Is the $1 addition to cigarette tax fair?


  • What if.. - 15 years ago

    I think if they are going to raise the tax on cigarettes they should raise the tax on other things like alcohol. Why should we get punished for smoking. Alcohol does alot worse. Have you ever seen someone get killed because the other driver was smoking a cigarette??

  • MickB - 15 years ago

    I can't see why smokers should bail out the spend drifts of the state. Eliminate thr state credit cards, make state officials use their own vehicles for state buisness ( you just might contact some one at their desk actually doing their job ), put a tax on the seat these so called elected officials accupy because we will have to pay for new seating ( have you seen the size of Go. Rell lately? She didn't look like that when she first took office. ) Close the governors mansion and let her put an office in her own home if she wants an office outside the capitol then she can pay for office expenses out of her own pocket from her over paid job. By the way LeoK this one is for you. If people like you would shut their negitive mouths there wouldbe less polution for everyone to breath.

  • SickofTaxes - 15 years ago

    Maybe the politicians should start paying some taxes on their luxuries and freebies (we know they all get them) and their health insurance and leave the "civilians" alone. Tax the rich (that would be most politicians, that's why they are against raising the taxes for the rich, they might have to pay). Enough is enough.

  • LeoK - 15 years ago

    If they can afford to smoke then they should be able to afford to pay their utility bills. If they can't then may I suggest they get patches and quit like I did. Smokers should pay dearly for the privilege to pollute the air with cigarette smoke we non-smokers are forced to breathe.

  • My Opinion - 15 years ago

    How about allowing citizens to vote on tax increases and budgets instead of relying on politicians who have access to the best health care and a good salary along with other perks to determine what is best for average Joe citizen.

  • Rosanne - 15 years ago

    I don't believe in a high cigarette tax. I do not smoke and have not since 1983. These people still have to pay their electrical bill, oil and etc. People who smoke still have to pay their bills. Maybe more cigarette smokers will have the money to pay their bills if they were not $7.00 a pack.

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