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Is Afghanistan 'Obama's war'?

Total Votes: 13,669

  • Sole Mat - 15 years ago

    It is now OBAMA'S war. He is calling the shots. He has the power to pull the troops or send more troops.
    I support the Iraq war and President Bush is my favorite all time president. He even had a since of humor when that guy threw a shoe at him...What a guy.

  • Rickster - 15 years ago

    Make no mistake, we are Americans and this is our war...

  • Outfoxed... at it again!!! - 15 years ago

    Great point!!!!!!! To call it Bush's "forgotten war" as he then moved his attention to Iraq based upon lies of WMDs i.e. for nation building and war profiteering. Now its "Obama's War", OMG what's next, blaming Obama for Bush's failed presidency. ----------------Obama is ---NATIONALLY--- facing the overt measures to reduce his prestige and , like any other minority being the FIRST of anything in America.

  • Soup - 15 years ago

    And people claim that Fox doesn't have a conservative bias...

    Put simply: this is a war that was started by Bush and then put on the back burner because of the war in Iraq. With the stabilization of Iraq (yes, thanks to Bush's troop surge) and Afghanistan becoming a refuge for terrorists and Taliban insurgents, it only makes sense to strengthen our commitment to Afghanistan, lest it once again become a launching point for attacks against the west.

    Calling this "Obama's War" is a political ploy, attempting to make him even more unpopular among the conservative base. Make no mistake about it, this is Bush's forgotten war; indeed, this is as much Obama's War as the original Gulf War was Clinton's.

  • Ken - 15 years ago

    It is America's war. They attacked us. They Want to wipe us out.

    Many Americans today simply are way out of touch with reality, and would rather see us leave Afghanistan. They think "No one is going to hurt the great U.S." Thats very ignorant . Dangerous ignorance,in fact. We are more concerned about who wins the super bowl. Hello? We are in big trouble here!

    Bush finished the war with Saddam After he broke the terms of surrender, not allowing the the weapons inspectors to make sure he wasn't making weapons of mass destruction. And he was publicly paying terrorists to attack Israel.

    Obama certainly has some smarts, but thinks he can fix everything in the first couple of years in office.???? Arrogance is a weakness. And ALL presidents inherit big problems. The buck stops at Your desk now, Mr. President.

  • rjbka - 15 years ago


    I have no problem with other points of view when they establish themselves as either a Right or Left leaning show/point of view. Believe it or not I have always voted republican up and down the ticket except for 2000 and 2004
    Fox claims to be fair and balanced and they're not....They push a far right newscast

    As for your comment that I'm not thinking....

    I believe it maybe you that is not thinking and just believing everything the two draft dodgers say (Cheney had 5 deferments).
    Starting an unnecessary war and committing all of those troops and all of that money into Iraq did not make us a safer made us a weaker and more divided nation...all I want is proof....where are the weapons that the administartion said they had proof of?

    If they made us a safer country tell me how?

    Sadam was a mean and cruel human that didnt deserve to live however once our troops are out of there...without a dictatorship...the country will fall into civil war as those people over there hate each other more than they hate that part of the world...sometimes dictatorships are the only way to keep different tribes from war, the past 1000 years seems to support this

    Why if Bush's main job was to protect us did he not catch the guy that was responsible?
    Can you honestly say that for all of the U.S. lives that were lost in Iraq and all of the money that the country has spent there, that we're a safer nation than if we had not gone in?

    The country was so caught up in the revenge factor at the time Cheney knew that they could get support for Iraq....who's former company got a no bid contract....? Coincidence?

    Have you noticed that if you question the current president on his health care reform you're an American doing your duty however if you questioned the Bush Administration prior to going into Iraq you were a traitor (as Alan Colmes was called)


    I have no problem with other points of view when they establish themselves as ei

  • Christopher - 15 years ago

    RJBKA, see you're not thinking. You cannot understand what the federal government is for and what the main job of the President is. They HAVE to protect this country and it's citizens. No matter what. It's the law of the land. A presidents past military record has nothing to do with what he is obligated to do as president. What's Obama's record in anything before he was elected? He had no record, he has done nothing except push his socialist agenda in community groups, become a senator, never vote and run for president - impressive. Obama would have dodged any war he was in danger in having to go fight in. He would have organized a group to burn draft cards. Come on don't be so dishonest.
    You should be glad FoxNews is out there. At least you see a different point of view. You should ask yourself why you don't want a different view.

