Polls show significant opposition to health care reform proposals in Congress. Should Congress and Obama scap these bills and start over?


  • Joel - 15 years ago

    Mr. Rutland,

    Obama's plan is going down so hard that Democrats are going to be jumping parties like rats off a sinking ship.

    If you want to live in a socialist country you have from which you can choose. If you want health care.... pay for it-it's not tricky.

  • Jeremy - 15 years ago

    Do people not realize that we are driving our country into communism because americans are not smart enough to see past go? Let me turn you blind people onto some real speak for a moment. Saul Alinsky wrote a little book called "Rules for Radicals". Obama was a study of Saul Alinsky's teachings and even taught community organizers on Alisnskys beliefs. Alinsky was a bleeding marxist and taught ways to hide behind CHANGE and bring forth communism/marxism. The government has proven to be unreliable in running ANYTHING efficiently. Fanny Mae, Social Security, Medicare, etc are proof that the last thing this country needs is another government intrusion into your homes. Barrack Obama is not who he says he is people. WAKE THE FK UP AMERICA before it's to late. If Obama's associations arent enought to scare you then you really are blind. Obamacare is just another attempt to obtain power. Our car industry has been intruded, banks have been intruded, healthcare will be intruded and this has been done without a wimper and if you disagree well then your just a racist bigot right? Go to wikipedia and look up Rules for radicals and you will know where Obama comes from and what he see's as the future of America. Preaching Change is not a new idea. This book is a blueprint of a government takeover and how to achieve it and these are teachings that Obama learned and taught as a community organizer. Look it up, its right on wikipedia for all to read. By the way, Saul Arlinsky devoted his book to "Lucifer" The original and most notable RADICAL of all time.

  • Charles Stansfield - 15 years ago

    Anything as important as a health care bill needs to be bi-partisan and not representative of the extremes of either party. The Obama health care bill is unacceptable to most Americans and should not be forced upon us. It is time to scrap the present bill and start anew, this time including Republicans.

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    Why don't they fix the problems with social security, medicare, and Indian healthcare BEFORE they move onto National healthcare? Typical democrat answer, don't fix the problem, make another one.

  • Jamie - 15 years ago

    Another step towards socialism........Why do you think Canada, England, Germany and others are laughing at us? Because they have a plan like Obama's and they know it does not work. How would you like to be diagnosed with prostate or breast cancer and have to wait at least 6 months to START treatment.....WAKE UP AMERICA.....!!

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    The Health Care Plan should be scraped. If you look at all the things going on in the White House with all of his so called czars, and there mostly a bunch of raticals. We the people would like to take our country back. As for his speech to our children in schools all over. The reason there were so many against it, was what can we do for him? not only that, but he changed his script in a hurry as soon as people found out its all a political move. Grant, Mrs Bush did say that he should talk to the children but he had to remove some wording out of his so called speech, in my opinion for it to be exceptable. The Government is suppose to be working for us, not the other way around.

  • CM - 15 years ago

    Dan and others like him - you people are living in a dreamworld. Wake up and look at the facts. This present administration is out to "socialize" america. Is that what you really want? Forget about race, etc. Thats not what this is about at all - its about the EU and bringing America down at any cost. If you are truly an american and have the least bit of patiotism, you would forget about all the issues that these people are trying to use to cause division, and look for things that would help America stay together and remain a FREE country. I believe the people that are behind the whole mess don't even live here in America.

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    The Health Care Plan should be scraped. If you look at all the things going on in the White House with all of his so called czars, and there mostly a bunch of raticals. We the people would like to take our country back. As for his speech to our children in schools all over. The reason there were so many against it, was what can we do for him? not only that, but he changed his script in a hurry as soon as people found out its all a political move. Grant, Mrs Bush did say that he should talk to the children but he had to remove some wording out of his so called speech, in my opinion for it to be exceptable. The Government is suppose to be working for us, not the other way around.

  • Dave D - 15 years ago

    Larry Rutland,,,,,,, Go on buddy drink the kool aid, Go into the light. This station has proven it's self to be a reliable source for fair and balance reporting. All the other stations are not reporting balanced on any of the topics that concern a difference of opinion with this administration. Gerbals did the same thing for Hitler.
    Drink up Bud.

  • Mary Nan Evans - 15 years ago

    Obama needs to get out of the business of trying to control everything and
    I would not trust him to redo this bill as he would put something in it in the
    middle of the night and try and slip it in on us. He needs to get all the pork
    out of the bill, OPen up competition between all health insurance companies.
    Govt. has no business trying to run our health insurance, they always mess
    things up when they get involved.

  • JIM DAVIS - 15 years ago

    It is time to not only look at health care but what our country is founded on, sure not what this administration has been pushing. We need to get back to where our founding fathers intended it to be. It has worked for over 200 years, yes there needs to be some correction but lets not change it just for change sake.

