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Do you care who gets appointed to the Senate?


  • proud canadian - 15 years ago

    yes, i care very much who is appointed to the senate. this is the body that keeps our government in check. however, i do not think the government, nor the media, does a good job at all when it comes to informing canadians just why these most accomplished canadians have been appointed.

    our senators have served our country in remarkable ways, but don't forget - we are all canadians. most of us do not brag about our accomplishments. the best example of this is senator romeo dallaire, a most amazing human being. as for the newly appointed ones, search on line for example, senator ogilvie, his "gene machine" and cancer treatment drugs. his work touches us all in one way or another.

    who knew, eh?

  • Martha Ross - 15 years ago

    I care very much who gets appointed to the Senate.But personally,I feel there are some people that are appointed to the Senate,that definitely should not be there.The person who is doing the selecting,is not making the choices in a careful manner.I think a better system could be put in place,and utmost the taxpayers of Canada should decide if this Senate is a waste of money,either have a better system or get rid of it.

  • Vander - 15 years ago

    Just out of curiousity, can an outgoing Prime Minister appoint himself to the Senate?

  • Vander - 15 years ago

    I voted no because I don't feel as if the senate is very important in the parlimentary system. They don't have alot of power and as far as Im conserned they are over paid. If the reason why they are paid so much is so that they don't take bribes the government got something right because so far there hasn't been a single scandel there invoving money or bribes. Another reason I voted no is because most of these people who are worthy of becoming senators I have not heard of.

    Also these people only got there job by winning over the PM not a riding. But if senators were elected in the future who would have more athority the House or the Senate in making desisions. Even if Mr.Harper got his wish of a elected senate it wouldn't make people want to go to the polls more. Again if these people were elected how would a minority in the senate work? Could parties form colalitions in the senate? Could the Conservative leader of the Senate with a majority of Senate block stuff a Liberal Prime Minister proposed.

    How dose the Senate work in relation to the House could someone comment below mine.

    Or could a Mcleans writer do an article adressing the questions I have

    over and out.

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