Which Big Brother House Guest would you Most like to see win the upcoming Big Brother 11 HoH?


  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    Just to clarify:

    An endurance competition is one where the house guests physical & mental skills are challenged over an extended period of time.

    To date, this has included the toilet seat hanging competition, and the graduation day merry-go-round from hell competition, both of which determined the winner of HoH.

    If you recall, Jordan didn't last very long in either of these endurance competitions (at least, not as long as some of the other women in the house).

    So, again, if this week is endurance, Jeff better hope that Michele wins, and sticks to her deal with him, otherwise, he's on the block, for sure.

  • jen - 15 years ago

    if it's endurance Jordan has a chance she beat all of those people in the last endurance comp. If it's one with questions about the house Jordan will do good too, I hope jordan gets it or jeff is gone =( unless michele gets it but she's unpredictable so. Go J&J!!!!

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    When Jeff & Jordan say things like "I believe Natalie & Kevin, more than I believe Michele & Russell" you know they have really lost touch with reality.

    What has N & K ever done for them, besides Kevin voting to get rid of Jessie?

    For all Jeff knew, Kevin could have been the one cast the 2nd vote for Jessie to stay, and Russell could have denied it, instead of coming clean to him about it (even though he was outed to Jeff by Michele to cover her own ass).

    I blame Jordan for driving the wedge deeper between Jeff, Russell, and Michele, in order to further herself in the game by getting rid of potential "Final 2" candidates on their "team" for Jeff to chose from.

    I still hope that Jeff makes it to the Final 2, but I have serious doubts that it'll happen, unless he wins PoV next week.

  • missy - 15 years ago

    Jeff and Jordan are starting to annoy me. They are both so dumb and paranoid. I want to see Kevin win HOH, and I want to see Jeff go home. He thinks he's sitting pretty but, unless jordan wins HOH, he's going home next.

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    If it is endurance, like everyone believes it will be, then Jordan is the least likely to win, given her track record, and the fact that her butt is getting bigger by the day.

    Unless it's questions, I think Jeff has really screwed himself, and will probably have to rely on winning PoV, himself, in order to insure that he makes it to the final 4, with, or without Jordan in tow.

    Of course, if Michele wins HoH, there is the SLIGHT chance that she may be loyal to their side, however, given the fact that Jeff kept her out of the loop about his decision to backdoor Russell, she's got to be thinking that if he lost faith in Russell because he was being SHADY, then he must also have lost faith in her for the same reason, and is probably setting her up to leave next week.

    I hate to say it, but I really hope Kevin wins HoH, and puts up J & J, if, for no other reason, than to force them back to reality, and lose any notion that they are INVINCIBLE as a team.

    Losing Jordan might be the best thing that could happen to Jeff, at this point, if he wants to win the big $$$, and not just a trip to Hawaii and memories.

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