In the event Michele and Jordan make it to final 2, who will get your America's Jury Vote - not for the 25k, but for the $500,000


  • Melodee - 15 years ago

    At best, I would really like to see Jordan win the big $ so she can help her mother and family out. Also, it would be great if Michelle gets the $25,000. She deserves at least that much for playing the game as well as she did. And when it comes right down to it, I think Jeff deserves an acknowledgement reward for being the # 1 "Mr. All-Around Nice Guy" ! heehee

  • kayce - 15 years ago

    jordan... michelle was talking about going on vaca and buying stuff... jordan NEEDS it for her family much more than michelle

  • Missy - 15 years ago

    Moot point; take this crappy poll away.

  • EarlyBird - 15 years ago

    I agree 100% that Michele should get the $500K if she makes it to the final 2.

    She's done the most to help HERSELF in this game, and did it by winning crucial comps, and aligning herself with the right people.

    She never flip-flopped when the power shifted, even though she did represent herself as being on board with the other side when they were in power, only to keep herself off the block.

    Her votes have proved that she's been on Team Jeff since the first week, and ever since then, she's been doing whatever she could to help further their cause, as well as her own, even to the detriment of her own game when she broke her word, and put Chima up on the block.

    Jordan has done nothing more than provide Jeff with emotional support, and, unfortunately, gave a lot of bad advice to him when it came to getting rid of Russell, and trusting Kevin and Natalie.

  • Roxzane - 15 years ago

    Michele should get the $500,000 because she played the best game and saved HERSELF...numerous times. Jordan is sweet and she helped Jeff a lot, but she got carried for the most part.

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