  • Big D - 15 years ago

    Its his Vietnam,hes cutting the budget for the Mil. IE; the YF 22 and inviting our enemys to dinner in the White House HEs letting North Korea and Iran do what ever the want.Hes letting the English trade oil for Terrorists.He wants to throw our CIA folks in Jail.All i got to say is im Voting for Jeb

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    The war in Afghanistan was one of the only moves Bush ever made that EVERYONE seemed to agree with. We were attacked 8 years ago by an organization harbored and protected by the former government of that country, so why in the hell would we NOT attack back? Sadly, the cowboy didn't plan our retaliation too well, and decided to spread the strength of our armed forces into TWO wars, giving a majority of our resources to the Iraq war. Big mistake.

    So Iraq was and is Bush's war, Afghanistan is AMERICA'S war. And Obama will probably never find a solution to either one. I doubt ANYONE could.

    Unless ALL Americans can begin to see that it's not Dems/Repubs, black/white, Christian/Muslim/Jewish, but in fact, what it has always been-- RICH vs NOT RICH, we are heading towards absolute disaster. We don't have to agree with each other every step of the way, but we need to UNITE and take back control of our country from the current political system.

    Socialism? Marxism? Communism? Every one of them has high points that might greatly benefit our country, and serious, SERIOUS low points that could destroy it. Finding a system that works for us is going to require a collage of many different aspects of government, not a carbon copy of another system in general. But I think we ALL can agree, no matter which "party" rules right now, this system is not working for 99% of us.

    You can't give credit to the boom of the 90's wholly to Clinton, the demise solely to Bush, and for christs sake, we SURELY can not continue to try to bring down each other because of a few differences of opinion.

    I will say this, though: the sudden and complete flip flop of the political extremists on most of the pressing issues during this shift in the balance of "power" is stunning. The right went from endorsing without question every aspect of both wars to attacking Obama for every decision he makes regarding them (And beefing up Afghanistan IS the right move, one of the only good moves he's made). The left is now content to allow Obama to never answer any questions or offer any explanations when they practically crucified Bush for doing the same.

    And on a side note: Those who hang on every word of Glenn Beck and his insane conspiracy theories are just as stupid as the idiots who believe Bush masterminded the 9/11 attacks. You all need to wake the hell up and realize that the leaders of both parties have one agenda: keep us serfs fighting each other while they get richer, and richer, and richer...

    Here's to change we ALL can believe in!!

  • Billy Barnhill - 15 years ago

    I have only one question: Where is your loyalty at Obama, it's doesn't look like it is
    with this country, the United States of America.

  • rjbka - 15 years ago

    Typical......We were attacked by a group that was based in Afghanistan 8 years ago.

    Bush had his chance to prove he was a "wartime president" even though he dodged the draft and the national guard ...) How did he prove that he was a wartime president? By starting a war (Bush's war) with a country that had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks...

    Iraq has cost us 4,000 U.S. lives, 15,000 injured, billions upon billions of dollars, he lowered taxes (never done in U.S. history before while we were at war), and he let Afghanistan go (The forgotten war) while playing in Iraq

    Our economy has taken a major hit, our standing in the world became a joke under Bush, we were divided as a country more so ever since the civil war

    Now that Obama tries to fix another Bush mistake Fox news wants to label it as his war....had he not sent in more troops Fox would want his head as a wimp and danger to national security...Cheney and Bush ruined the country, however in the Fox News world they could do no wrong
    Can you imagine if Obama dodged the draft and national guard during a time of war and then to top it off put on a cheerleading outfit?

    Typical Fox....the country has went downhill as far as being a united country ever since FOX News came on the air.
    FOX thrives off of a divided country and they're no more "fair and balanced" than Jerry Springer

    I didnt vote for Obama however he's my was Bush...and I at least will give him a chance. Bush had 8 years and Fox still makes excuses for him....Obama didnt even have a month before the FOX attack team was in full gear

  • KIM YONG-iL - 15 years ago

    HA !, HA !, HA !