  • Jerome Davies - 15 years ago

    Larry Rutland is an idiot!

  • Craig - 15 years ago

    response to cordell Ferrell

    >>Ask Obama to explain his LIE about "GREEN JOBS". This guy is a propagandist with mindless people that believe his lies. What a shame!

    right, because there has NEVER been a Republican that lies.

  • KendallMom1 - 15 years ago

    "Obama's health care plan has been written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it and whose members will be exempt from it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that is broke." Don't know who wrote this, but it says it all. SCRAP it, Write something everyone can understand, make sure everyone, including congress uses it if it is a public option.

  • Ellen - 15 years ago

    Scrap the whole healthcare bill plus congress and all the czars this isnt russia

  • Joel - 15 years ago

    This health care bill was DOA. It's time to scrap it and focus on Tort Reform. George Herbert Walker Bush brought that idea up in the 80's. However, I think that would be too tough of fight for congress.

    In short, I like my health care coverage. I got it the old fashioned way: I worked hard in public school, then college, and interviewed for a job that had a good benefits package. That's the way we do it hear in non-socialized America.

  • Ernest Hays - 15 years ago

    From the desk of ......................
    Ernest H. Hays
    PO Box 7
    Mars Hill, NC 28754
    September 8, 2009

    Mr. President & Congress

    I am an entrepreneur and I have a suggestion for the health care issue.
    Here is a list of points to consider so that everyone in America can have equal access to the best health care in the world.

    1.Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid – think how much $$ that would save!!
    2.Get rid of all “Veterans” hospitals – they’ll be able to get free healthcare from where ever they choose. Sell them to private companies.
    3.Assign every legal citizen in the US to one of four “tiers” of health care cost. These will be divided up by annual gross income. Lowest tier, no income, disabled (qualify by three different physicians to meet criteria), or vets. Second tier, under $25k year – pays co-pay and 50%-75% rate discount. Third tier, $25k-50k year, pays small co-pay and 25%-50% rate discount. Fourth tier, $75 >, has no discount, no co-pay. These tiers are negotiable and rates are flexible for group incentives.
    4.The entire medical industry would be taxed to pay for health care. Every drug company, every medical device or piece of equipment, and every medical service would carry a tax to pay for health care, not the government.
    5.Every insurance company would get a full tax break on providing insurance to anyone in the first tier. That tax break is equal to whatever each person in tier one uses in medical care each year. That is incentive to get as many first tier citizens in their group as possible. Drug companies and medical equipment suppliers would also get a tax break (or direct deduction) for the exact cost of their product or service to anyone in the first tier.
    6.Any group, employer, church, government agency, can qualify for group rates through any insurance company to save a citizen on monthly payments. Rates are competitive because insurance companies want larger groups. Employers, Congress, or whomever can offer their insurance for free as part of the company plan. But, someone has to pay the insurance company for them, even Congress’ would be paid for out of the budget.
    7.Everyone has equal access to treatment center, drugs, and physicians that are medically necessary. All elective products and services are absolutely self pay.
    8.Incentives given for wellness programs, weight loss, long term health credits.

    These are just the beginning foundational points to consider. I have a complete dissertation and would be able to help iron out the entire policy if asked.

    Thank you

    Ernest H. Hays – Entrepreneur (PS-these suggestions will be widely distributed)

  • Jeff E. - 15 years ago

    jeannie it's for that very reason that healthcare reform is not the only thing that needs reformed. we need govt. reform. we need to return this county back to a day when the govt. was OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. large govt. historically has never worked. look at every major civilization over the past 2000 years. everytime a govt outgrows it's britches it falls hard and takes a large number of people with it. the Meads, persians, greeks, romans, germany, USSR. they all grew to the point that they fell in on themselves. America is heading that way, and when she falls, it's well be hard. be prepared. it will happen unless washington can get themselves under controll. that can only happen with the intervention of the people. not these dang freeloader that think the govt owes them something. i'm talking about the real people, the people that actually run this country, the people the pay the politicians bloated sallery, the people that pay a president. If someone were to fail at their job as our current president and other politicans are failing at their job, they would have been fired long ago. Man up america, grow some and tell them (dems and repubs) that we will not sit by, while they destroy everything that the world USED to look up to. they are turning us into a laughing stock. i guess that good side to that is, when it gets bad enough, the illegals will realize they had it better in their own country and go home. they currently run to america because we are the best nation on earth, you don't see them running to cuba or russia or even canada, the all come here because of what we have. this govt is changing all this is good.

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago


    You say that President Obama is a "sheep in wolf's clothing" and that his administration needs to be scrapped. He has been president for ONLY 10 MONTHS! I'll bet anything that you neven once mentioned the state of the country OR WHERE IT WAS HEADING during Bush's 8 YEARS!!!! LOL!

