How many times would you have to fold a page to create something thick enough to reach the Moon?


  • oA - 4 months ago

    brammer gunna bust

  • joe - 4 months ago


  • Ryan Strope - 11 years ago

    Come on of course everyone is going to know this...

    Hitchhiker's Guide?

    The answer to life the universe and EVERYTHING?

    Next time try a hard one ;-P

  • Fahr - 11 years ago

    Cam is right. Everyone knew the answer from the link, going into the article.

  • Cam - 11 years ago

    I think most people got here through a 'true facts you never knew' link which would have told them it was 42.

  • hi - 14 years ago

    i did it in 2!

  • Lars - 14 years ago

    I did it in just 4...

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