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In your ideal BB world, which 2 HGs make it to final 2?

Total Votes: 4,940

  • Melodee - 15 years ago

    I ditto Kim's comment! I agree with her 100% ! I have disliked Natalie from day one. From the very start, she has been nothing but an evil, back-stabbing, annoying BIOTCH ! I so wanted to see Jeff and Jordan take it to the end together, but with that not going to happen now, I hope at least Jordan get's to go F2 with Michelle and takes the winning title in the end. But if Michelle wins, that's okay with me if it means Natalie or Kevin doesn't win!

  • Kim - 15 years ago

    I have never been so disappointed as I am now in the outcome of BB. If Natalie or Kevin are the final 2, this will be the last BB I ever watch. I think they are two of the most spoiled rotten "kids" I have ever seen play this game. Natalie hasn't done anything to justify winning this game. She claims to be so smart yet she hasn't done anything to prove this just rode someones coat tail through the whole game. Some would call this smart but I call it just lazy. If you aren't going to take any chances and try to win the game with your own mind, why play. She is a liar, she gripes and complains about everything and I think they should have put her out of the game when she started messing with everyone's personal things. Kevin could be a very good player if he would use his own mind and stop letting Natalie leading him around by the yang-yang! I see him thinking at times and had hoped that he would finally stand up and do what was right. Natalie is just plain evil. I can't stand her and don't think she deserve to even be on the show much less win. If this is what happens, I will never watch again and I have been a die hard viewer since the show started. Going as far as recording Showtime After Dark and buying the feeds. Never again!

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