Using your Big Brother 11 Crystal Ball Who Will Be in the Final 3? Please select 3, then click vote.


  • kirsten - 15 years ago

    i definitley think jordans going to make it , shes my favee !
    and natalie might too , she seems to know how to play the game..

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    Since Kevin has won HoH, he goes straight to FINAL 4, but this doesn't mean that his teammate Natalie will be going with him.

    All it'll take is the person from Jeff's team who is not on the block to win PoV, use it, and Natalie goes up, and hopefully goes home.

    If this happens, Kevin's only chance at staying in the game would be to win the last PoV, and guarantee himself a spot in the FINAL 3.

    In a perfect world, Nat goes home, but we all know the Big Brother house isn't located in a perfect world.

  • Chelsea - 15 years ago

    Kevin for sure. He is so underestimated by everyone. Jordan because people think she's not very smart, and Michelle because they target seems to be completely off her back right now.

  • Sam - 15 years ago

    I thought it would be Jeff Jordan and Michelle up until Russell was back doored, I think that was a big mistake. Im thinking more like Natelie , kevin, and michelle now. They should have kept the nominations the same and at least got natalie out before Russell

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    I really think Jeff made a HUGE mistake, but he won't know it until next week, when either Kevin, Natalie, or even Michele puts him & Jordan on the block together.

    Up till now, Jeff's game has always been about being honest with the people closest to him, but by back-dooring Russell, after having the guy swear on his father that he would be loyal to the final 4, means Jeff's credibility has gone down a few points, in my book.

    It's one thing to get rid of someone because of something you heard/overheard them say, YOURSELF, and it is quite another to make a major decision like this, based in great part on the word of people (N & K) who will say, and do anything at this point, in order to stay in the game.

    I know Russell had to go, at some point, but Jeff really didn't think this one through, and it might wind up costing him $500K to learn a rather hard lesson in who to trust, and who not to.

  • CanadianBBlover - 15 years ago

    Jeff just shot himself in the foot by backdoring Russell. The only way he makes it to final 3 is he and Jordan win all the POV and HOH competion until the final 3.

  • grannyL - 15 years ago

    Lot of wishful thinking!!!

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