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Should a high school student pay as much as $525 to play interscholastic sports?

Total Votes: 437

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Yeah, let the kids suffer cause their parents can't afford to let them play a high school sport. It's our duty to help those kids. This selfish individualism in America has gone way too far.

  • Bonnie - 15 years ago

    It is more complex than a simple yes or no question. It is unfortunate that the student/athletes have to pay such high fees. Weymouth Public Schools have $100,000 in the budget for coach’s stipends alone. In this age of MCAS our schools have to start showing better scores, or the whole town will suffer with lower property values because young families won’t buy here.
    That 100 grand is probably 2 reading or math specialist which all our schools and students could use. There are income eligible waivers available for HS sport participation. My school age children have no waiver to repeat a class or a grade if they get lost due to lack of support systems or staff. Massachusetts was the first state to assure access to free public school education for all, not free football.

  • Joe - 15 years ago

    I currently spend over $6000 each year for my two boys to play hockey. Should I expect the taxpayers of my town to pay once they reach high school? I think not. You play you pay.

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