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What do you think of the Affordit business model?

Total Votes: 1,310

  • Jack Harris Jr - 15 years ago

    He says he made his business model off seing aarons and rent a center number. This may actually work but I still don't have a good gut feeling. Especially if you are gonna be laxed on the collections. After really sitting and thinking about it I wonder if automatic debits will help his company's image. Being currently broke I tend to dislike automatic debits because the day you slip or miscalculate it can cost you a shitload of nsf fees which will make you hate a brand even though it was your mistake.

  • Richard J Bowden - 15 years ago

    The Bible has over 200 ways to save and how to spend money.

    Read the BIBLE!

  • bishop - 15 years ago

    Stupid and lazy ppl are what allows companies like this to be greedy. if ppl realized that they could just put that amount away every month and not pay almost double the price, greedy ppl wouldn't be able to exploit their customers.

    is it immoral to exploit someone else's poor decision, probably but is it their fault for being stupid? yah.

  • Matthew Harris - 15 years ago

    It's a poor decision on the part of the consumer to purchase this way, but then again so are subprime mortgages you can't afford and buying on a credit card you can't hope to pay back. I wouldn't purchase this way, but provided the company is up front with all their policies and terms and conditions I can't fault them for meeting a need nor expect a company to suddenly attempt to ignore or correct the incredibly poor financial sense that permeates our society. I find overpaying for something because you can't afford to buy it outright and can't be bothered to save distasteful, but I don't know if I can say the same for providing a service that caters to that.

  • DT - 15 years ago

    It's not about morals, it's about good business. Say a consumer can't/won't budget their finances (by say, putting away $20 a week and saving up for the console). This isn't Affordit's moral dilemma, this is the consumer's laziness. The profit Affordit makes is the price the consumer is willing to pay for instant gratification.

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