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    Sean Kimbell,

    You forget. Before Bush came into office, the government had a surplus. This shows you there are some people who know how to run the government. And when you speak about Social Security and Medicare being broken, try to take it away from the American people and see what happens! HAHAHAHA!

  • Euclid - 15 years ago

    Yes, scrap all (not sure how many are floating around) and start over. Let the starting point be a health plan identical to the one the Congress enjoys and go from there. Why are we the taxpayers not as deseving as a bunch of failed ambulance chasers on the public dole?

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    We need to scrap this healthcare plan and this administration. Based on some of the comments, America is in trouble. The United States has a bigger idiot population than I thought. Obama has been successful in decieving a whole lot of people. Have you ever heard of "a wolf in sheep's clothing"? If not, take a good look at Obama. Heavenly Father, please help this country, in Jesus Name!

  • sean kimbell - 15 years ago

    The government has already proven that it cannot be trusted and it doesn't know how to run any kind of system efficiently. Look at social security and medicare/medicad, all three are either broke or will be broke within 4 years. And where in the world in the constitution does it say that the government should be invloved in the economy like this? And how could we pay for this when we already owe more than a 11 trillion dollars?

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    Ella, You have insurance that you will continue to have and you are lucky to be able to pay your medical bills. So what is your REAL problem with this healthcare plan? Please explain to me exactly how the government will dictate your health care for you. You are allowing the insurance companies to do it! So what you are telling me is that you would rather have BIG insurances companies dictating your health care instead of the government. Now I truly understand why this country is in the shape that it is in. The American people voted for change but it is clear to me that change is definitely NOT what they really want.

  • keep it real - 15 years ago

    Not only is health care reform needed a public option is a necessity. Without the public option the health insurance industry will continue to pick the pockets of American citizens and business to the tune of 17% of GDP. Control HC costs and we are truly underway to a real economic recovery. PS- Nobody is taking away anybody’s option to chose a doctor.

  • Russ - 15 years ago

    We need to start by voting out every incumbant in 2010

  • Ella - 15 years ago

    I opposed the Patriot Act and Iraq like crazy, and I'm an Independent Conservative.
    When I didn't have health insurance I (ME) paid for my hospital and doctor...one time it took me 3 years... I am my own first responder, not the government...
    Every PUBLIC (not private) hospital will either pay your entire bill (up to 2 times poverty level), put you on a graduated scale or let you pay on a payment plan.
    Hospital bills are just like all your other bills.
    Social Security? I will have paid for over 50 years for that Insurance Plan..it sucks, too.
    Medicare? If its so good, why do HAVE to carry supplemental, individual insurance?
    Government has no place in any of it.
    What they "give" you, they can also take away...

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    D. Harper, Do you have health insurance? If you don't who is going to pay if you have to see a doctor or go to the hospital?

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    d harper
    2009-09-08 16:44:56 ET
    Health Care is a want not a need.

    WHAT planet do you live on?

  • d harper - 15 years ago

    Health Care is a want not a need.

  • Hal Horvath - 15 years ago

    The Wyden-Bennett bill is worthy of support across the political spectrum. It only requires a small amount of actual thinking to see why it would work well. Congress needs to stop blowing back and forth with the wind, and actually represent by making an effort to comprehend, intellectually, what is good reform, why and how.


  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    James, I hope things work out for your friend. I know a lot of people in the same boat. I agree everyone needs to watch their spending habits but I also know to have success there must be some risk. People always warned be not to get married, buy a house, have kids until I could afford it. If I waited I would have been alone right know with know one to reflect my life with.

    I agree everyone needs to save but if you wait until the perfect time to do something you will end up a lonely man / woman.

    GEORGE M. if you look into Obama Healthcare plan you would have had better insurance, better care and cheaper cost.

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    George M. First of all, you have my deepest condolences and I am truly sorry for your loss. However, what makes you think that this healthcare plan will "write people off that they feel are not unworthy"? Where are you getting this from? Some Insurance companies are doing just that already!! Some companies will even drop you if you become seriously ill. This healthcare bill will allow anyone who already has insurance to keep it and give those who don't have it, a chance to get it.

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    Gerrie, what you don't seem to understand is that this country can no longer afford NOT to have health care for all. You are not going to be able to get rid of the illegals in this country and their numbers will continue to grow. It is cheaper to prevent an illness than it is to treat it. These same arguments were made when Social Security and Medicare came into existance. And please identify these so-call radicals you are talking about.