  • Christopher - 15 years ago

    Obama's war. Yes from the right, no from the left. Hmmm, that's different. Can anyone think for themselves? Don't you know that those in power want us to follow like sheep. The only thing the Right has going for them is at least they are following with their minds, the Left is just way to emotional. Grow up Left, get off the college campus, this is real life. Think then act, not the other way around, that's why you dummies want all these safety nets because you can't make a solid decision. Right, stop trying to build your case on how stupid Obama. He's president and is the media's darling. Get your facts and then attack, you are looking like the left more everyday.
    Those who can think for themselves. Terrorist forced us in to both wars. If you are an American you realize that we have to defend ourselves and that is what the federal government is for. It better be Obama's war and he better fight it, and fight it to win. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him but I am counting on him to do his job according to the Constitution and defend this country. To all: Put away your party affiliations they do nothing but weaken our voice. If it's wrong regardless of what party does, you better let them know. Happy Labor Day Weekend.

  • OBAS - 15 years ago

    Afghanastan a death bed for every super power that entered.

    Obama obviously isnt an historian...

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    "Point back at the previous administration."
    Like how Republicans blame Clinton for 9/11? Double standard hypocritical Republicans. Bush started this war, it is not Obama's war. He is trying to fix the other guy's mistakes. If you want to blame Clinton for 9/11, we can blame Bush for this war. Obama hasn't even been in office as long as Bush was when 9/11 happened so get over yourselves.

  • W Johnson - 15 years ago

    Whose war was Vietnam? We don't call it DE's war.
    We cadenced; “Tricky Dicky drop the bomb...we don't wanna go to 'Nam" What happened to the other President's responsibility?

  • Corky - 15 years ago


    You should re-spell you name as ASS. Your not an American. And you surely were not a Marine Recon no matter what you spit out. That I would know because I was.

    I don't know what you are, but you surely not an American.

  • GENA FARLEY - 15 years ago

    During the campaign, Obama was critical of the Iraqi war and stated several times that the Bush Admin. should not have gone into Iraq but should have gone into Afghanistan. We were already there but not as strong as what OBAMA felt was needed. We are there and it is OBAMA'S.

  • Liberty or Death - 15 years ago

    Labels like "Obama's War" is the reason our troops are losing support. I disagree with 99% of Obama's policies, but I will never turn my back on our troops. They are not fighting, dying, and getting wounded in vain. Our troops don't need to return home and be treated like those dirty hippies treated our men coming back from vietnam.
    It comes down to one simple question; Do you believe in fighting Terrorism? if you do not then you need to quietly leave this country, because you are part of the problem. If you don't believe that there are people out there so die hard against Americans and our way of life, then you need to open your eyes and do a little reading on your own. We have some of them living amongst us. We have one that is an advisor the president, several actually.

  • AS - 15 years ago

    Nonya - you are a true AMERICAN BAFFOON. Mind you that the americans were the SUPPLIER of the same weapons of mass destruction they came to 'destroy' in Iraq. Afghanistan is AMERICAS WAR - not just OBAMA you A$$HOLES. It's easy for everyone to point fingers and TALK TALK TALK. 90% of the US population can't even FIND Afghanistan ON THE MAP. $hit, they can't even FIND N.Y.C. Having fought with a Marine Recon division for years I know first hand that America fights DIRTY. The public doesn't want to know who we supply with weapons and how many lives we have taken, including children and women. The few good soldiers who understand war and fight for humanity are being chastised as 'liberals' (which by definition is actually a good thing). Americas ignorance and greed is leading this nation to selling the rope it hangs itself with. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  • wayne - 15 years ago

    I highly agree we should be over in afghanistan fighting to eliminate the taliban terroist threat to our nation. I am not
    An obama supporter and disagree with most of his views, however, his war or not is realy irrelavent. We were
    Attacked, hello,! And it will happen again if we coward up and leave in shame. Bullies love a come back, and we must
    Stop terrorist or we are doomed. It is really simple, we stop al quida in kabul or our backyards.
    First priority, listen to our commanders on the front lines for they know and see first and best. I am backing
    Obama on this one. But please mr president stop finger pointing, we are all in this together. By the way I am in
    The army and proud to serve, let's unite and fight to protect our nation.

