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Should Judge Donald Molloy grant the injunction to stop wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana?

Total Votes: 1,016

  • JJ - 15 years ago

    People kill for food and for protection but this "wolf hunt" is Not about that. Over 10,000 hunters have been given a license to track down and kill hundreds of wolves in the state of Idaho and Montana. These wolves did not attack people, livestock or pets. The wolf will not be eaten by family members. These hunters are simply taking pictures and proudly displaying themselves with the dead wolf, on the internet. Since the wolf has been protected,they are unaware that they need to now, fear man. It is an easy slaughter, for the hunter. Losing this many wolves will harm the species and since they were taken to the brink of destruction before, they may not be able to recover this time. We might lose this beautiful, historical, american animal forever. Anyone, who can see this injustice, please get involved and stop this senseless bloodshed.

  • kim - 15 years ago

    To Judge Molloy, I am afraid you only hear the side of the hunter. I have tried to leave you messages, only to be harassed, flagged and kicked off of sites, by hunters. But I won't be stopped, we are motivated to prove to you, that there are millions of americans who want to preserve the wolf speceis and stop the wolf hunt. In the next few months, you will hear OUR voice, as we organize and petition for the protection of wolves. Please Stop the wolf hunt!

  • terryt56 - 15 years ago

    Wolves control the elk and deer herds by only taking out the old, the sick, and the weak. Wolves should never have been taken off the endangered speicies list. Those hunters should never have built their ranches or homes in the mountains. Where was their common sense? The wolves, elks, and deer were there long before them. It's logical if someone settles in the wilderness to expect confrontation with wildlife. It is my prayer that wolf hunters lose out on murdering defenseless wolves. Please ban this type of murder, Judge Malloy. Let's keep it at just two wolves lost

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