Should Vick Get a Second Chance?


  • It doesn't matter - 15 years ago

    You liberals and dumb-o-crats kill me! How can you feel so much compassion for dogs and have no compassion for INNOCENT UNBORN BABIES!? I would rather hear about 1000 slaughtered dogs than 1 slaughtered baby. Dogs don't have souls, dogs don't laugh, dogs can't reason. You people really need to examine your priorities...

  • Magend - 15 years ago


    HOW BOUT THAT???!!!

  • Speak for the Animals - 15 years ago

    To Steve - You need to get a perspective. First - you talk apples and oranges. Yes, abortion is wrong, but we are not discussing that. Second - Animals are NOT property. Who in their right mind in this day and age would even say that? What else is "your property"??? Thirdl, no one is going to move on with this because that scum that calls himself a reformed football player is NOT reformed. He has NOT shown remorse, he is only sorry because he got CAUGHT. So don't give me your holier than thou 1,2, 3 and dismiss this issue because you don't think it's important. It is important. We all share this planet and we all deserve to be treated with love, decency and respect. Animals especially because they don't have a voice. It is a privilege and a responsibility to have a pet. I'll say it one more time - they are NOT property. They are a gift. I feel sorry for people like you.

  • Louis - 15 years ago

    Not to state the obvious... but this is a discussion about Vick. Vick didn't have an abortion, so get over it. Lets talk about what he did do.

    I've got to tell you. I'm sick of hearing "Abortion is worse, so let him get away with it." Why do we need to compare every crime to abortion? We don't! Yes, it's an important issue, but not the ONLY issue. If you're blinded by abortion to the point you can't see right from wrong anymore, it's time to take a step back.

    Vick did downright evil things. Causing suffering to the degree he did reveals his character. Yes, they weren't human. But if you can do the things he did, you shouldn't be in the position to be a role model.

    He should be able to get on with his life? Perhaps. But that doesn't mean his life has to be in the NFL. I'm sure he could find a college that needs a football coach.

  • Jenn - 15 years ago

    Vick got his second chance at life when he walked out of jail- he doesn't deserve the privilege to play in the NFL- the NFL is spineless.

  • stacey - 15 years ago

    I don't agree with what he did but he should have the opportunity to move
    forward with his life. People have made a huge fuss over what he did and yet
    there are millions of women killing babies (human lives) with the help of the government. What a shame!

  • Sue Bishop - 15 years ago

    I agree with Steve. It is a matter of perspective. What he did is horrible and he should be out, but, if Ted Kennedy can get out of cowardly leaving a girl to die and be lauded as the greatest American ever on his death, then, where is there any justice? In politics or football the question seems to be "what can you do for me"

  • Louis - 15 years ago

    He served his time and has a right to work in his chosen profession? I don't remember that in the constitution. I choose to be a football player. What? I can't just sign up to be one? I have to meet certain standards, of fitness and character? But it's my right! Pat said so up above!

    The big problem is all that matters is winning. Many of the fans and coaches would sell off family members if it gave their team a better chance of winning. It's just a game.

    If people screw up as bad as Vick, and the consequences are 'second chances', it casts quite a shadow on the whole NFL. Truly a shame.

  • Bruce - 15 years ago

    So he did his time? So what? You are not gauranteed the right to be the darling of the media. Sports figures are role models. I will not watch any NFL game as lond as Vick is on the roster, anywhere in the NFL.

  • One Patriot - 15 years ago

    Vick is not sorry, he is sorry he got caught! You do not do the things he did then all of a sudden say: "That was wrong and I'm real sorry" I'm just glad he did not go to my team. The Eagles are going to regret their decision.

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    #1-He did his time
    #2-I don't like what he did, but dogs are property, not human beings
    #3-Lets move on and focus on and focus on the brutal murder of near a million unborn babies a year though the atrocity of abortion

    This is about perspective

  • Miregirl - 15 years ago

    Some of the dogs that were involved had to be put down because they could not be rehabilitated.

