If you were BB11 Jeff, and you held all the power for the week, what would you do?


  • Val - 15 years ago

    Especially knowing that they know that their going up so Jeff should know
    K & N would say anything they just saw Jessie, Chima, Roinnie all walk out their scared of course they would do anything does he not see this how convient for them to make this up now. Since they have no power and JEff has had the power they know there dead so their trying to fight to stay.

    Is he blind. Jeff is always the one saying when someone wins HOH he feels awkward going up there and pretending to be friends and trying to put his input on who goes up he didn't like that and now the other side is doing it to him-now the other side took over his power. Blind, Blind, Blind

  • BBfan77 - 15 years ago

    Um I dont understand why Jeff just trusted everything Kevin said with the whole lie Kevin made up Why would you trust and believe something out of no where from someone who is'nt on your side from the beginning and now they say one thing and Jeff was all over it.
    At least secure F4 first before throwing each other out thats what Russel wanted from the start. Russel was really playing for the F4 with them he would of helped Jeff get K & N out first how can Jeff not see this it's obvious Russel hates K & N so why not keep him for F4. I hope Jeff gets sent to jury for this dumb move he deserves it after this
    I thought Jeff was really smart and i wanted him to win this but now it's like go to jury just to see how dumb you are Jeff. Now it's a low chance that he'll make to F3 even.
    Wait so what proof did he have that Kevin is telling the truth and russel is lying why is he betting everything on kevin.

    Ok- so I think he's on a power trip really I do and it makes him look ugly---
    Second-I think Jeff is insainly jealous of Russel he doesnt want anyone bigger and better then him in the house he wants to always be the best in the house.
    and he's scared to go against russel in endurance comps.

    Taking kevin off was stupid Kevin wins most of the time out of all of them left in the house Natalie does not-So why again is he being loyal to Kevin. Jeff keeps sending people who cant win and keeps Kevin who is smart around.
    Jeffs game has no logic to it
    1. trusting a random lie
    2. putting your own on the block because of a rumer
    3. taking smart player who can win off the block
    4. Leaving someone who cant win on the block

  • bblifer1 - 15 years ago

    OMG! Early Bird you said it all.
    Thank you! Thank you! for someone else seeing what is really going to happen if Jeff gets Russell out. He has been so level headed up until now, his ego is taking over. 2 weeks in a row up in the HOH is making him power drunk. I hope an intervention takes place before he messes up what he worked so hard to start!!

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    This can really backfire on Jeff, and it probably will, if he gets rid of Russell this week.

    Natalie & Kevin have made it quite clear that they DO NOT plan to live up to their promises to Jeff, and will put him up on the block next week, if either of them wins HoH.

    It befuddles me why Jeff would take this chance with his own (and Jordan's) survival by trusting 2 people (N & K) who've been against him since week 1, over 2 people (M & R) who have helped to advance his game since week 4, to the detriment of their own game.

    If Jeff does take Kevin off the block, and puts Russell up in his place, what's to stop Russell & Michele from going to Kevin with a Final 3 deal of their own?

    If Kevin voted to get rid of Natalie, then it'd be 3 versus 1 in the HoH, and since it's likely to be an endurance comp, we know that Jordan will have little, or no chance of winning, especially if Russell is still around.

    If Kevin voted to get rid of Russell, it might still be 3 versus 1, since Michele may feel betrayed by Jeff & Jordan, and know that she is likely to be their next target.

    It would make more sense, to me, if Kevin wanted to go to the Final 2 with Russell or Michele, versus Jeff or Jordan, since America would be the deciding vote in a tie, so why take the chance of losing $450K, just because you're sitting next to someone who is "beloved" by America?

    Don't get me wrong, I am rooting for Jeff to win the game, but I just think he's making a bonehead play by letting his paranoia, and ego, get in the way of making the right decision this week.

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