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Should schools show President Obama's address to students?

Total Votes: 1,012

  • Concerned_Patriot - 14 years ago

    Racism is the least of our problems.
    Revisionist History, Czars in Amerika?

    Hiding all the facts of Nationalized Health Care from the populace and then wanting to use that same media to indoctrinate our youth reeks of the best of Marx. Stalin and Mao.
    We have a very clouded and Shady version of "transperancy". Did Mr President already forget 'that' campaign rhetoric? He is now going to try to hide their future expenses of his excesses from youth whom with the help of the NEA teachers will swallow all of it!

    Divide and conquer - Youth against Parents, Rich against Poor, Elitists against the uneducated........liberals against conservatives, working against the unemployed, Religion against Atheism....

    With no background in real, true history our youth may indeed be bound by these 'learned' people to repeat all the attrocities of past generations. All while being taught that 'Old School' is the problem, their 'New School' education makes them smarter than all previous generations including writers of the US Constitution!

  • DICK CHENEY - 15 years ago



  • DICK CHENEY - 15 years ago


  • DICK CHENEY - 15 years ago


  • Richard J. Cronin - 15 years ago

    It's curious to note that, for some, anyone who doesn't march in lockstep with Obama is a racist who disrespects the presidency. Therefore, there is no room for debate. Therefore, once the Prsident speaks to the children it is the patriotic and politically correct duty of the teachers to lead the students in the direction of total support for Obama. And you wonder why some parents are concened about the potential for indictrination? Watch to "I Pledge" video with an open mind. Start to get nervous.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Watch this video:

    It shuts up all the people who are against it immediately.

  • ChickenFriedMan - 15 years ago

    The town of Hingham's manditory summer book reading for high school students is Obama's memoir. (See page 12 of The Patriot Ledger, Sat/Sun September 5-6, 2009). Chairman Mao-Tse-Tung indoctrinated the children of China in a similar fashion.

  • Bonnie - 15 years ago

    We don't know what he will say. I agree if he just speaks about the importance of an education, that is acceptable. As a mother of middle schoolers, that is mine and my husband's job. I don't like that he has a huge captive audience. Most schools leadership is very liberal and they are just eating it up. Where is the unbiased ability to let students make up their own minds. It is bad enough some of the stuff they come home from school with. He has only been in office 9 months. Has not show any leadership or statesmanship. I respect the office of President of the United States tremendously. I am a proud veteran. But, I question his motive and timing. I will let my kids view it and I will watch it online.

  • joe - 15 years ago

    It would be ok to let the children hear him if you could trust him to stay on topic and speak the truth. But you can't. Look at who his advisors are, known communists, racists and radicals. You know a man by the company he keeps.

  • Erik Saltman - 15 years ago

    Why doesn't the parents let the kids decide.
    Its a shame that the parents are forcing their politics on the children. These are the same children that grow up and never know how to take responsibility. A reflection on the parents upbringing.
    In earlier days these same people use to speak about how they hated negros, in front of their children, teaching them how to become a racists.
    Now they are doing it all over again, only in a more suttle way.

  • debby - 15 years ago

    This is stupid! The disrespect we show the Leader of our Country is insane! We then have the nerve to want other countries to treat us with respect, not say we are rude and we don't know what we want! Well people of the US.... believe it or not, even if you didn't or I didn't or whoever didn't vote for our President, MORE that half of us did!!!!! Except it, Respect it! Then others will. Having a baby fit because the man you didn't vote for, won. DOESN'T do any good, oh yes it does, I forgot. It makes you look like fools!
    We have grown up to be a nation of crybabies. Maybe we do need to go into the service again, right out of Highschool or college. Maybe we need to go back to see forward. To understand what Love of Country means, doing your duty, if you agree or not! We now have a nation of crybabies. "your not playing my way! I'm taking my ball and going home!" THIS IS OUR PRESIDENT! IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Live with it support him and lets get on with running our Country! ALL of you who don't like it, this freedom thing that allows all of the US make a vote, not just; who you think would be the right one, maybe next time we will do it that way, next time....have one, but only the one the rich companies think is right, If we're lucky, maybe we can find someone name Hitler again! YeeHaw! THE PRESIDENT WANTS TO TALK TO STUDENTS ABOUT STAYING IN SCHOOL AND TO TRY HARD AND GO TO COLLEDGE!!!! NOT HOW TO BECOME A DEMOCRAT!(or black, if your really stupid enough to think he could do that or would want to)

    I don't care what party he is, what color he is, or if he likes dogs or cats! He wants to talk to my child about staying in school, he is my President. I am happy to have him talk to my child about education. it's that simple.

  • joe heirty - 15 years ago

    i am not a racist. i like all races. i dont like president obamas choices for his so called czars. if what they say is any indication of what he intends to say to school kids, then i object. if he only tells them to stay in school,study hard,dont do drugs,thats fine with me. dont get political/

  • Rick McFadd - 15 years ago

    Racism is alive and well in America. Obama haters claim that it's politics. It's not.

  • lori - 15 years ago

    I don't understand what the problem is. What is everyone so afraid of. It is the President of the United States speaking to school children about the importance of education. I just don't get it. We should be honored that he is taking the time to address the children. Stop whining everyone!!!!!

  • Jacob Toalson - 15 years ago

    I am scared of the people in Texas
    if it wasn't illegal they would hang me
    heck they might do it anyway, and they would be proud of it

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