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Are you a vegan, a vegetarian, or an omnivore? (Poll Closed)


  • Ava Odoemena - 15 years ago

    Actually the accurate term for a person who eats fish is not pescevegetarian but PSEUDOvegetarian. Because fish is the meat of fish.

    The descriptions of the poll are also useless. A vegan relates not only to food, The description placed on vegans are actually vegetarians, and vegetarians who eat dairy and eggs are called ovo and or lacto vegetarian. And to address the commenter who asks about an omnivor who doesn't consume milk, that's called lactose intolerant:-))

  • Irene - 15 years ago

    What about me?
    I eat meat, fish, eggs, but very little dairy (it´s hard to escape it, it is in ANY processed foodstuff!) and no milk.
    No lactose intolerance, but icecream is addictive to me and I have found it easiest to avoid it alltogether - the alcoholic´s tactic.
    And of course there is the ethics problem: The production of milk needs calves - and I feel that (not only artificial) insemination is rape.
    Steeds try to fight off the stallion (this is a well-known insurance problem), cows and sows are not known to fight often, but from what I saw they suffer.
    Killing can be painless; but pregnancy for producing something cannot in any female mammal.

  • Charley E - 15 years ago

    Option 3 is actually called pescatarian or less accurately, pesco-vegetarian. I am one.

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