  • NONYA - 15 years ago

    Ya know,I find it sickeningly amusing that people want to blame this WHOLE war in the middle east on Bush. You people need a history lesson. In the 1970's, Saddam Hussein was an "up and coming" in the region - via his "hard work" at building his "family fortune". The United States had a decision to make-to allow Hussein, who was already becoming known for some of his tactics, or another not so nice gentleman come through to power over there. Well, Jimmy Carter and his administration, in their infinite wisdom, chose Sadaam. Would the other or any other have been the same outcome? Probably-but they felt he was the least of the evils. So - they allowed him to rise up through the ranks and become the dictator he was. Oh what, you don't think the U.S. has any say in all of that?? HA HA silly little person! What do you think all of those mid-east peace talks also cover??? There are compromises all over that world leaders make to get something they want. Sadaam was one of those compromises. So we go through the stuff in the 80's with terrorist attacks and no one really pays attention to the "little guy" who's really become quite a "star" in his country. Then we hit the 1990's and OOPS! What a mess we have! BILL CLINTON, on the knowledge given to him by the CIA and FBI and other government sources (read Special Ops teams whom had been inserted in the region for awhile before) sends us over there to "stop" this. BUT-because he's in bed with the U.N. (which is how he illegally got our troops into Bosnia) we get the "NO KILL" order on Sadaam. We had the intelligence THEN. We had the OPPORTUNITY to take out Sadaam and a very large portion of the money train that now feeds AL QAEIDA and the TALIBAN.But would CLINTON give the order??? NO. We stomped a mud hole in their butt and then had to tuck tail and come home. Sadaam was a smart man - he learned his lesson on the power of the U.S. military - a little too well. So he built up his forces, and started funneling all sorts of money into the terrorist organizations-and his own personal security. He ramped it up like a junkie on speed. And here comes Bush number 1-who gets told by the U.N. to basically stay out of the whole situation and their way. Fast forward to 9/11-gee-imagine this-DESPITE THE WARNINGS-DESPITE THE INTELLIGENCE-we get attacked ON OUR OWN SOIL. But people STILL think this is about OIL??!! Give me a break! We have enough oil between AK, WY,MT,CO,UT,TX and a few other places to supply us and others for a VERY long time. Oil is a naturally supplied renewable energy source. That's right, oil is RENEWABLE. Why? Because it's made by all of the things that decompose and etc in the Earth's soil and work their way down. Study up on your geothermics, geology, and natural science folks. But I digress. So Bush 43 is in command when we get attacked on 9/11. What is a President to do?? We AGAIN were told by the "illustrious" U.N. that we could NOT go into Afghanistan, Syria, etc-we had to ONLY go into Iraq. We'd been begged and begged before by countries like Yemen,Qatar,and others in the region to take them ALL out. To PLEASE help them get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeida forces THROUGHOUT the region. They KNEW they weren't just in Iraq. So, we take out the main guy who funds them. The one who bragged the responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. And YES,there WERE WMD's (look for video of the U.S. troops watching it be taken over the border into Syria- - thank you to the U.N. yet again for holding up the inspectors so they had time to do this by the way...oh-you can't because that Army Officer's video was PULLED OFF THE AIR AND INTERNET). Sadaam was the main supplier for it all....and we gathered the intelligence then about the operatives in Afghanistan-the training facilities, etc-would the U.N. let us go there? NO-not until OBAMA came into power. Then all of a sudden we can pull out of Iraq and head there? Odd...? It's only his war because he's using it to make himself look good.

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    Of course it is now, after Bush left it in shambles. After four years in Afghanistan myself, both military and civilian and actually IN THE FIELD, during both administrations I can tell you this. Obama is trying hard to reverse the screw ups that he was left with. His approach is a best that can be done under the circumstances he was left with. However, it is going to be an uphill battle and hopefully not a fruitless one.