  • george M. - 15 years ago

    i know all about health care. i lost my wife of 38 years 2 weeks ago at age 63. as a last resort to save her from pumonary fibrosis she was helicoptered to philly from dover nj. what scares me is would she have been written off as not worth a try to save her under obama??? she was on the double transplant list at UPENN. they tried everything, but complications got in the way. would the govt. option have gone that far to save my angel. not likely, and i don't want to find out when MY turn comes..as will YOURS. (she never smoked in case you were thinking SHE caused it)

  • James - 15 years ago

    Dan D: I have a friend up north who has a wife who works, 2 sons (same ages as yours), also coaches little league. He has two houses (neither being rented out to others), four cars ( two are 4X4), three ATVs, ocean going boat, and 32 ft motorhome (2005 model). He is currently making payments on ALL of these items and his four (4) credit cards. He just took a $20k cut in pay and his wife has been knocked back to part-time at her job. He actually OWNS nothing but DEBT. He's upside-down in everything. He is 'living' beyond his means, going on twenty years now. My suggestion to you is to get a tighter reign on your life...be extra careful where you spend money or encumber your good credit. Lose the Disney World timeshare ASAP (run an ad for a week in the London Times)...they can't seem to give them away locally (I'm 25 miles from there). Obama's healthcare should be a low priority for you.

  • Nota - 15 years ago

    If I can get this to load PLEASE pass it on! This is exactly what is happening RIGHT NOW!

    Mind Blowing Speech by Robert Welsh in 1958:


  • Ken R - 15 years ago

    Ny sense is that the Administration and the Congressional Democrats are in such a hurry to push their plan through before the people realize what has been done to them. You can see that in the way they present their arguments that they are well aware that once the average folks figure out what has been done to them they will not support it. We gave them the message during this recess. The the Administration and the Congressional Democrats are showing this sense of urgency to get the job done inspite of the misgivings of their constituents. Our job is to prevent this "Health Care Reform", libearal style, from happening.

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    Dan D, is 48 married, both work, two kids 13 and 11, own a 3 bedroom Colonial, Timeshare in Disney World, two new cars, coach Little League baseball. I have friends and neighbors that have lost their jobs, healthcare, and sons in Iraq because of Bush and I want to help them as much as I can.

    If you don't support Healthcare reform because of the sick and poor then do it to keep JOBS in America.

    Large corporations are moving oversea because they can't afford the U.S. Healthcare system. Companies here can not compete with countries that have Universal Healthcare

    KEY TO SUCCESS ! THE MORE PEOPLE I HELP THE BETTER I (you) DO ! If you want success you need to Network and help as many people as you can. This builds your reputation in your community and people then want to help you. Its amazing how many doors it has opened for me.

  • gene - 15 years ago

    Look at the choice of friends Obama has made (Ayres, Rev. Wright, Van Jones, AFLCIO, SEIU etc.) and you know all you need to know about Obama. You know a person by the company he keeps. This proposal takes care of his friends and screws the rest of us!

  • Gerrie - 15 years ago

    I am disappointed in some of these comments alleging that the opposition to the Obama healthcare is by prejudiced, uneducated, anti-American, etc. people. Common sense is the word and look at history. We can't afford healthcare for all, all don't want healthcare, illegal immigrants are not entitled to free healthcare here. Healthcare can be reformed in other ways to help the people and other plans have been presented. Also, it is obvious to anyone who can read that this administration is being led by radicals. Hide your head in the sand, facts are still facts. We don't radicals in any direction running our country. It is frightening that the dictator Chavez like our current administration and even Castro likes it. Think folks, think, please. Common sense!!!

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    B.Vanet10, what are you talking about "Vote them all out before this country goes down the toilet". This country is already going down the toilet and there is nothing you, the Obama Administration, the American people or anyone else can do to stop it! HAHAHA!

  • Mary - 15 years ago

    Isn't it amazing that when citizens of this country have misgivings about this so-called healthcare reform the oposition always comes out callilng us bigots, racists, etc. Rather than giving us the respect we deserve and answering with positive arguments, they revert as they always have to "name calling". What does that say about their desire to upon freedom of speech?

  • Jeff E - 15 years ago

    First off, they didn't say most of those things, the born in us idea was never really solved because obama won't present an original birth cirt. (personally i don't think he was forign born...but that's a different story) They may not be called death pannels, but the provide the same idea as one. he does have a socialist like agend, thus calling him socialist isn't a far cry from being true. what else is social health care (social the root word is socialist/socialism) simple english. all other countries that have social health care are either of a socialist nature or are comunist. i don't like either option. he has hung out with those of a radical nature (other wise refered to as terrorist) they may not have done vile wicked harmful things, but they do believe the same ideals as those that do. i group them in the same department.

