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Right this moment, from the remaining House Guests, who is you Fave Favorite HG of Big Brother 11?

Total Votes: 4,727

  • bralyw - 15 years ago

    I do agree with a few of the points made in the previous comments about being risky however, I think there is more thought going into this than anyone knows. This is my opinion so take it for what it's worth.

    Jeff cannot stay the "nice" guy because nobody in their right minds would take him to F2. He has to make himself beatable. With that said I think Jordan is a tad more expendable than Jeff is letting on. He almost needs her in the Jury House. How he will get her there without crossing her....I'm waiting to see that one.

    As far as being the strong target... it is that way for a reason. He was on the block and he won POV. He made a deal with Russ to keep him safe and get rid of Ronnie. He had the wizard power and he used it the best way he possibly could have (cut off the head of the snake). He GAVE Jordan HOH then he followed up by winning himself. Won the POV to be able to impose his will. The last time I checked, the only way to guarantee anything in this game is to win competitions. If for no other reason than Jeff winning when he needed to, that's enough to consider him for favorite BB11 House guest.

    my 2 cents

  • Rebecca - 15 years ago

    i was a J&J fan until they turned into backstabbing idoits

  • momsquared - 15 years ago

    I agree that Jeff is not thinking analytically. He is in a bad situation - kind of a lose/lose deal. (because everyone knows he's the strongest player, he's a big target)
    And I agree that Jordan may be his downfall, but I don't think it's in his character to just blow her off, especially now that they've come this far. I think he's got too much loyalty in him. And forget the whole F4/F3 deals - that's game. I mean, loyalty to friends.
    I do wish though that Jordan would win more and do more without his help - to make herself a target as well.

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    Jeff is falling for the oldest trick in the book -- make the person in power paranoid that the people closest to them are disloyal.

    For the past 2 weeks, Jeff & Jordan have been "out of the ghetto," and are starting to get the feeling that they are INVINCIBLE.

    I'm sorry to say it, but Jeff is making a game-changing mistake by trying to keep both him AND Jordan safe next week.

    He is under the impression that Nat & Kevin will somehow "owe him" for not getting them out this week, when, in fact, this was THEIR plan all along, and he is just buying into their scheme.

    There is NOTHING to stop Nat or Kevin from nominating Jeff, Jordan, or both of them, should either of them win HoH.

    The is also NOTHING to stop Michele from doing the same, if she feels that they have betrayed her, and that she needs to get rid of Jeff, for the same reasons Jeff felt he needed to get rid of Russell -- because he is a physical threat, and a liar.

    Jeff has put all his eggs in 1 basket, and if he thinks Jordan can save him next week, I'm afraid he's in for a rude awakening.

  • phillatio - 15 years ago

    why are people stil voting for jeff as a favorite..he's breaking up the original f4, he's believing the kev and gnat over his original allys, and is falling for nats bs..i dont mind him bding russ but next he wants to get rid of the loyal michele..i hope nat turns on jeff and jordan next week..its about time you feel the pain buddy..
    michele deserves to win and should be our favorite hg

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