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Can a disgraced politician who quit make a comeback?

Total Votes: 4,076

  • WB from Oklahom - 15 years ago

    Hey not an issue, up yours, I happen to legitimately have ADD, and I am not ignorant. There is a difference between not thinking right and having ADD, so eff you do your damn research.

    Now, to answer the question, I dont know, lets force Obama to quit, and then see if he can make a comeback. I bet a $100 he dont

  • Not an issue in 2 years - 15 years ago

    If you think about the issue, all it takes is for time to pass by and Americans will forget all about it and say things like, "its the past, move on". Anyone can come back, it just takes some time, plus most Americans are ignorant and have ADD. And if scared enough, they'll vote against their own interest.

  • Renee Holland - 15 years ago

    Oh please, like every damn one of them has not done something wrong.

  • Cowteats - 15 years ago

    Among the far right nutbars who inhabit this site, the answer will be know. Noone can rehabilitate themselves. The far right of course has no need of rehabilitation; they are always perfect. Forgiveness is an overrated Christian virtue. Only being against abortion and hating homosexuals counts.
    In my case, not being a far right nutbar, while i believe people can be rehabilitated (the late Senator Kennedy was a good example) I don't think Spitzer is there yet. The breach of trust and arrogance will take more than awhile to heal.

  • Tom - 15 years ago

    Sure, i'd vote for him!! However, there is a stipulation!! He MUST be Castrated!!!

  • e_r - 15 years ago

    Unfortunately they can. Voters have short memories.

  • Sal Costa - 15 years ago

    Janet said: "Spitzer is a exceedingly intelligent man. What he did was hypocritical but aren't we all? Anyone condemning an action in another over and over is probably guilty him/herself".

    "Exceedingly intelligent ..."?

    "No" we are not all "traitors". An elected official that tries to usurp the power and authority of the people instead of represent them is "betraying a sacred trust" consequntly traitors ... in this case far left wing ulra liberal liars and traitors ... aka .... Democrats. 2010 is around the corner.

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    No, Janet, we're not all hypocrites. And given the size of my investment portfolio, what happened to Spitzer can't happen to me. If I did want to cheat on my wife with prostitutes, I couldn't afford the five figure ones.

    Oh, and I assume you'd make similar excuses for, oh, I dunno, Jimmy Swaggart. Sure you would. I mean, you're not a hypocrite, are you?

  • olderst53 - 15 years ago

    I answered yes because it's up to the voters to make sure they cannot come back. Unfortunately, voters are not always paying attention

  • Janet - 15 years ago

    I get a laugh out of comments such as rightwinger made about how Democrats get away with indiscretions but Repubs are persecuted. Such victims.
    Spitzer is a exceedingly intelligent man. What he did was hypocritical but aren't we all? Anyone condemning an action in another over and over is probably guilty him/herself. It never fails. It happened to Spitzer, it could happen to you.

  • Judy - 15 years ago

    Of course, it happens everyday. Men forgive men all the time. It is a tad easier if they are Democrats.

  • Grant - 15 years ago

    Only if he/she is a Democrat. You can be in the freakin' KKK and be a distinguished Democrat. But if you're a Republican and make one innocent, offhand comment or unfortunate "joke", you can't apologize enough.

    You'll spend the rest of your career on the Apology Tour bus, and being forever known as "that guy who said...".

    But a Democrat? Well, when you've got the press, Hollywood and academia all on your side and cheering you on, it's easy to "forgive and forget". Any number of high-profile actors, musicians and media figures will carry your water for you, attack anyone who dares question you, make you sound like the Second Coming, etc.

    The hypocrisy and double-standard at play here is mind-blowing.

    BTW, where, exactly, are all the constant ongoing reports and "jokes" about Joe Biden's constant verbal gaffes and "foot in mouth" affliction? Oh, that's right...his name isn't Dan Quayle.

  • Mark G - 15 years ago

    If he's a Democrat, yes. Republican, not likely.

  • rightwinger - 15 years ago

    Sure Spitzer can! Let's see, Bill Clinton was/is an adulterer..he stayed in office. Barack Obama is a liar and is corrupt (look at his cronies). Why stop now caring who is in office.

  • Bill - 15 years ago

    Teddy Kennedy did it after Chappaquidick

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