    They did not get a "second chance!!!!!!!!!!.

  • Tunanut - 15 years ago

    The guy admitted his crime, paid the price, and did his time; now get off his back. He should be on a very tight leash by the Eagles. He's got no more chances if he screws this one up. Hopefully he's wised up and realized where "hangn' wit his boyz" got him and becomes an example of how to turn your life around. Well, I can hope. This was very hard for a giant fan to type.

  • Melody - 15 years ago

    No one should get a second chance at making millions of dollars after killing dogs or humans. Animals especially because they have no voice and look to us for care. He is inhuman and I don't think you can change a persons inner mind on these types of things.

  • davedavis - 15 years ago

    The man should never be allowed to be in any position where kids can look up to him. Yes he did his time, but that doesn't change his character. Just like the Kennedy family, loosers are made into winners, destroying the fabric of our country. Years ago a man would be hung for horse stealing, what he did was organized, thought out, and meant to make money at the expense of defenseless animals. How many more so called icons MJ,OJ, Vick are going to be allowed to thumb their noses at society?

  • Dave K - 15 years ago

    The NFL should not allow Vick back in. Many professional organizations do not allow convicted felons to remain part of their organization. In some form, all of the US states strip state licensing for varied occupation from convicted felons. Vick could not deliver mail, clean teeth, or become bonded to be trusted with a large amount of cash. Pete Rose and the Black Sox gambled on baseball and were banned from their game for life. One of the main reasons given for this punishment was to retain the integrity of the game and that these men were role models for youth. As I see it the NFL has no integrity.

  • Tyson - 15 years ago

    Can you guys believe Favre is back? Crazy stuff! I think he's got a good shot at turning things around in Minnesota though don't you guys??

  • Magend - 15 years ago


    Here's my point - Each year 30,000 Innocent, HELPLESS babies are MUTILIATED in Abortion in this country alone. An estimated 50,000,000 worldwide - that we "U.S." is now helping to pay for!!! And NO ONE has anything to say - yet this man "Vick" according to folks like Renee and DanaD, should spend his life in prison and/or "Burn In Hell"???!!!
    The HYPOCRICY of this country is beyond comprehension!!! No doubt what Vick did was "Wrong", even to the point of appearing "Evil" to those amoung us whom weren't brought up in an environment where Dog Fighting is/was a norm.... just as there are MANY out there that would call "Sarah Palin" evil for killing a moose - but will stop by Burger King and slam back a Whopper all while cursing her.....
    The TRUTH and the GOOD news is "RENEE", that there is an ALMIGHTY RIGHTOUS G-d whom knows you intimately - He knows when you say "Vick should Burn in Hell" for his treatment of dogs, and yet whether you believe "Mutiliating" babies is a "Womans Right"!!! And ye ALL will be judged accordingly!!! Soo - the many whom are unforgiving and judgemental may find themselves "Burning in Hell" ---- and Michael Vick just might be playing football in the fields of Heaven one day!!! "As you judge you WILL be judged"!!!
    Thank ALMIGHTY G-D for that!!!
    I don't even think VICK should have done any Jail Time (For this, his first offense). He should have been hit with a third of his salary fine and DARED to ever be caught doing it again! BUT TO HELL WITH YOU WHOM worry more about the DOGS than you do the BABIES!!! May G-d have mercy!!!!

  • kramer - 15 years ago

    most people are mad becusee he makes alot of money, boo hoo, if you had his talent you could make that kind of money too....smacks of jealousy.....

  • Kramer - 15 years ago

    these animal rights people make me laugh, they cry about animal cruelty then say people should be shot. typical animal rights nutjobs...placing animal life above peoples.....

