonder the rest of Canada think Torontonians are cold as in the Coors Light billboard in Vencouver. Toronto is NOT the center of the universe or the center of Canada!!! Lighten up Toronto.

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