Should Judge Donald Molloy grant the injunction to stop wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana?

1 Comment

  • History - 15 years ago

    Apparently our government officials missed the day in science class where they played the fox and the rabbits game. For eons mother nature has taken care of things without our intervention. Stay out of it. Now if they want to make it a little more fair then I'm all for it. Give the hunters a knife instead of a gun. Put the gun in the middle of a 50 by 50 field and see if the hunter can get to it before the wolf gets to him. Put me on the other side and if he can get the wolf before I get him then he wins...better yet just put me in a plane and let me try for him. All you big macho hunters out to kill your wolves with your gun, up in your tree stand, with your urine spread all over your something that actually takes some skill and guts.

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