  • Jamie - 15 years ago

    he's a scumbag, there are pleny of other guys that are just as good as him that deserve a chance to play football, he should be treated like he treated those defenseless dogs they had no chance, they were tortured , shame on the NFL
    sounds like Micheal C likes what Vick did to the animals , you Michael C are a scumbag also and should not have a place on earth, go f&*K Yourself

  • No Second Chances - 15 years ago

    This is not a human being. No second chances. What choice did those poor animals have? I am outraged that there is no real punishment here. To be allowed to have - once again - a lifestyle most only dream of is unbelievable. The Eagles should be ashamed of themselves as well as their fans who have shown how low one can go. My only hope is that all this negative publicity will hurt the Eagles and that a losing season will show what a mistake they've made.

  • J Bleicher - 15 years ago

    Murder is murder, animal or human, he went way beyond those guide lines with torture etc. He should still be in jail,for at least 25 more yrs.! Letting him free sends the wrong message to others! Pathetic that he got the reception he received at the football game! That just goes to show you the mentallity of a lot of people, in this case the Eagles fans!!! Shame on them!!!

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    Sure he served his sentence, sure he deserves the right to earn a living. But he does NOT deserve to do that in a high profile professional setting, which is the NFL. That kind of job is a PRIVILEDGE, not a right. Sure he can earn a living, just not in professional sports. ALL felons should NOT be in any professional sport where our youth can see that if your famous, you can get away with anything. He's SCUM and shouldnt be there.

  • Internet Pr0n - 15 years ago

    Michael C
    2009-08-28 11:24:45 ET
    Sarah Palin intentionally hunts and kill moose on a regular basis, smiles afterwards and brags, and she gets praises from everyone. Michael V has a dog fighting ring, mistreats dogs and serves two years in prison...... somethings wrong with this picture! The NFL and these sicko animal loving clowns in this blog should apologize to him.

    I think Michael C should wraps his lips around the barrel of a pistol and pull the trigger.

    There's a world of difference between hunting and dog fighting, you moron.

  • DogKiller - 15 years ago

    He doesn't deserve a second chance at playing football. That is a privilege not a right. He lost that privilege after killing innocent animals and watching them maim and kill each other for sport. He should not be rewarded with another shot in the NFL. GO PUMP GAS FOR A LIVING!

  • Logman - 15 years ago

    Now what is this? Are we still in America? I thought we are people who are ruled by laws. The man committed an offence, got caught and did his time. There is no part of the law that says he should be denied employment henceforth. I don't care how much you love animals (I have my own), nobody should be punished multiple times for the same crime in America- that is the law. Ironically, most people would not wish unemployment on their own kids. The amount of money he makes is irrelevant, he has the skill and his employers want it. No matter what we think about Vick, he has served his time. If you think he should have been jailed for a longer period, take it up with the courts. This is Americ!!

  • 2nd chance - 15 years ago

    I think this is a wonderful opportunity to learn from someone else's mistakes. How he treated animals was terrible, sickening, etc.. He was convicted of his crime & served his sentence. There are not too many people that to into prison and come out of prison with the same goal. He said he would play again and he is. EVERYONE makes mistakes...he certainly made his! But everyone can learn that we can overcome and recover from our mistakes. Children make mistakes and we all think the world is coming to an end, but we can use this example to teach them and ourselves different.

  • PamH - 15 years ago

    We all make mistakes in life, some big, some small. Vick's was definitely on the "big" side, and I feel horrible for the animals that he harmed, but I feel he absolutely deserves a second chance.

  • Michael C - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin intentionally hunts and kill moose on a regular basis, smiles afterwards and brags, and she gets praises from everyone. Michael V has a dog fighting ring, mistreats dogs and serves two years in prison...... somethings wrong with this picture! The NFL and these sicko animal loving clowns in this blog should apologize to him.

