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From the Final 3 HGs, who would you most like to see win the 500k?

Total Votes: 6,280

  • RoseMarie Wilkinson - 15 years ago

    Jordan you go girl!! I wish you all the best of luck!! Im watching Big brother after dark every night Im going to miss it!!

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    People continue to vote for Jordan cause of the dumb showmance as a game player Natalie should get the votes over Jordan (in the poll). Im going to laugh if Kevin wins final comp and takes Jordan and loses the 500k that's going to be great.

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    ; }

  • monica - 15 years ago

    fredo.... totally agree with both of your last 2 comments :-)

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Yes, Nat came up with the lie to get Russ out but she would have never been able to execute the story like Kevin did b/c she wasn't as trustworthy (seeming) or charismatic as Kevin.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Natalie hasn't done anything except 1 HOH? Natalie created lie to get Russell out of the house, Natalie lied about her age and got her friends evicted without getting blood on her hands to advance herself in the game. If Jordan didn't get lucky in 2nd HOH part and If Natalie didn't let Kevin win the 1st she would atleast be guaranteed 50k. If Kevin is smart he will take Natalie to final 2 because if not he's guaranteed himself of losing 500k (natalie, Michelle, america, jeff will vote for jordan which is all she needs to win).

  • Agliofiore - 15 years ago

    Scheming aside, this is a very interesting sociological situation. Jordan, Natalie, and Kevin all played the same game, in that they all immediately associated themselves with strong players of the opposite sex. Jordan was a girly-girl, Natalie tried every which way to be one of the guys, and Kevin let Lydia be his alpha-male partner. Now that Jeff, Jessie, and Lydia are gone, Jordan, Natalie, and Kevin are free to be themselves. So . . . Jordan is still a girly-girl; Natalie is now the man-of-the-house, and Kevin has become Natalie's girlfriend.

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Monica, my being fired up isn't really about my personal feelings toward Jordan + just my opinion that even though so many fans seem to be rooting for her based on likability, I don't think she's done as much to earn the win as say Kevin. I'd definitely never claim that Kevin was a perfect angel, but my opinion is solely based on how much better of a game I feel he's played.

  • phyl - 15 years ago

    Okay slow down now Jordan is not as nieve as u think she is there is a special quality kind of gal thats hard to find & I am of the opinion that she has underhandably played a great game by sticking with Jeff she has clean hands & evryone loves her as an all american gal with a big heart and a love for all! Stop & think about how she got to be in the top 3 when she wanted to be not when she happened to be don't be so quick to label her as dumb but maybe smarter than every one thinks sorry natalie & kevin but you would sell each other out in a minute along with your own mothers for money now Jordan will let you share her spotlight if ya wab
    nt to kevin stop whining about money natalie stop thinking you know it all GL Jordan hopw u go all the way & Jeff gets the favorite if you don't get that too

  • Endy - 15 years ago

    jordan is going to be second place. Kevin is not going to nat to final 2, he cant win against her so he think, but i think he will win either way.

  • monica - 15 years ago

    OK Fredo ...since this question, and the way a lot of people have voted seems to have you so fired up .... lets go ahead and change the question ------

    From the Final 3 HGs, who do you think MOST DESERVES to win the 500k?

    My answer would be ( drumroll please ).............................. KEVIN!!!!!

    But, I still will be super stoked if Jordan wins the 50K!!

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Well, who I'd like to see win it is who I feel is most deserving of the final 3 + that is Kevin who in my opinion has not "been a zombie" for weeks but played a smart low-key game until it was time to make bigger moves. If, however, we're going to fault Kevin for his personal attacks/bad words used against others, anyone who supported Jeff +/or Jordan are hypocrites b/c they've been just as guilty of talking badly about other HGs (which I know you're very well aware of) but CBS still likes to portray them as innocent darlings, which is total B.S.

  • Monica - 15 years ago

    I agree with agliofiore. The question is "who would you MOST LIKE to see win the 500k . Out of the 3 ....... I guess kevin is the only one who did pretty well in comps and got out both Jeff and Michelle ( although Nat likes to think she has a lot of responsbilty in that) so, he out of the 3 is probably the most deserving. BUT, he is always refering to woman as bitches and talks dirty on a personal level. He slid by with other house guest moves , and with anoying Natalies help spun his way to the front using distrust and lies.....I know that is the game but, he just seems to stand out in comparison to other winners of B.B. Anyway , I just cant STAND natalie, and Jordan... I just want to hit over the head with a bat to jar up some excitment in playing the game . She seems happy to be there but just doesnt give off that "in it to win it" drive.

    Anyway , I voted for Jordan b/c the question was "who would you MOST LIKE," not "who do you think MOST DESERVES"........... Maybe she could buy he mama a new house and they would no longer have to share a room .

    Whatever.... ..... :-)

  • agliofiore - 15 years ago

    Kevin was a zombie for weeks and then suddenly found a meanspirited voice. Natalie has no positive attributes at all. Voting for Jordan because she's "nice" seems reasonable.

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Blah blah, indeed. It is my opinion that of the remaining 3 HGs, Kevin has done the most to deserve the win. Natalie has been the most effective @ running her mouth all season, but she hasn't won anything except that one HOH which basically came down to a lucky guess in the tie-breaker. Jordan won the one HOH which Jeff kind of threw her way.

  • Stephanie - 15 years ago

    Fredo all i'm reading from you is blah blah blah. I honestly don't think any of the 3 have done enough to deserve the 500k but if I had to choose then it would be Jordan. I have the right to my own a opinion as you do to yours.

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Look, "Steph" (not exactly sure why you put my name in quotes), I don't have anger issues, but if I see bullsh*t, I'll call it as I see it. You took your little digs at the people who were supporting Kevin + apparently you can't take the heat when someone responds with the truth. Whether or not I've tried out for the show (which I haven't) is completely irrelevant to the discussion. And if you think Jordan has done enough to deserve the win this season, it's not me who's pathetic.

  • Steph - 15 years ago

    wow clearly "FREDO" you have some anger issues you need to figure out. It's just a game so relax!! I have the right to root for whoever i want! If you think you know the game so well then how about you go in it but let me guess... you've already tried out every season and they just didn't want you!! YOU'RE PATHETIC

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    Kevin Lovers? He hasn't done anything until the end? Are you kidding me? First, what has Jordan done w/o being coached by Jeff the entire way (even in his absence, since he told her to stick with Michelle after he was gone + she planned to abide)? Secondly, did you happen to forget that Kevin has been playing this game at least as far back as when he won POV + didn't take Lydia off the block (which would have been expected of him, but he thought would be detrimental to his + Lydia's game)? Not to mention the fact that Kevin was greatly responsible for smoothing things over to the point where Lydia could comfortably interact with Chima, Natalie, et al + strengthen the bond between members of that alliance? Team Jordan. Give me a break.

  • Steph - 15 years ago

    ok all you kevin lovers out there... have you forgot how Kevin did NOTHING most of the game until near the end. I'm team Jordan all the way!!!!!!!!

  • Endy - 15 years ago

    I think 1222 people vote for jordan for just cus i want to team jeff/jordan win she is dumb,useless and she is not going to win. She doesnt deserve to win, if she was with jeff from the begining she would have been gone a LONG time ago. IMO Kevin is going to win and deserve to win

  • Fredo - 15 years ago

    lol @ Jordan getting the most votes b/c she's "nice".

    She has done nothing to deserve the half-million this entire game. Kevin should win this.

  • Amy - 15 years ago

    I have hated Natalie from the first day they moved into the bb house!

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    Really? Wow I never would have gussed lol.

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