  • LT - 15 years ago

    The "War on Terror" is America's War, and every other country's War, who thinks that Terrorists need to be wiped out. Terrorist are a threat, and we need to track them down and kill them. ANd frankly,I don't really think Obama cares much about our troops or what is going on over there, he is too concerned with HEALTH CARE BULL S$&T!!! Which btw wont help you much if the terrorists kill you....

  • MOE - 15 years ago


  • USAMA BIN LADEN - 15 years ago


  • CTNAGGER - 15 years ago

    Of course this is not Obama's war and all the right wingers know it. They talk about not looking back and blaming the Bush Administration but they are the first ones to blame everything that Obama inherited on him. This literally cracks me up....these are the same people that put the hope of the GOP party on Sarah

  • Gary in Toledo - 15 years ago

    Oh, so someone in office for only 8 months can't blame his predeccesor for anything and if he does he is just a crybaby. Obama inherited a HUGE mess from the Bush Admin. It is going to take a lot longer than 8 months to fix this. As usual Fox's logic is twisted and one-sided. Fair and balanced? HA.

  • Larry - 15 years ago

    Terrorists are Americas enemies and who-ever is in charge must take ownership to see to it that they are annilated and we must keep the pressure on to make sure they comply!

  • Susan - 15 years ago

    I strongly oppose President Obama's domestic agenda, and I question his international policies. But when he is fighting a war, and our troops are in harms way, I will not pull the dirty tricks that the Left in America freely used for the last 8 years; such short-sighted backstabbing undermines our chances of success in an area where we need to make a difference, and it puts our troops at risk. In short, it kills good people and encourages bad people.

    This is the Taliban's war. They are the ones that started it, and they are the ones that are continuing it. In Afghanistan, both President Bush and President Obama have only responded to Taliban violence to protect America's interests. Have either done a perfect job? Nope, but then it's impossible to fight a war and not make some mistakes. While I do suspect that some of the rise in Taliban violence in the last 9 months has been due to a perception that President Obama will not sustain a military fight in any arena, President Obama isn't the one that escalated the violence and destabilized the country.

  • dick cheney - 15 years ago


  • pat - 15 years ago

    It is Bush’s war it is Bush’s mistake and Obama is just fixing it... like he did with Bush's economy and Bush's infrastructure and Bush's foreign policy ... for 8 years you people (Repubs) told me to be American I had to stand behind the President no matter what... I guess your message sunk in... I hope you still believe your own propaganda

  • Gale Lilly - 15 years ago

    Yes, it's his war but he seems to have forgotten all about our troops that are fighting for ours and HIS freedom.
    This is what happens when you take God out of everything.
    Obama should remember when he is pointing a finger at the Bush administration there are three pointing back to him.

  • Ichlieba - 15 years ago

    This poor little guy is confused. He doesn't know whether he wants a war or he doesn't. Now he has what is called the Bush war and what is indeed a Hussein Obama war. Spreading a little thin I'd say. Seems to me he's thinking of spreading even thinner, like right here in the USA. He has surrounded himself with radicals from our own country, liars, tax cheats, screaming jiving pastors, and American hating fools. Thank God we have some sensible God loving young people who are willing to go so far as to sacrifice their lives for the safety and freedom of others. Millions of people have now spoken out. We have been telling him for months now, "Don't Tread on me." Obviously he still hasn't gotten the message.
    Congress should wise up also as they sit there and allow czars to be appointed. What do we pay them for? Do we have to tell them to get rid of the czars? They need to start working. If they write a 1,000 page bill then be ready to read it. If they need two days and two lawyers to understand it then maybe they should consider resigning their seat.

  • pat - 15 years ago

    e and Obama is just fixing it... like he did with Bush's economy and Bush's infrastructure and Bush's foreign policy ... for 8 years you people (Repubs) told me to be American I had to stand behind the President no matter what... I guess your message sunk in... I hope you still believe your own propaganda

  • digger Doyle - 15 years ago

    Poor Pat...such misguidance and deception - All through his campaign he boasted how he was going to pull troops out of Iraq.... Hmmm... did he ever say he was going to pull them out of Iraq to send them to Afghanistan ? No, - he made it sound like Bush was a war on terror maniac. Well he is a sneaky Muslim with a dictatorship agenda, a wolf in sheep clothing so to speak. I suggest you get educated and look at the US Constitution that has enabled you freedom and liberty all the years of your life thus far and look at all the Constitutional Amendments and see for yourself what he is attempting to literally break down with his pep talks and hypocrisy! If you don't see it now, eventually you will.