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    I don't understand where the phrase "everyone deserves a second chance" comes from. This guy doesn't deserve ANYTHING. What about the little child out there, that never had a first chance, and this guy had HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and look what he does. I might let this whole thing go, if he gives a sick child some bone marrow, or a kidney. Otherwise, I think we should put him in a room with 50 VICIOUS pit bulls then sentence them to a year and a half in prison. (WHICH WOULD ONLY BE BETWEEN 2 and 4 MONTHS, IN DOGGY YEARS OF COURSE)

  • whateveryousay - 15 years ago

    The man served his time for his crime. He has shown remorse for what he did and has openly admitted that what he did was wrong, disgusting. And that he was caught up in a lifestyle, for which he is not proud. Football is his chosen profession. He is making more yes, than the average 'joe', but nothing close to what he was making before, and will likely ever make again. They were animals yes, they have value in our society as companions etc. But dang, Jeffery Dahmer was given a tad more sympathy for a moment. Give Vick the chance to pass or fail on his own merit. It will all unfold in the public eye good, bad or otherwise. reserve judgement people! You know it's not your place to be passing that platter about the table...... is that a plank I se in your eye?

  • isabell stack - 15 years ago

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I only want to see him give his entire salary to theSPCA and then maybe I'll believe he is sorry

  • TexasMan - 15 years ago

    Folks, Ted Kennedy killed a woman while he was is his normal state of being drunk, which he continued to be throughout his life, and he is being elevated to proverbial sainthood in death. Vick's crime and lifestyle is nothing compared to Kennedy's behavior throughout his life. If Kennedy can be given 20-30 "second" chances, why not Vick?

  • Fred Holland - 15 years ago

    NO he should not get a second chance at a once in a lifetime thing called football. He committed a felony and if us regular people committ a felony just try to get a job or even get back your job you lost due to the felony. Aint happening. There are thousands of players out there who would love to get the chance to play in the NFL so lets make examples of those that squander that chance by committing crimes by saying NO MORE!! It does not matter if that is the talent they were given. I am an excellent foreman in factories but if i commit a felony i wont be doing it anymore and these rich NFL stars should be held to the same standard..

  • DanaD - 15 years ago

    Not only no, but hell no! That man should still be rotting in a jail cell for the hell he knowingly put those poor animals through.

  • renee - 15 years ago

    the dogs he brutaly killed did not get a second chance. he is scum. he should not be allowed to be a high paid NFL player! i hope he rots in hell.

  • Pat - 15 years ago

    I agree with Gus. The problem is with the courts. The man should have been in jail a whole lot longer. However, once someone has served their time they certainly have the right to go back to work in their chosen profession.

  • DPortell - 15 years ago

    He should be given a second chance. If you look throughout the NFL you have quite a few players who have had made bad decisions and the outcome was worse. Leonard Little is a prime example. He was drunk and killed a woman but he is still playing and cheered for weekly. Yes, it was a bad thing for Vick to do, but he has done his time and we need to let him get on with his life. We should not decide on how he can "go on with his life".

  • Gus - 15 years ago

    He screwed up... planned or unplanned. His case went to court, he was sentenced and he fulfilled the punishment given for the crimes he committed. If you have a problem, it should be with the court system not the person. I think he should have the opportunity to move on, no matter if he is getting paid minimum wage or millions a year.

  • bob - 15 years ago

    If what you call the things he did to them animals nothing more than mistreated you clearly didnt pay attention. he tortured the dogs. he hung them, electrocuted them, drowned them, fought them till 1 inch of their life then took it in his own hands to finish it. he does not deserve to play football nor any other organized sport where kids may idolize him. he is a POS! What he really needs to do is go to a psychiatrist and really explain what is going on in his head. his fake apology was staged. hell i will brake down in tears and say I'll never do it again for a few million dollars and some endorsements.

  • DJ - 15 years ago

    He mistreated animals not people. Many are willing to give those who have murdered people another chance, why not give another chance to someone who mistreated only animals. Yes, give him another chance.

  • Dom - 15 years ago

    If it was a one-time mistake due to a lapse in judgment it would be one thing, but what he did was a lifestyle choice with plenty of opportunities to see how wrong what he was doing was. I can't bring myself to support someone who was able to do that so no, I don't think he deserves a second chance at football.

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