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Should school districts allow children to watch President Obama's speech?

Total Votes: 313

  • RJ - 15 years ago

    This one was easy to figure out! Obama's approval numbers are sliding as some of the 60MM+ morons who voted for him are realizing they got an idiot who surrounds hmself with idiots! Look, he is tageting millions of kids who will be voting in their first presidential election in 2012. For whom will they cast their vote? The jackass that got them out of school for 30 minutes one day in 2009! Plus, afterwards, their indoctrination will continue as their respective teachers heap praise upon an unqualified office holder! Wise up idiots!

  • American - 15 years ago

    I totally support President Obama's speech being aired for all to hear in our public schools and I am disheartened, but not too surprised, that their are Americans who would prevent their children from listening, just because they voted for someone else. I was no fan of "W" but I listened to him, and I embraced educational opportunities to discuss with our children why I disagreed. That's the way it's supposed to work in America, the land of the free. I find it particularly ignorant that people would prevent their children from listening to the elected leader of our great nation encouraging them to make the most of their educational opportunities. If the supposed grown ups want to go stick their heads in the sand, or the Fox "News" boob-tube or someplace else, that's their choice, but please don't drag our country down by teaching your kids to villify someone you may not agree with.

    In response to:"I am opposed to my children being forced to watch the President's speech as he is trying to guilt children into following "his" ways. The next speech will even lure them more." Holy cow! "His way" as defined during his campaig and proven by recent actions is to promote and support high quality edication and healthcare services for our children and families. Pretty evil stuff.

    In response to: "Our President is extremely controversial." I understand there are some activist loudmouths who disagree with some of Mr. Obmamas opinions or approaches and claim to speak for us, and there are plenty of ignorant sheep who are being used by greedy, power-hungry, Special Interest lobbyists, who thnk they disagree (even though tyhe Presidents policies will actually benifit YOU) because a lobbyist charading as a "news" person told you so, but there are also LOTS of us out here who support our President and the future of our country. "W" was very controversial - would you, because of that FACT, stop your children from listening to him say "read a book"?

    Grow up.

  • tg - 15 years ago

    Wait till PBC looses funding based on average school attendance because people keep their kids home from school Tues. I urge everyone that doesn't want their kids to watch this to keep their kids home...making your child be singled out is NOT the answer! My children will learn about the constitution or some other founding facts about our country that day!

  • tg - 15 years ago

    I am opposed to my children being forced to watch the President's speech as he is trying to guilt children into following "his" ways. The next speech will even lure them more. I have freedom to watch what I choose and the kids don't because if they don't watch it they are singled out and sent to a different location in the school. Many principals feel this speech is something that should be viewed at home with their parents and I TOTALLY agree. Our President is extremely controversial and now PBC is putting our children into a position that is not fair to children! How about the schools asking parents who wants to watch it and those children go to a location to watch it! Those are the parents that leave raising their children to the school and others!

  • freddyboy - 15 years ago

    This is such a JOKE OBHAMA Did I spell it wright? HA HA who cares?

  • JB - 15 years ago

    I agree, why is this questioned? What happened to respect for the President? While I have not been a fan of the last administration, I did watch President Bush speak and respect his position. There is so much hate towards President Obama and it seems to me to be racial which is fueled by the media. As far as the school calling the shots, Im thankfull I got to watch President Kennedy while in the PB County school system in the 60's. AND I thought the lottery was created to aid the schools, why are so many teachers loosing jobs and schools closing? Exactly WHO's pockets is the lottery money going into? Dont let anyone dictate who calls the shots on your children being a part of American history.

  • d banas - 15 years ago

    The people of America are trying to regain their freedom and voices, and not be represented by opinionated newspaper reporting. Take a hint Palm Beach Post. The school district is accusing our President of being a Socialist and that's ok??? That's not my opinion, I'd rather see my own opinion in this paper than a paid reporter. And the school district is NO ONE to judge Socialism, when our students have the scores they have, which are worst of the nation....I'm sorry, School Board.....stop throwing stones. You're botching the system enough as it is. No more socialist comments. They aren't acceptable and use some RESPECT.

  • Hell No - 15 years ago

    WTF?!?!?!?!?! You think we should let him speak even though he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about? He is a stupid piece of shit!!!!!

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    Absolutely. He is the President of the United States. This should not even be a question.

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