    and if you are shallow enough to think that the stock market represents real success, then you are indeed ignorant. while the stock market is climbing and looking pretty decent, unemployment is going up...still..... and shows no sign of stopping. that's the true mark of success. there are only a handfull of people that are represented by the growth of the stock markent. small business is not, and that is what is getting killed and causing the unemployment to continue to rise. it is small business that still runs the country and most of it's economic success. you are so blind and shallow that you only look at the lage picture presented by the likes of the wall street journal. come out of your house, look at the real world and real people that represent the REAL America. They are not listed on the NYSE. if they were their number would be falling like rock. with more than half of the stimulous package still not even spent, i'd say it's the will and hard work of the REAL american people that have caused the market to rise, not that stupid package. it is a debacle. take the rest of the money and put it where it will actually make a difference. (like paying off debt...there's a thought.) economics 101.......DON'T SPEND MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE!!!!!! My 6 year old understands the concept. Adults in washington can't even get that concept, maybe my 6 year old is just a genious

  • Jeannie Hatchett - 15 years ago

    George M. I do not advocate paying twice for people who go to the ER that do not have health insurance. I am advocating not paying as much! Even healthy young people have to go the doctor at least once a year in order to STAY HEALTHY. Healthy people and illigals are the minority in this country. The U.S. is a nation of OLDER people and we are getting older and sicker. PREVENTIVE heath care is essential. If you do not includge illegals how do we prevent more dangerous viruses from spreading and turning into epidemics in America. What will your health care costs be then? Besides, it is the large pharmaceutical and insurance companies that are against President Obama's healhcare plan. Do you actually think the American people have influence in this country? NO! It is Big Business.

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    Dan D, is 48 married, both work, two kids 13 and 11, own a 3 bedroom Colonial, Timeshare in Disney World, two new cars, coach Little League baseball. I have friends and neighbors that have lost their jobs, healthcare, and sons in Iraq because of Bush and I want to help them as much as I can.

    If you don't support Healthcare reform because of the sick and poor then do it to keep JOBS in America.

    Large corporations are moving oversea because they can't afford the U.S. Healthcare system. Companies here can not compete with countries that have Universal Healthcare

  • Chanta - 15 years ago

    In answer to Dan above- the Bush's has class. They do not put down past or current presidents.
    They are not like the libers & Obama blaming eveything on Bush.

  • andree - 15 years ago

    If the money that they have given out and want to give out ,for ALL kinds of unnecessary projects ,would be used for medicare and Social Security we would not have a problem with either!! We need to vote out everyone that has voted for this bill. There is very little in the bill that actually pertains to health care, an awfull lot of PORK!!!

  • Dan D - 15 years ago


    Obama was a Muslim (LIE)
    Obama was not born in the U.S. (LIE)
    Obama is a socialist (LIE)
    Obama hanging around with terrorist (LIE)
    Obama would ne sworn in on the Koran (LIE)
    Death Panals (LIE)

    This is a short list !

    Obama stimulus plan is woring stocks are going up every week now ! By 2010 Dow will be over 10,000 and the world will love democrats. Good luck in 2010 once Dow hit 10,000. Wall Street Journal just last week had a BIG story saying how Obama's Stimulus packages saved the U.S. from a DEPRESSION.

  • James - 15 years ago

    Earth to Dan D...Earth to Dan D. Get out of your little dream world populated with non-existent super-heroes. Usually, if young people are running from something it's because the young person is short on knowledge and experience or they are truly shallow in the 'will' department (aka 'reluctantly lazy').

  • Jeff E. - 15 years ago

    Best in us history? are you freaking kidding me? Has anything he has tried succeeded yet. stimulous...failed miserable. cash for clunkers.....sure lots of cars sold to americans, but the dealers are still waiting for their money....failure. these so called czars.........loons and failures. health care will be his latest failure if it passes. debt will skyrocket, insurance companies will go under, small business will dry up because they will be the ones funding the stupid thing, unemployment will go way up, because of small business drying up (they do employ more than half of americans by the way) and whos left to clean it up? the next guy after obams one and only term is finished. don't blame this on bush, that's old news. sure bush caused some problems, i'm not going to deny that, but this started years back under sever other presidents, dems and repubs combined. we need to foget the blame game, there is too much to go around, and start working on a REAL solution for REAL problems. he's not doing that at all. He's causing way more problems that will make it nearly impossible to clean up.

    Pathalogical lier? wow, you are really are blind and brainwashed. they haven't lied one single bit. they have just been presenting the facts that most politics are too scared to admit. Green czar.......all truth. good ridens to him. hopefully more to follow. voting on bills that haven't even been read. all truth. voting on bills that have hidden egenda built into them. all truth. but they wouldn't now because they didn't read them. finding the stimulous to somewhat lackluster in it's success (ok it's faild miserably) also truth. i see no lies to what they say. i follow the other news networks as well. they conveniently over look the obvious. It's not wonder fox ratings have skyrocketed over the past year. they are the only ones brave enough to actually say what needs to be said and do their part for this so called "change". Dan open your eyes, look at the world around you. you will see that he is not doing this country any good at all

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    PARIS, France (CNN) -- Former first lady Laura Bush praised the performance of her husband's successor Monday, breaking with many Republicans in telling CNN that she thinks President Obama is doing a good job under tough circumstances.