  • Susan - 15 years ago

    We need to protect America, it's our countries duty. Yes it is his war! When you sign up to be president of the United States you defend our country and and protect values and morals that were handed down by our forefathers. Is Obama an American seems to me I remember him not wanting to Salute the American Flag.

  • pat - 15 years ago

    Through what kind of mental gymnastics have you (Faux News) been able to convince yourselves that a war started in 2001 by President Bush is somehow Obama’s War…. This is pathetic …. Really pathetic

  • Samuel - 15 years ago

    I love the statement in the question, "Some are calling it Obama's war." The "some" meaning Fox News? What does "Obama's war" really mean anyway? Because he's President it's "his war"? Well he didn't put over there and that is simply why the "Blaming Bush" statement is constantly made. Of course the same people who don't like us being there and the same people who the second we pull out will claim that the "terrorists have won". You can't win either way. If the military is there under Obama's administration conservatives will scream and yell. If he pulls out the conservatives will scream and yell. Bush got us in the mess and there isn’t any easy way to go about it. It’s not like WWII where you kill some bad guys, the bad guys surrender then we all hug it out and everything is fine. If we leave Afghanistan it will go to more of “hell in a hand basket” than it already is. If we stay or if we go we are screwed either way. So we might as well stay there and try to fix problems rather than just pulling out. Of course inevitably we will have to leave at some point. Will our involvement in Afghanistan help in the long run? Maybe, but probably not. Maybe next time we try invading a country we should look at the past and see how well the British did in Afghanistan at the beginning of the century and how the Russians fared in 1979. Afghanistan is going to be the only country is the world that can stake claim to defeating the British, Russia and the U.S.! That’s quite a resume!

  • WTF - 15 years ago

    And if we bail out of Afghanistan, then what. All the right wingers being led by the nose from Limbaugh would be crying about how he is making this country unsafe an opening us up for more terror attacks. He is doing what should have been done prior to going into Iraq.

  • David Wells, Arkansas - 15 years ago

    Afghanistan is an American War! The Taliban allowed their Al Quida brothers to create terrorist camps in the country. Then Al Quida sat in Afghanistan while they planned their attack on 9-11. Afghanistan is the center point for terrorists! It's the war that Bush started, but then forgot about once he foolishly went into Iraq.

  • Eric - 15 years ago

    Bush looked back at Clinton for 8 years, and blamed constantly. From my point of view President Obama gets to look back for another 7 years. The country was united that we had to attack Al Qaeda in Afghanistan during the Bush administration. We are still fighting there. Of course IT IS NOT Obama's war.

  • Cartman1949 - 15 years ago

    During his campaign didn't Nobama and the Dems indicate that we should have sent troups to Afganistan instead of Iraq? He even hinted at going into Pakistan. This blame Bush thing is wearing thin and I think the American people (even the Liberals) are finally realizing that Nobama is just a jive turkey trying to get over on us. This man's agenda is doing permanent damage to this country. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  • LFD - 15 years ago

    I understand that millions of $ were taken from the budget for the war efforts in Afghanistan and applied to the extended cash for clunker program. Of course it is his war now. He has the power to do what he thinks is best. Apparently he thinks it is best to spend $ on useless programs while our soldiers fight a war with limitations of funds and equipment. The real question is does he really want to win this war?

  • Mary - 15 years ago

    Obama is president, and he is making the decisions, some which are against what the majority of American taxpayers want. However, when Obama points back at the previous Administration, it just looks disfavorable to him. Like a little kid who doesn't take responsibility. I have some advice for the next president of the US......if you don't understand you are from day one in office responsible, then don't run for president. Obama has spent so much time pointing back at the previous administration, why did he run?? This democrat is very tired of hearing that same excuse!

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