    The typically reserved former first lady defended Obama's decision to deliver a back-to-school speech to students, putting her at odds with many conservatives afraid that the president will use the opportunity to advance his political agenda.

    "I think he is [doing a good job]," Bush said when asked to assess Obama's job performance. "I think he has got a lot on his plate, and he has tackled a lot to start with, and that has probably made it more difficult."

    Michelle Obama is also "doing great," she said, in part by turning the White House into a comfortable home for her family. Watch more of the interview »

    Referencing the uproar over Obama's address to schoolchildren, which will be aired nationwide Tuesday, Laura Bush said it's "really important for everyone to respect the president of the United States."

    Bush indicated that she didn't think it was fair for Obama to be labeled a "socialist" by critics and expressed her disappointment with the intensely polarized nature of contemporary American politics.

  • Charlotte G - 15 years ago

    How about scrapping the whole health care bill, and sending all of the illegals back to where they came from and as for OUR ADMINISTRATION in WASHINGTON, DC how about impeaching the whole of them from PRESIDENT and ALL OF CONGRESS and start over with ONE (1) SENATOR FROM EACH STATE AND ONE (1) REPRESENTATIVE FROM EACH STATE and in so doing,remove as many as possible of the staff of the President, each Senator and Representative to help us get our USA back FINANCIALLY AND to what our forefathers meant it to be----The Land of the FREE and the BRAVE----It is God who sees us through all of our problems if we ask HIM ---and it is was and is our VETERANS who have fought and gave their lives, as well as those who are still fighting, for our FREEDOMS, and it is in GOD WE TRUST. Politics should not get involved in our Religious beliefs, in our schools nor in anything concerning our physical wealthfare. WE ARE NOT SOCIALISTIC NOR DO WE WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE OR ANY SOCIALIZED RULINGS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If our present Legislators and the President keep changing things we will soon become a Socialized and/or Communistic Nation. Obama is following the roles of the European Dictators who tried doing the same thing and as a result our European brothers and sisters have suffered greatly over the last 70 or more years

  • voter in CA - 15 years ago

    Just leave our health care alone- we love it.
    Illegals should not be covered but Obama & his thugs will push them threw while citizens pays. We just had another hospital ER close last week.
    Wake up America that voted for a guy that is making our country a Communist place to live.
    No complaining when this takes place for its coming very fast.
    Stop & think

  • Charlotte G - 15 years ago

    How about scrapping the whole health care bill, and sending all of the illegals back to where they came from and as for OUR ADMINISTRATION in WASHINGTON, DC how about impeaching the whole of them from PRESIDENT and ALL OF CONGRESS and start over with ONE (1) SENATOR FROM EACH STATE AND ONE (1) REPRESENTATIVE FROM EACH STATE and in so doing,remove as many as possible of the staff of the President, each Senator and Representative to help us get our USA back FINANCIALLY AND to what our forefathers meant it to be----The Land of the FREE and the BRAVE----It is God who sees us through all of our problems if we ask HIM ---and it is was and is our VETERANS who have fought and gave their lives, as well as those who are still fighting, for our FREEDOMS, and it is in GOD WE TRUST. Politics should not get involved in our Religious beliefs, in our schools nor in anything concerning our physical wealthfare. WE ARE NOT SOCIALISTIC NOR DO WE WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE OR ANY SOCIALIZED RULINGS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If our present Legislators and the President keep changing things we will soon become a Socialized and/or Communistic Nation. Obama is following the roles of the European Dictators who tried doing the same thing and as a result our European brothers and sisters have suffered greatly over the last 70 or more years

  • B. Vanet10 - 15 years ago

    Start over by voting all of them out of office before this country goes down the toilet!

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    Glenn Beck (2 n's) Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are pathological liars !

    These kind of people are why young people are running from the republican party.

    President Obama was left the U.S. Titanic after Bush and friends sank her. Obama is lifting Ms. U.S. up from the bottom of the ocean on his own two shoulders. We should nick name Obama , Barack "ATLAS" Obama

    Obama will be the greatest president in U.S. history

  • george M. - 15 years ago

    does jeannie hatchett mean we should pay twice, since we pay at the ER anyway, and by all americans is she including illegals???? how about young healthy people that opt NOT to have insurance. they will be forced into coverage. this is how they did it in germany and russia...is this what jeannie wants. stick that one my dear.

  • voter 2010 - 15 years ago

    Wrong question! How can you scrap something that no one will accept? This should be put on the pile of excrement that is belongs with and left to rot. We need a new government, this change sucks. VOTE OUT THE RASCALS 2010.

  • C B Lewis - 15 years ago

    Obama should know the American people do not want his Obamacare, but he is not smart enough to under stand that. Some one need to tell him. We don't need him to start any thing, every thing he has tryed to do has not come to life period. He has never done any thing and he want now, he is still hanging out with his bunch of crooks.

  • Jeff E - 15 years ago

    George M. is right. after health care get's attacked, i'm sure other things will get attacked. 2nd ammendment will not be too far. Obamanation might not take our guns away, but he will make it so difficult for us to get or even use our guns through regulation or tighter contorlls, that the 2nd ammendment will be useless. no way on earth is someone going to break into my house with my wife and kids and walk away from it. nor is any govt. body going to walk into my house and take them away from me.

  • Patty Harris - 15 years ago

    SCRAP it & start over.

  • r j mcbride - 15 years ago

    dump it!Does that make me a racist?

  • Jeannie Hatchett - 15 years ago

    When a person or child without health insurance goes to the hospital and is treated or operated on or whatever, who do you think pays their bill. YOU DO!! You will either pay now or later. That is why we need health care for all Americans. You are going to pay one way or the other.

  • Jan S. - 15 years ago

    Milk and bread was 19 to 22 cents, wages were $3 to $5 an hour. No health care at all. Along come unions and insurance. Ah-ha, the lawyers see another way to make money. (Tort reform). My point, everything goes up. Look at your pay stubs. Minimum wage is higher than their wages were. You know who is going to pay this health care! TAXES. Look at your pay stub now, It's less. How are the really needy people to pay for health care? Unemployment is running out of money. How are these people going to pay? Obama and his gang are so busy trying to make a name for themselves through health care the economy is going to pot. If you do not have the money, how can you spend it? Quit chasing your tail, wise up, and get this country going again.

  • Carol - 15 years ago

    I wonder if any of the people who are for this bill for the sole purpose of insuring people who cannot afford health insurance have ever gone to a city run hospital emergency room. People who do not have health insurance go there and get medical treatment for anything that ails them. If they cannot afford to pay, the hospital writes it off to the tune of millions of dollars a year. The taxpayers are already paying for their healthcare so why not work to straighten this mess out on a separate program and leave the people who have and like their insurance alone. We do not owe illegals free medical care which they are currently getting through the ER at city hospitals. Also eliminate the state boundaries so insurance companies can compete with each other to lower cost.

  • george M. - 15 years ago

    obama is a far left socialist. it shows in his 32 or so appointments, and his views on capitalism. he did an end run around the constitution. these czars were not vetted properly, and were not voted on in the senate. who the hell is one of these guys who can determine how much money you make??? we better wake up and stop this now, including his outrageous health care plan that will eventually force all of into the "govt option". no thanks, i prefer a second american revolution. my comments don't even address the 2nd amendment....from my cold, dead hands.

  • John D - 15 years ago

    I don't know what "scap" is, but I'm all for it.

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    I think the other option on the survey should have been "Scrap the whole program and do not start over."

  • Linda - 15 years ago

    I say SCRAP the whole thing, plus Obama and his administration and anybody else that thinks like he does. Let's scrap the TV stations that does not tell us the truth, that is totally one sided. Let's get back AMERICA!!!!!

  • Jeff E. - 15 years ago

    sorry. Dan D

  • Jeff E. - 15 years ago

    Glenn D, check your facts, Glen beck is not a republican and does not claim to be republican. in fact he disagrees witha lot of what republicans have to say. i think rebups and dems are both wrong. Glen Beck is great for this nation. he actually does his homework, unlike most reporters that fall for the propaganda presented by the whitehouse press.

  • Dan D - 15 years ago

    Gee ! FoxNews.com a 96% republican web-site is against a democrat plan !

    I am shocked ! Try looking at fair polls or list all polls like RealClearPolitics.com if you want FAIR AND BALANCE, plus speaking of Fair and Balance why is Foxews not even showing President Obama's speech tomorrow. SEE THE BARBRA BUSH INTERVIEW on CNN ?

    Ms. Bush said Obama is doing a GOOD job so far and that he has a lot of problems to face, she also agrees with the speech Obama is giving our kids !


    FYI - Glenn Beck is BAD for America and is bad for the Republican Party because people watch him and think that is how all republicans act and think !

  • James - 15 years ago

    Larry, you are in a delusional state of mind. Unlike you, most of this nation thinks that this proposed healthcare is about everything BUT Obama. Put your hero worship aside, put your sense of entitlement on the back burner, and start to use your God given senses. This legislation is not good for the nation as a whole. Reform is what's needed and it should be approached in a methodical manner...piece by piece...starting with tort reform legislation and immediately followed by investigating and eliminating fraud through separate legislation. Once these two MAJOR areas are handled and unit costs as well as fraud are brought under control THEN let's work on expanding affordable (not free) healthcare to those who are currently paying exorbitant premiums as well as to those who are currently uninsured. Forget about Obama and what he wants...this is about US and what we want and what WE will end up paying for over decades and generations to come.

  • Margaret L Stewart - 15 years ago

    I will never support a health care reform bill that takes away my right to choose and pay for my own health care. While there is certainly a need for a program that provides good health care for those who truly cannot afford it, there is simply no logic in forcing folks on to government dependency who are capable of and want to pay for their own care. Does this so-called president and his mob expect us to believe that there is a shortage of medical resources? That pharmaceutics and related industries can't produce enough medicines and products to go around? Of course they can. That medical facilities and doctors can't handle the load if everyone has a health care plan? Of course they can, they already do. That health care must be rationed in order for everyone to get their fair share? Of course not. So why do they want all of us to be forced onto the government health system? It has absolutely nothing to do with health care or any feigned concern over poor people. It has to do with power and control. Period.

  • Margaret L Stewart - 15 years ago

    I will never support a health care reform bill that takes away my right to choose and pay for my own health care. While there is certainly a need for a program that provides good health care for those who truly cannot afford it, there is simply no logic in forcing folks on to government dependency who are capable of and want to pay for their own care. Does this so-called president and his mob expect us to believe that there is a shortage of medical resources? That pharmaceutics and related industries can't produce enough medicines and products to go around? Of course they can. That medical facilities and doctors can't handle the load if everyone has a health care plan? Of course they can, they already do. That health care must be rationed in order for everyone to get their fair share? Of course not. So why do they want all of us to be forced onto the government health system? It has absolutely nothing to do with health care or any feigned concern over poor people. It has to do with power and control. Period.

  • Jeff E. - 15 years ago

    do we need reform. heck yeah. but this plan is not the answer, it's just going to complicate an already overly complicated system. scrap the junk bill and start looking at where the real problems are. Very little compition amongst ins. companies and frivilous lawsuits from stupid people and even dumber layers. Remove the state line rules. get some sort of middleman in place to smack the people around for the stupid lawsuits that drive the costs up for for health care. I'd honesty rather see a few hundred ambulance chasing layers put out of work than my insurance company. once people start using a public health care, then they start suing the govt and the 1.5 Trill doller package end up costing 2 trill. that's a great legacy to leave for our children to clean up. forget the fact that obama is a douchbag, that's a given, i'd be against this idea if the Pope himself came up with the idea. It's just not going to work. had nothing to do with black/white, rep/dem or anythign else. it will kill our country along with most of the rest of the stupid stuff he's doing.

  • kekeflorida - 15 years ago

    Not only should they scrap health care but scrap the whole bunch of them. I mean every congressman/woman and Obama. What a mess they have made.
    Shame on all of them.

  • Jeannie Hatchett - 15 years ago

    At first I thought I knew the reason that more and more Americans are against President Obama's Healthcare plan. I though the reason was because it is a fact that the majority of Americans COMPREHEND ON AN EIGHTH GRADE LEVEL. Now I know that is not the case. It is because the majority of Americans CAN NOT COMPREHEND AT ALL. With Social Security and Medicare already provided to all Americans, why not Healthcare? The people who want to protest that they don't want the government in their lives should have been protesting the Bush Administration's Patriot Act! It is obvious to me that the majority of Americans can no longer reason. Because of this, we don't have to wait for outside Terrorist to destroy this country. It is being destroyed from within by racism, hatred, ignorance and I even believe, HATRED FOR THIS COUNTRY!

  • Edward - 15 years ago

    To propose legislation you have to understand the problem, in detail. Why are health care costs raising 1) because of greed and law suits. If that's true then why not propose a tiered law suit structure and remove these 10, 25, 100 million dollar law suits. 2) Why are doctors scheduling exams and lab work needlessly because if they don't then they'll be taken to court if something happens to the patient. How about addressing that concern, I don't have an answer but just maybe setting limits on damages could be an answer, (see item #1). 3) if our representatives can't explain a proposal then don't try to explain it to the general public. One last item If your trying to sell it to the general public, are you also willing to give up your present health care for this newly proposed package your selling us the general public?

  • Larry Rutland - 15 years ago

    President Obama will have Health Care passed in spite of your attempts to discredit him and the plan. Because the American people see right through this station. We know it has nothing to do with the plan, but your attempts to stop Obama. But guess what he won and so did the American people. Not the bigots that your station represents.

  • cordell Ferrell - 15 years ago

    Ask Obama to explain his LIE about "GREEN JOBS". This guy is a propagandist with mindless people that believe his lies. What a shame!

  • Larry Rutland - 15 years ago

    President Obama will have Health Care passed in spite of your attempts to discredit him and the plan. Because the American people see right through this station. We know it has nothing to do with the plan, but your attempts to stop Obama. But guess what he won and so did the American people. Not the bigots that your station represents.

  • dave - 15 years ago

    I think we should scrap the whole administration and start over. These guys are buffoons.

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